首页 > 资料专栏 > 经营 > 管理专题 > 计划管理 > 2020年ZZ电子商务虚拟产业园商业计划书DOC



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近几年随着工商登记注册改革制度的实施,地方商事改革、鼓励政策的出 台,税收缴纳所属地政策制度的创新,国家大力推进“大众创业,万众创新” 的方针 ,地方性的扶持政策为商事制度的改革奠定了基础。传统企业正面临着 与互联网相结合的局势,河南电子商务的快速发展,小微企业如雨后春笋般的 崛起,迫切需要一个为他们在发展道路上解决工商、税务、商标、培训、商务 秘书托管等能提供系统的一站式服务的专业机构,ZZ 电子商务虚拟产业园在这 种环境下应运而生,最终实现小微企业“零认缴注册、无实体办公”,它在模 式上的创新重点落脚于工商登记注册和税收缴纳属地管理等制度的创新。 文章从 ZZ 电子商务虚拟产业园的建立初期开始进行分析,涵盖 ZZ 电子商 务虚拟产业园的项目概况,市场竞争中的宏观环境、外部环境、政策环境、市 场环境等。准确把握 ZZ 电子商务虚拟产业园在市场商业环境中的市场定位与营 销策略,对招商和运营进行分析,结合项目实际情况,合理把控和应对产业园 面对的财务、政策、管理、技术风险,制定出符合 ZZ 电子商务虚拟产业发展的 商业计划书。 文章运用调查法、访谈法,引入 SWOT 分析法、4V 营销理论等,理论与实践 相结合。从园区宣传、与其他行业集聚群的合作、校企合作、传统行业转型、 树立品牌、建设分园、承办虚拟科技大学等七个层面剖析,解决实际运营中的政 府绿色通道难以打通、企业诚信监管不够、网站技术壁垒等问题。保障园区在 运营过程中,投入的成本可以在第三年全部收回,投入成本实现一倍以上的回 报率,最终实现可观的经济效益和显著的社会效益。 关键词,虚拟产业园; 电子商务; 网商集群; 商事制度II Abstract In recent years, with the industrial and commercial registration system reform, to encourage local commercial reform, policy innovation, tax payment place policy system, the state vigorously promote public entrepreneurship, innovation policy, local support policies for commercial system reform of the foundation. The traditional enterprises are facing with the situation of Internet, the rapid development of e-commerce in Henan, the rise of Small and micro businesses such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like, an urgent need to solve their industry and commerce, taxation, trademarks, training, business secretary managed in the development of professional institutions to provide one-stop service system etc. ZZ e-commerce Virtual Industrial Park came into being in this environment, the ultimate realization of zero Small and micro businesses subscribed registration, no entity office, it innovation in the mode of innovation of the key lies in the industrial and commercial registration and tax payment system of territorial management. The article analyses from the early establishment of the ZZ e-commerce Virtual Industrial Park, covering the general situation of ZZ e-commerce Virtual Industrial Park project, the macro environment, market competition environment, policy environment and market environment. Accurately grasp the ZZ e-commerce virtual industrial park market positioning in the market in the business environment and marketing strategy of investment and operation analysis, combined with the actual project, the reasonable financial, policy, management, risk control and coping with industrial park, to develop ZZ e-commerce virtual industry development business plan. This article uses the survey method, the interview method, introduces the SWOT analysis method, the 4V marketing theory and so on, the theory and the practice unifies. The analysis from the seven aspects of Park publicity, and other industries cluster cooperation, cooperation, the transformation of traditional industries, establish a brand, construction contractors, and other virtual university of science andIII Technology Park, to solve the Easy Access actual operation is difficult to get through, the integrity of the enterprise network, inadequate supervision station technical barriers and other issues. In the process of operation, the cost of the investment can be recovered in third years, the cost of the investment is more than twice of the rate of return, and ultimately achieve considerable economic benefits and significant social benefits. Key words: Virtual Industrial Park; E-commerce; Network Business; Cluster Commercial SystemIV 目 录 第一章 绪论..............................................1 第一节 研究背景和意义......................................1 一 研究背景 .................................................... 1 二 选题意义 .................................................... 2 第二节 研究方法............................................3 第二章 项目概况..........................................4 第一节 项目背景............................................4 第二节 项目简介............................................5 一 主营服务内容 ................................................ 5 二 主营服务定价 ................................................ 7 第三节 商业模式...........................................10 第四节 战略规划...........................................14 一 虚拟产业园发展规划.......................................... 14 二 虚拟产业园市场规划.......................................... 14 第三章 市场竞争环境分析.................................16 第一节 外部环境分析.......................................16 第二节 内部环境分析.......................................17 第三节 市场环境分析.......................................18 第四节 电子商务虚拟产业园 SWOT 分析........................20 第四章 市场定位与营销策略...............................23 第一节 市场定位...........................................23 一 市场细分 ................................................... 23 二 目标市场 ................................................... 24 三 市场定位 ................................................... 25 第二节 营销策略...........................................26 一 差异化策略 ................................................. 26 二 功能化策略 ................................................. 27V 三 附加价值策略 ............................................... 29 四 共鸣策略 ................................................... 29 第五章 招商及运营分析...................................31 第一节 网站建设...........................................31 第二节 招商分析...........................................32 一 分园的建立 ................................................. 32 二 与学校资源共建分析.......................................... 33 第三节 运营分析...........................................34 一 运营规划 ................................................... 34 二 品牌效应 ................................................... 35 第四节 人员配备...........................................35 第六章 财务分析.........................................38 第一节 总投资估算.........................................38 第二节 业务收入分析.......................................40 第七章 风险分析与对策...................................41 第一节 政府“绿色通道”政策风险分析与对策.................41 第二节 管理风险与对策.....................................41 第三节 技术风险与对策.....................................43