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个人硕士毕业音乐会的举办,对每一个学习表演专业的人来说,都是一件极 具分量的事。所以,对音乐会所倾注的心血也是不言而喻的。在音乐会策化过程 中,无论是从选择作品还是演绎作品都力求题材丰富,突出艺术硕士所应达到的 技术水平和高度。音乐会策划案的目的在于,通过整理作品和流程设计使一场具 有较高专业水平的独唱音乐会得以完美呈现。笔者通过文献检索法、观察研究法、 访谈法和实践研究法四种方法对音乐会的举办进行了深入细致的研究。 本次音乐会的意义主要体现在四个方面, 一、 感谢师恩,回报母校。 二、 汇报学业,展示自我。 三、 演绎“晋风”,传承“晋乐”。 四、 提升自我,汲取建议。 音乐会方案大致分为五大部分 (1)引言(2)理论依据(3)策划思路(4)实践内容 (5)结论 音乐会曲目选择, 中国民族声乐博大精深,尤其是近些年发展极快,为了体现自身的全面演绎 作品的能力,笔者从“地方民歌”、“古诗词”、“创作歌曲”、“歌剧选段”四大方 面,尽可能使音乐会作品内容丰富和全面。 音乐会特点和曲目特点, 由于笔者从小生活在“民歌的海洋”山西,从小深受影响和熏陶,对山西民 歌有着无法割舍的情感,加上自身甜美清亮的音色,非常适合演唱山西民歌。所 以,在地方民歌选择上除了山东和东北民歌有所涉猎以外,绝大部分以山西民歌 为主。除此之外,为了展示自身技术和艺术能力的全面性,还选择了歌剧选段和 古诗词作品。这样,本场音乐会的曲目选择既体现了鲜明的地方特色,也汇报了 积累多年的良好的演唱方法。在展示自身音乐综合素质的同时,使一些地方民歌 得以推广,对非物质文化遗产的继承和发扬起到了一定的辅助作用。 关键词:音乐会策划;民族声乐;曲目风格;山西民歌;意义宗旨Abstract To every master of performance, holding the personal graduating concert is a much important thing. So that, they will pay all their attention to it. During the process of preparing, they try their best to express the height and standard of knowledge that performance master learning. also rich subject is a important side no matter in choosing or playing process. The aim of the concert planning is presenting the high standard professional personal concert by arranging the works and designing the process. The author does the deep research with for ways: literature search; observational study; interviewing method; practice and research. This personal concert has 4 meaning: 1, Expressing our thanks to our teacher, reciprocating for our school. 2,Reporting what we learning, making a show. 3,Performaning the “Jin style”, inheritance “Jin music”. 4,Improving ourselves, getting some wonderful advices. The concert planning including 5 parts: (1) Introduction (2)Academic basis (3)Mentality of plotting (4)Practice (5)Conclusion Selecting of concert songs Chinese national vocal music contains extensive knowledge and profound scholarship, and it develops much fast in recent years. For reflecting the ability in performance of the art, the author rich the concert in for sides: “vocal music”, “ancient poetry”, “creative song”, “song selection”. Features of concert and songs The author born and grows up in Shanxi, it is famous as “sea of folk song”, thanks for this nurture and effecting. The author has deep feeling in this, with the beautiful and sweet tone, is much proper to sing the Shanxi vocal song. also there are still some Shandong and Northeast vocal songs, what’s more, opera selections and ancient poetries are contained to show the overall ability in performance of the author. Then, the song selections of this concert reflects the local music features, reports the great singing ability with experience of many years. During the show of music ability, it also spreads some national vocal music, and plays a important part in inheriting and developing of non-material culture heritage. Key words: concert designing; national vocal music; song style; Shanxi folk songs; significance.目 录 引言1 一、选题缘由…1 二、研究方法…2 第一章 音乐会举办的理论依据 …3 一、哲学方面…3 二、审美方面…3 三、心理方面…4 第二章 音乐会策划思路…5 一、音乐会意义5 二、音乐会节目单…6 三、音乐会主持及流程…8 第三章 音乐会举办的实践方面 …9 一、音乐会伴奏9 二、音乐会演唱及心理调整…9 三、音乐会造型、彩排和环境11 结论13