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房地产业作为我国国民经济发展的支柱产业,对整个国民经济发展具有举 足轻重作用。随着我国经济社会的发展,市民消费水平和购买能力也在稳步增 长,但近几年面对各地持续上升的房价和社会舆论的压力,为了遏制房价上涨 过快,保证房地产市场的合理发展,政府出台了一系列的宏观调控政策,从抑 制需求、增加供给、加强监管等方面进行了全方位的调控。 如今,房地产产品日渐成熟,同质化日益严重以及消费者日益增强的购房 理性化等对房地产业的发展带来了巨大压力。房地产市场的转型、销售商品固 有特性的合理化、科学化成为了企业健康发展的重要条件,房地产营销理所当 然受到房地产开发商的高度重视。但目前许多开发商营销策划的实践历史不长, 房地产市场营销策划还存在许多问题,直接影响了企业本身的发展,制订科学 完善的营销策划已成为决定企业经营成败的关键。在现代市场经济条件下,房 地产企业取胜的关键在于能否为市场提供消费者所需的产品,通过交换实现产 品价值,从而促进企业的不断发展。但目前许多开发商营销策划的实践历史不 长,现在的房地产市场营销策划还存在许多问题,直接影响了企业本身的发展。 因此,营销策略关系到企业经营成败的关键,为了保证企业的快速发展,良好 的营销策略显得尤为重要。 报告结合工作实践,运用所学理论知识,就“清华城35万nf城市综合体” 制订出一份详细的商业计划书。通过对我国宏观经济环境、行业环境、市场供 求等分析,理清我国房地产市场现状、未来发展趋势、清华城的优劣势和机遇 挑战,并据此制订清华城的营销方案,包括目标市场选择、市场定位、营销组 合,为营销方案的实施做出详细策划,通过对项目风险的分析,提出了相应的 风险防控措施。本文深入剖析“清华城华贸中心”项目市场营销的战略制定, 通过公司的内外部分析,进行项目所在区域的市场分析,确定该项目的目标市 场及市场定位,并制定出一套营销组合策略,描写营销战略制定的全过程,旨 在为公司提供清晰的推广节点和销售周期,让公司对项目经营有明确的认识和 判断。 关键词:清华城商业计划书风险防控 I Abstract The real estate industry as a pillar industry of China's national economic development play a decisive role, has the role to the entire national economic development. As China's economic and social development, the consumption level and the ability to buy in a steady growth, but in recent years, all over the face rising house prices and the pressure of public opinion, in order to curb housing prices rose too fast, ensure the reasonable development of the real estate market, the government introduced a series of macro-control policies, from Hie curb demand, increasing supply, strengthen the supervision of omni directional control. Now,the real estate products increasingly mature, increasingly growing homogenization and consumer purchase rationalization for real estate development has brought tremendous pressure. The real estate market transformation, sales of commodities to intrinsic properties of the rational and scientific in order to the healtiiy development of enterprises is the important condition, the real estate marketing grantoi by real estate developers are highly valued. But now many developers marketing planning practice in the history is not long, the real estate marketing planning has many problems, which directly affects the development of the enterprise itself, to formulate a scientific and perfect marketing plan has become the key to business success or failure. Under the condition of modonti market economy, the real estate enterprises to win the key lies in whether the consumer needed to provide products to the market, through the exchange of the realization of product value,so as to promote the continuous development of enterprises. But now many developers marketing planning practice in the history is not long, now real estate marketing planning still exist many problems, which directly affects the development of the enterprise itself. Therefore,relationship marketing strategy to the key to business success, in order to ensure the rapid development of enterprises, a good marketing strategy is particul^ly important. Combining the working practice, using the theory of knowledge, Tsinghua University City 350000 square meters of urban complex work out a detailed II business plan. Through the analysis of China's macroeconomic environment, industry environment, market supply and demand, to clarify the situation, China's real estate market in the future development trend, the advantages and disadvantages of Tsinghua Univo-sity City and the opportunity and the challenge,and accordingly formulate marketing plan Qinghua Town, including the selection of target market, market positioning, marketing mix, make a detailed plan for ttie implementation of the marketing plan and through the analysis of the project risk,put forward the corresponding risk prevention and control measures, this paper dissects Huamao center Tsinghua city - marketing project strategy, through the company's internal and external analysis, analysis of the project area of the market, identifying the target market and market positioning of the project, and works out a set of marketing combination strategy, and finally to the marketing strategy research on China Trade Center Tsinghua University City project,as an example, describes the whole process of marketing strategy formulation,which aims to provide a clear extension node and sales cycle for the company, the company has a clear understanding and judgment of project management. Keywords: Tsinghua University City, a business plan, risk prevention and control, III 目录 第一章绪论 1 第一节研究背景和意义 1 第二节研究思路 2 第三节研究方法和内容 2 第四节研究的创新举措 3 第二章项目概况 4 第一节清华城开发公司概况 4 -项目位置 4 二 ■规模 4 三项目功能 6 第二节项目运营模式 7 第三节融资渠道及退出机制 8 第三章市场分析 9 第一节宏观环境 9 - 9 二人文环境 10 三政法环境 10 第二节行业环境 11 第三节微观环境 12 第四节项目SWOT分析 12 第四章营销方案设计 14 第一节目标市场选择 14 一目标市场选择依据 14 二 S标市场确立 14 IV 第二节市场定位 14 —清华城整体市;雜 14 二清华城分项产品市场定位 17 第三节营销目标 18 -目_贝!1 18 二今年营销目标 18 第四节营销组合 19 第五章项目实施与管理 23 第一节整体开发运营计划与营销推广计划 23 一营销推广阶段计划与执行 23 二营销推广活动组织、渠道建设 25 三营销酬预算 29 第二节销售任务拟定与实施 32 一 销售任务拟定 32 二销售回款计划 33 第三节项目商业部分的招商实施 33 一招商思路与特色 33 二招商工作的实施计划 35 第四节管理机构与人员由备 35 第六章财务分析 37 第一节整体项目成本测算 37 第二节每月现金流表 38 第三节销售收益分析 40 第四节财务评价 41 -财务评价基础数据讓# 41 二财务评价 41 三不确定性分析 42 V 第七章风险与防控 43 第一节预期风险 43 一 MAIt 43 二公司资金风险 43 三人才风险 43 m 44 第二节风险防控措施 44 離 45