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近年来,我国数据中心迅速发展,已成为信息化建设的重要“硬件”支撑,与普通 办公楼相比,其每年的能耗要高出几十倍或上百倍,因此,也被称之为能源消耗的大户。 根据相关调研数据显示,当前数据中心在相关办公建筑中的耗能已经高达 30%-40%。 并且耗能的速度和总量处于一个不断增长的趋势之中,据相关测算结果显示,我国数据 中心总耗能在全国用电中占 1%,已经高达近 370 亿;2015 年,这一数据还是递增,耗 电总量高达 1.5%,总耗电量达到了 700 亿 kWh,因此本商业计划书鉴于上述市场需求并 结合实际项目可行性研究情况,我们决定拟创办鹏信源科技,以满足数据中心节能的要 求,鹏信源科技将运用新的技术降低机房制冷所消耗的电能,建立绿色环保机房,完成 新一代智能气流分配单元 ADU 与 PDM 的产品设计,完成智能精密配电支撑系统研发,在 为数据中心用户降低成本、保障安全运行的同时,也为国家节能减排、电力需求管理等 工作提供技术保障。 本文主要的研究思路:第一章:绪论。主要阐述了报告的研究背景和研究意义,介 绍文章使用的研究方法和实施路径;第二章:项目大致情况介绍,主要包括项目背景、 项目简介、业务模块介绍以及商业模式和战略规划介绍等等;第三章:行业现状阐述, 对市场的需求状况以及市场竞争力分析说明,对项目可能面临的内外部环境进行分析说 明,分析项目实施的可行性;第四章:提出项目的市场定位以及采取的市场营销策略, 确保自身团队的市场竞争优势;第五章:介绍业务发展需要的组织结构,主要包含团队、 组织以及实施员工的人才队伍配置等;第六章:准确的定位和分析了项目本身可能消耗 的成本和获取的收益状况,并据此判定出保守的盈利状况,为项目的可实施创造条件; 第七章:汇总项目运行过程中可能面临的各种风险,并据此提出相应的解决方案,尽可 能避免项目过程中可能产生的损失,确保项目稳定前行。正文论述完最终得出结论证明 该计划书的可行性,并递交给投资商,寻找战略合作者或者风险投资人,从而使企业获 得融资。 关键词:数据中心,局部热点,温度控制II Peng xinyuan technology business plan ABSTRACT In recent years, China's rapid development data center, data center has become an important hardware support for information construction, but also large energy consumption, the annual energy consumption per unit area of ordinary office building of dozens of times on even one hundred times. Research shows that in the office buildings of state organs that have data center. The data center consumes about 30% ~ 40% of the energy consumption of the entire building . The total energy consumption and growth rate of the national data center are not trivial. According to some research, the total power consumption of the national data center in 2014 was about 36.4 billion kWh, accounting for 1% of the total electricity consumption of the whole society. Another study showed that the total electricity consumption of China's data centre reached 70 billion kWh in 2015, accounting for 1 of the total power consumption of the whole society. 5 percent , although the air conditioning efficiency ratio of the air conditioner is improved, the energy consumed is still too high, which has been bothering the operators and users of the machine room. This business plan in view of the above market demand and combined with actual project feasibility study, we decided to establish peng source technology, in order to meet the requirements of data center energy saving in our country, peng source technology will use new technology to reduce engine power consumed by a refrigeration, building green room, completed a new generation of intelligent ADU airflow distribution unit and the appearance of the product data management (PDM) structure design, circuit design, complete product prototype, and complete the prototype intelligent distribution support system, a data center users to reduce cost and guarantee the safe operation at the same time, also for the country's energy conservation and emissions reduction, electric power demand side management to provide technical support. In this paper, the author tries to make the data source and analysis judgment as accurate as possible. In order to achieve this goal, the following principles are adopted: first, the combination of literature data and market research. The second is the combination of theoretical analysis and practical experience. The third is the combination of the overall framework and in-depth analysis.In this paper, the research content and the path include: the first chapter, first through the introduction, this article to do a comprehensive description, at the same time introduces the research background and research significance, as well as theIII overall research methods of this article and path, in order to have a general understanding of the project. The second chapter has carried on the detailed introduction of the project, including the background introduction, project introduction, business, business model, strategic planning, etc., to the project characteristic, structure and competitiveness in all aspects. The third chapter through to the status and characteristics of the industry, market demand, consumer characteristics and competitive has carried on the comprehensive elaboration, analysis the project environment and the impact on pointed out that the development of the project can be implemented in the environment. In the fourth chapter, the market positioning, and matching marketing strategies are put forward in the light of the environment, which makes the market competition advantage. Chapter 5 puts forward the organization structure which can support the normal operation of the business, including the founding team, organization structure and personnel configuration. Chapter vi peng source project in Beijing can produce cost and the benefits of a detailed analysis and forecasting, and made a profitable conclusions can be obtained under a conservative estimate, also shows the rationality and necessity of project implementation. Chapter 7, in the process of project to promote the various risks faced by are summarized, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, to avoid the project risk in the process, to ensure that the project business stability and orderly development. Ultimately, the business plan will be submitted to the investor so that the enterprise or project can be evaluated, the strategic partner or venture capital will be sought, and the financing will be obtained. Keywords: The data center, Local hot spot, Temperature controlIV 目录 中文摘要................................................................ I ABSTRACT ............................................................... II 目录................................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景 .......................................................... 1 1.1.1 国外数据中心能耗研究现状与趋势...............................2 1.1.2 国内数据中心能耗研究现状与趋势...............................2 1.2 研究总结 .......................................................... 4 1.3 研究方法和思路 .................................................... 5 第二章 项目简介 ......................................................... 7 2.1 公司简介 .......................................................... 7 2.2 项目优势 .......................................................... 7 2.1.1 技术优势.....................................................7 2.2.2 人才优势.....................................................8 2.2.3 资源优势.....................................................8 2.3 本章小结 .......................................................... 9 第三章 产品和服务 ...................................................... 10 3.1 商业模式 ......................................................... 10 3.2 主要业务 ......................................................... 12 3.3 主要产品 ......................................................... 12 3.4 本章小结 ......................................................... 15 第四章 市场调查 ........................................................ 16 4.1 行业的现状和特点 ................................................. 16 4.2 市场需求分析 ..................................................... 16 4.3 竞争对手 ......................................................... 17 4.4 竞争优势 ......................................................... 18 4.5 市场开发 ......................................................... 19 4.6 营销策略 ......................................................... 20 4.7 本章小结 ......................................................... 22V 第五章 团队建设 ........................................................ 23 5.1 管理团队 ......................................................... 23 5.2 组织结构及人员配置 ............................................... 23 5.3 本章小结 ......................................................... 26 第六章 建设规划 ........................................................ 27 6.1 里程碑 ........................................................... 27 6.2 绩效评估管理 ..................................................... 28 6.3 组织运营管理 ..................................................... 28 6.4 本章小结 ......................................................... 29 第七章 财务预测 ........................................................ 30 7.1 经营预测 ......................................................... 30 7.2 成本预测 ......................................................... 30 7.3 利润预测 ......................................................... 31 7.4 本章小结 ......................................................... 37 第八章 风险控制 ........................................................ 38 8.1 市场风险与对策 ................................................... 38 8.2 财务风险与对策 ................................................... 38 8.3 管理风险与对策 ................................................... 39 8.4 经营风险与对策 ................................................... 41 8.4.1 资金保障....................................................42 8.4.2 组织保障....................................................42 8.4.3 平台保障....................................................42 8.5 本章小结 ......................................................... 43 结论................................................................... 44