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亿坛科技有限公司(Etennis.me)是一家专业从事网球运动产品销售和专业服务的 互联网公司,在中国网球运动快速的发展的大趋势之下,将致力于成为国内从事网球产 品销售、维保、场地、教学、赛事组织、运动推广等一站式服务的高科技互联网公司, 公司运用线上平台,线下活动的 O2O 模式,打通网球运动参与过程中的各类障碍,解决 消费者真正关心的痛点问题,让网球运动的参与者真正喜爱和理解这项起源于西方的贵 族运动。 目前网球运动收费不菲,利润较高,参与者兴趣浓厚,随着中国网球运动员捷报频 传,国内消费者的参与热情更是空前高涨。就市场容量,仅从调查的上海市场来看,上 海经常打网球的人(每半月一次以上)在 100 万左右,而经常打网球的人每年的消费在 5000 元以上,因此仅以经常打网球的人来估算,上海市场的保守市场容量为 50 亿元, 而作为网球传统强市的南京,市场容量也达到了惊人的 30 亿元,保守估计,仅江浙沪 三个地方的市场已经可以达到 400 亿元以上的市场容量,而在这个市场中并没有一家专 业从事这项运动的垂直网站来提供一站式服务。 亿坛科技可以提供的服务包括网球器材(含拍、球、衣服、鞋等)的出售及维护保 养(含售前技术指导),高水平教练员提供的培训服务,赛事组织(含业余爱好者和五 百强等企业的网球赛事),会员互动,信息发布等服务,所有模块融合在一个平台上, 作为网球运动的一站式服务网站,在所有从事这项运动的爱好者心目中,树立专业的品 牌形象。 公司的销售计划分为三个模块,一是通过整合高性价比的优质器材、售前技术支 持、售后维修保养、以旧换新、会员互动交流、公益活动等方式,推动网球运动器材的 销售,二是提供高水平教练员的教学培训、陪练服务等,三是进行 2B 和 2C 模式的业余 赛事组织,通过广告、服务或是政府补贴作为销售和利润来源。前期主要通过互联网平 台的搭建和供应链的建立和管理,促进网上器材的销售来实现盈亏平衡,通过教练的教 学服务来布点和整合,扩大规模和行业影响力,通过赛事组织推广品牌和网球运动,促 进前两项的业务,在发展过程中不断优化组织,降低运营和产品的成本,扩大销售规模, 实现利润的稳步提升。 联合创始人为四人,包括章志暹(日泰标准件有限公司总经理,有较为广泛的政府 资源和十五年的企业运营经验,视野较广,负责公司的战略和政府合作);刘向东(申 旭体育用品有限公司总经理,从事网球用品销售和网球培训 10 年,有网球领域内的渠 道和教练员资源,负责产品供应链管理和教练培训事业部);曹子华(熙达食品有限公II 司总经理, 参与网球运动五年,有网络管理及微信运营经验,负责公司日常运营,组 织架构及市场开拓、品牌宣传及公关);高延超(注册会计师,四年安永会计事务所从 业经验,负责财务)。 上线后第一年的成本预计达到 820 万元,器材销售预计 500 万元,维保非盈利,教 练培训盈利 400 万元,赛事组织盈利 100 万元,广告收入 120 万元,除去各类成本,第 一年总体可以保持不亏损,甚至盈利 200 万元。第二年扩大规模,引进更多人才(多为 体育院校的网球专业人才、专业队伍的退役网球运动员和运营管理人才),搭建规范的 组织,适应业务发展实现 300 万元的盈利。第三年,实现 500 万元左右净利,员工人数 突破 100。第四年稳定发展,实现 1000 万元到 2000 万元的盈利,销售额过亿元,引入 资本,实现快速扩张,范围限于华东华北华南地区。后面根据具体公司运营的状况和资 本的要求,制定发展规划,实现公司价值的同时,推动网球运动往中西部发展,并在合 适的时候上市融资。 关键词:网球运动、商业模式、创新与创业III Business Plan of Etennis.me Technology Company Abstract Etennis.me is an online professional company that focuses on the sales and services of tennis products. Along with the rapid development of tennis sports in China, our company is devoting ourselves to a high-tech online company that engages in domestic sales, repairing and maintenance, providing space, training, organizing activities, promoting sports and other one-stop services Our company integrates the online platform with the offline activities, the so-called O2O business model, so as to clean the various types of obstacles in participating tennis activities and to solve the pain point problem of our customers. Thus, the participants can really enjoy and understand this noble sport that originates in the West. Currently, tennis sports charges a lot with high profits. And the participants keep keen interest. With the Chinese tennis player news of success, the enthusiasm for domestic consumers is unprecedented. Regarding with the Shanghai market capacity, we have an investigation that the population of local people who regularly play tennis above once every half month is around 1 million, while the annual consumption of local people who often play tennis is above 5,000 Yuan per person. Therefore, we can estimate that the conservative market capacity Shanghai market is 5 billion Yuan. By contrast, the market capacity in the city Nanjing with a strong tennis tradition has reached a staggering 3 billion Yuan. With a conservative estimation, the market capacity in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai city has reached above 40 billion. However, in this market, there is no such a professional vertical-website that can provide one-stop services. Etennis can provide services consisting of tennis equipment (including bats, balls, clothes, shoes, etc.) sales and maintenance (including pre-sales technical guidance), training services from high-level coaches, event organization (including the tennis tournaments for amateurs as well as the Global 500), member interaction, information distribution and other services. All modules can be integrated on a single platform. As a one-stop-service tennis website, we are aiming for establishing professional branding image for the sports lovers. The company's sales program is divided into three modules: 1) we can promote tennis equipment sales through the integration of cost-effective high-quality equipments, pre-sales technical support and after-sales maintenance, trade-in services, member interaction, charityIV events, etc.; 2) we can provide high-level-coach teaching training and sparring services; 3) we can organize the amateur event through carried 2B and 2C models, so that advertising, service, or government subsidies can be the source of sales and profits. In the early stage, we can promote online equipment sales to achieve breakeven through the establishment of the Internet platform as well as the supply chain establishment and management. Besides, we can also expand our business scale as well as the industrial influence by coach teaching services for distribution and integration. Moreover, we can also promote the development of the previous two sales programs by our branding and tennis sports. In the development process, we can optimize the organization's operations and products to reduce costs, increase sales volume, and achieve steady improvement in profits. We have four cofounders, including Zhixian Zhang (Ritai Standard Parts Co., Ltd., general manager with more extensive government resources , fifteen years of experience in corporate operations and a wider field of vision. He is in charge of the company's strategy and government cooperation) ; Xiangdong Liu ( Shenxu Sports Goods Co., Ltd. , general manager with 10 years experience of engaging in the sales and tennis training, as well as tennis channels and coach resources. He is in charge of supply chain management and Coaching Division); Zihua Cao (Xida food Co., Ltd., general manager who has participated in tennis for 5 years, and has experiences of network management and wechat operations. He is in charge of daily operations, organizational structure and marketing exploration, branding promotion and public relations). Yanchao Gao (Certified Public Accountant, excellent accountant with 4 years working experience in Eenst&Young). The cost of first year after our platform online is expected to reach 8.2 million. The sales revenue of the equipment is expected to be 5 million. In the first year, The repair and maintenance is not profitable, while the coaching earnings can reach to around 4 million, and the event organization earnings is around 4 million. There is also advertising revenue about 1.2 million. Regardless the platform establishment and promotion, the overall business in the first year can be maintained at no loss, even get 2 million profit. In the second year, we can expand the business scale and bring in more talent (mostly sports colleges tennis professionals, retired professional tennis player and team operations management personnel), build standardized organizational structure so as to adapt to business development to achieve the estimated profitability 3 million. In the third year, we will achieve net income of about fiveV million and the number of employees will be more than one hundred. In the fourth year of the stable development, we are expecting the net income of 10 to 20 million and the gross sales of above 100 million, We will bring in more capital, achieve rapid expansion with the scope limited to North China, East China and South China . According to the specific situation requirements of the company's operations and capital development, we can make plans to achieve the value of the company as well as to promote the development of tennis to the Midwest and to consider public financing at the right time. Key words: Tennis sports, Business Model, Innovation and EntrepreneurshipVI 目 录 摘要.....I Abstract III 第一章 绪论........1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 ... 1 1.2 研究方法与路径 ....... 4 第二章 项目介绍....6 2.1 公司简介 .... 6 2.2 业务简介 .... 6 2.2.1 器材销售 ........ 6 2.2.2 高水平教练员的教学培训服务 ....... 8 2.2.3 to B 和 to C 创新模式的业余赛事组织 ........ 8 2.2.4 信息发布 ....... 9 2.3 产品(服务)简介 ..... 9 2.4 项目优势 ... 10 2.4.1 产品优势 ...... 10 2.4.2 服务优势 ...... 11 2.4.3 人才优势 ...... 11 2.4.4 形象优势 ...... 12 2.5 企业愿景与商业模式 .. 12 2.5.1 企业愿景和使命 12 2.5.2 核心能力 ...... 12 2.5.3 市场定位 ...... 12 2.5.4 市场途径 ...... 13 2.5.5 商业模型 ...... 13 2.6 本章小结 ... 15 第三章 市场分析...16 3.1 网球行业的现状和特点 16 3.2 网球市场需求分析 .... 17 3.2.1 需求特征分析 .. 17 3.2.2 产品需求分析 .. 18 3.2.3 价格需求分析 .. 18 3.2.4 渠道需求分析 .. 19VII 3.2.5 购买需求分析 .. 19 3.3 消费者分析 . 19 3.3.1 需求特征分析 .. 19 3.3.2 消费者偏好分析 20 3.4 项目竞争性分析 ...... 21 3.5 本章小结 ... 25 第四章 营销策略...26 4.1 市场定位 ... 26 4.2 营销策略 ... 26 4.2.1 广告策略 ...... 26 4.2.2 公共关系策略 .. 27 4.2.3 产品推广策略 .. 28 4.2.4 会员推广策略 .. 29 4.2.5 产品销售策略 .. 29 4.3 本章小结 ... 30 第五章 组织运营...32 5.1 管理团队 ... 32 5.2 组织结构及人员配置 .. 34 5.3 组织绩效评估 ........ 35 5.4 组织运营管理 ........ 35 5.5 本章小结 ... 37 第六章 财务计划...38 6.1 经营预测 ... 38 6.2 成本预测 ... 39 6.3 利润预测 ... 40 6.4 本章小结 ... 44 第七章 风险分析...45 7.1 市场风险与对策 ...... 45 7.2 财务风险和对策 ...... 45 7.3 管理风险及对策 ...... 46 7.4 经营风险和对策 ...... 47 7.5 本章小结 ... 47 结论.....49