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在人力资源成为企业竞争力的今天,如何激发员工的热情和创造力,是每 个公司都重视的问题。其答案就是要了解员工的需求,并根据公司现有资源的 基础上,建立一套完善的激励体系。在市场经济条件下,国有企业也在逐步走 向市场化,其“大锅饭”的优势巳经不再,取而代之是同行间的激烈竞争,而 它们之间的竞争归根到底就是人才的竞争,作为直观反映人才价值的薪酬,是 这种争夺战中最重要的因素之一。人才流失最主要的原因之一就是企业的薪酬 缺乏市场竞争力。所以,对企业现有的薪酬战略和制度进行明晰和审视,对薪 酬体系进行调整和完善,使薪酬的激励性进一步增强,就显得十分迫切。 论文以本人所服务的国有企业为研究对象,针对公司现有的薪酬激励方案, 利用相关工具进行分析并提出相应的改进措施。论文首先对内容型激励理论、 过程型激励理论、行为改造型激励理论和相关文献进行概述,并以此为基础, 综合运用问卷调查法、二手数据法和访谈法等多种定量和定性方法,围绕YC集 团公司组织架构和人员构成、薪酬制度、员工满意度等方面进行调研,找出公 司现有薪酬体系存在的四大问题:薪酬结构不合理、岗位工资激励效果不明显、 缺乏科学的绩效考核制度、关键性岗位员工收入缺乏竞争力。然后根据对现存 问题的原因分析,提出相应的改进方案,包括科学合理的薪酬体系、进一步完 善岗位工资为主的月标准工资体系、改进绩效考核体系、非货币薪酬激励因素 的优化等,最终提出相应的保障措施,包括高层领导参与和支持、推行全员竞 争上岗、规范制度建设三大方面。本文希望通过薪酬激励方案的再设计和优化, 能够最大限度和最有效地激励YC集团公司员工,提升员工对企业满意度,同时 对其他同行企业也有所借鉴和裨益。 关键词:国有金融企业,薪酬体系,激励,人力资源管理 MBA学位论文 作者:梁菀珊 YC集团公司薪酬激励方案研究 ABSTRACT Today, human resources become competitive, how to stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity, attaches every company's great importance. The answer is to understand the needs of employees, and according to the company's existing resources on the basis of the establishment of a comprehensive incentive system. In a market economy,state-owned enterprises are gradually moving towards market-oriented,the iron rice bowl advantage is no longer, replaced by intense competition among peers, and competition between them in the final analysis is the talent competition, as a visual reflection of talent remuneration value of this battle is one of the most important factors. One of the major causes of brain drain is the company's remuneration lack of market competitiveness. Therefore,the business strategy and the existing salary system be clear and review of the compensation system to adjust md improve, so that further enhance the incentive pay, it is very urgent. This paper regards the SOEs I serve as the research object, to analyze and improve the remuneration for the company's existing incentive programs with the use of relative tools. Firstly, the content-type incentive theory, the process of driving theory, incentive theory and behavior reformed are overviewed as the relevant literature, and on this basis, the integrated use of a variety of quantitative and qualitative metiiods questionnaires, secondary data and interviews, etc. During the research on the organizational structure and personnel composition, remuneration system and other aspects of employee satisfaction in YC Group companies,we identify four major problems that exist in the company's existing remuneration system: salary structure is irrational,post salary incentive effect is not obvious, the lack of scientific performance appraisal system,and die key staff positions income uncompetitive. Then based on the analysis of the causes of the existing problems, this paper proposes appropriate improvements programs, including scientific and re^onable compensation system^ to further improve the standard monthly wage jobs based wage system, improving performance appraisal system,optimization of non-monetary factors incentive payment. Finaly, it raises thress appropriate safeguard measures, which include senior leadership involvement and support, implementation of full competition,and improvement of regulation construction. Hiis paper aims to re-design and optimize incentive compensation programs, and to maximize the YC group most II MBA学位论文 作者:梁菀珊 YC集团公司薪酬激励方案研究 effectively motivate employees, improve employee satisfaction with the enterprise, while other peer companies gain benefits. Key words: State-owned financial enterprises5the pay system,incentive,human resource management III MBA学位论文 作者:梁菀珊 YC集团公司薪酬激励方案研究 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究的背景与意义 1 (二)研究内容和方法 2 (三)研究思路和框架 2 二、相关理论概述 5 (一)激励的概念 5 (二)激励的目的 6 (三)激励的作用 6 (四)激励理论回顾 7 (五)薪酬的基本概念及功能 12 三、YC集团公司薪酬激励方案存在的问题 16 (一)YC集团公司基本情况介绍 16 (二)YC集团公司现有的薪酬体系的激励机制 19 (三)YC集团公司员工满意度调查问卷 21 (四)YC集团公司薪酬激励方案存在的问题及其原因分析 27 四、YC集团公司薪酬激励方案优化设计 32 (一)薪酬激励方案方案设计的目标和原则 32 (二)公司薪酬激励方案整体框架及设计思路 34 (三)公司薪酬激励方案优化设计 34 五、薪酬激励方案实施的保障措施 41 (一)优化方案实施前的准备工作 41 (二)优化方案实施的保障措施 41 六、结论 45 (一)主要结论 45 (二)进一步需要研究的问题 45