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摘要 当今社会,一个崭新的概念——知识经济,逐步在全球范围内流行起来。在 工业社会时代,资金、厂房、设备是战略资源;在信息社会时代,信息、知识 和创新能力成为战略资源,而人则是掌握并开发这些战略资源的最关键因素; 在知识经济时代,企业间竞争已经上升到对关键人才的争夺上。从根本上讲, 企业间的竞争归根到底是争夺人才的斗争。伴随着社会的不断进步,人才已经 成为企业发展的重要战略资源。在争夺关键人才,同时留住本企业精英团队的 过程中,企业的薪酬竞争力将起到举足轻重的作用。对于一个企业来说,其薪 酬管理体系是企业人力资源管理中的重要有机组成部分,是提高企业组织凝聚 力的重要方法之一。在现代企业管理中要想提高企业的核心竞争力,就必须要 建立合理的人才管理结构,也就是要建立科学的薪酬管理体系。 本文运用前沿的薪酬管理理论,以笔者所供职的RT公司为研究对象进行薪 酬设计实战,为其量身定制了一套崭新的薪酬体系。首先,进行了前期的资料 的收集、整理、分析工作,然后进行全面的企业人力资源诊断,对RT公司的人 力资源和薪酬体系现状进行详细的剖析,找出其现行薪酬制度存在的问题。然 后,从RT公司的企业战略目标与使命出发,确定了薪酬设计思路与原则,并针 对公司当前的发展战略敲定了 RT公司的薪酬策略,随后通过各种手段对本地区 规模相当的同行业企业进行薪酬调查,接着运用国际上通用的海氏(Hay Group) 三要素评估法,对公司的每个岗位进行了科学的岗位评价与薪酬职等职级的划 分,然后分别从高级管理人员、中层管理人员、营销人员及工勤人员四个方面 重构了薪酬的结构和分发标准,又通过讨论分析制定出适合本公司特点的自助 餐式高弹性福利制度,最后从组织和培训上对本次薪酬方案的推行实施拟定了 保障措施。我们希望通过本次RT公司薪酬方案的设计和实施,达到吸引并留住 高素质人才、激励组织内部员工、构建本企业核心竞争力的目的。 关建词:薪酬设计岗位评估海氏职务评价法 Abstract Abstract Nowdays, the knowledge economy which is a new concept has gradually popped up throughout the world. In the industrial society, fund, the workshop, the equipment are strategic resources; In the era of information society, informations, knowledges and innovation abilities hane become the strategic resources, and the people is the most critical factors on mastering and the developing of these of strategic resources. In the era of knowledge economy, the competition between enterprises has risen to the competition of the key talent.Fundamentally, the competition between enterprises is based of the battle of talents.With the constant forward development of society3talents have become the important strategic resources of enterprise development. In the course of the competition for key talent and keep the enterprise elite team, the competitive salary of enterprise will play a pivotal role.the enterprise salary management system is the enterprise human resources management of important organic part, Overall, the enterprise salary management system is the important organic part of the management of enterprise human resources,and is the important ways of improving the enterprise organization cohesive force . In the modern enterprise management ,if you want to improving the core competitiveness of the enterprise, you should establish the reasonable talent management structure, and in other word,you should establish a scientific salary management system. In this paper, the front of the salary management theory, the author place for RT corporate as the research object to pay design actual combat, the tailored for a set of new salary system. First of all, for the material of collecting, sorting, analysis, and then carries on the comprehensive enterprise human resources diagnosis, the RT of the corporate hr and salary system present situation of detailed analysis, find out the problems existing in the current salary system. Then, according to the corporate enterprise strategic target RT and mission, set up a compensation committee, and according to the actual situation of the corporate RT determine the salary design ideas and principles, and for the company's current business strategy set RT corporate Abstract salary strategy, then through various means this area size industry enterprise salary survey, then apply common international Hay Group, the company's every post a scientific post evaluation and pay grade rank of the region, and then separately from the senior management personnel, middle managers, marketing personnel and those logistics personnel to reconstruct the four aspects of the salary structure and distribution standard, and through the discussion analysis to set up a suitable for the characteristics of high elasticity of the buffet welfare system, finally from the communication and feedback mechanism and organization and training for the compensation scheme on the implementation of the implementation provided protection. We hope that through the RT corporate scheme design and implementation of the salary, to attract and retain the high quality talent, incentive organization construction internal employees, the purpose of the enterprise core competitive ability. Key Words: Compensation design Job evaluation Hay Group model III 目录目录 目录目录 1職 1 1.1研究的背景 1 1.2研究的意义 2 1.3研究的主要内容 3 2 RT公司人力资源现状及分析 5 2.1 飼概况 5 2.2 RT公司发展战略 5 2.3 RT公司人力资源SWOT分析 5 2.4公司的组织结构 6 2.5公司人力资源的数据特征 7 2.6公聰酬体系现状 11 2.7公司当前薪酬制度问题分析 11 2.8公司薪酬体系存在问题的根源分析 15 3 RT公司薪酬体系设计 18 3.1设计思路与原则 18 3.2薪酬体^设计流程 19 3.3 薪酬策略 20 3.4工作分析与岗位价值评估 23 3.5 薪酬職 37 3.6确定薪酬等级和等级标准 39 3.7薪酬g构设计 41 3.8福利方案设计 45 3.9薪酬的调整 46 4薪酬方案的评价与实施管理 48 4.1 薪酬方案冊价 48 4.2薪酬方案的实施保障