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现阶段我国城镇化进程稳步推进,农村宅基地的资产性质渐显,但国家为维护 农村社会稳定,制定的相关法律政策关注重点在于农民福利有无充分保障,不准宅 基地在集体经济组织外部流转,这导致宅基地这种重要土地财产的资本功能难以体 现。随着十三五规划的全面开展,这种制度的弊端愈加明显:一方面,虽然立法者 初衷是借此保障农民的权益,但法律并未赋予农民宅基地的全部权能。因为宅基地 使用权被禁止自由流转,农民想实现宅基地经济价值时受限颇多,很多宅基地和房 屋都被闲置无法顺利变现,这不仅无法保障农民的利益,而且浪费土地。另一方面, 确有建房需要的农民难以申请取得新的宅基地,部分已迁居城市的农民不愿无偿退 出宅基地,多重外因致使有些人铤而走险,选择私下交易宅基地。这些流转客观存 在且交易需要保护,但纵观现行制度规范,目前并没有专门规定正确引导,这也反 映出宅基地使用权流转法律制度亟待完善。 本文在梳理国内文献研究成果的基础上,以中国城镇化进程快速推进、大量农 民进城务工并落户城镇为背景,梳理农村宅基地使用权的相关法律沿革和立法现状, 再选取孝感市高河村这个鄂豫边界地区小山村为调研对象,探讨宅基地使用权的流 转方式与现状,介绍宅基地使用权的立法不足和现实流转的困境。接下来本文从农 村宅基地使用权流转的现实必要性和社会风险性这两个维度分别展开:在现实必要 性维度,宅基地流转不仅在立法层面存在可期待性,在现实生活也有迫切需求;在 社会风险性维度,本文逐一探讨宅基地使用权流转可能会产生一系列社会风险后, 认为有些风险的症结点并非前述,而且这些风险即使真的出现,国家也完全有能力 加以控制。最后整合全文论据,得出宅基地使用权流转可行的结论,并就宅基地使 用权流转问题提出立法建议,以期对相关研究探讨提供经验借鉴。 关键词:宅基地使用权 流转 可行性华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract Steadily at the present stage of China's urbanization process, taking the nature of assets of rural homestead, but the country to maintain social stability in rural areas, the relevant legal policy focuses on the welfare of the peasants have no guarantee, no homestead in the collective economic organization of the external circulation, which leads to the important Homestead land property is difficult to reflect the function of capital. With the 13th Five-Year plan to carry out a comprehensive, more obvious drawbacks of this system: on the one hand, while the legislation intention is to protect the interests of farmers, but all power law does not give farmers homestead. Because the land use right is prohibited free circulation of farmers to achieve the homestead economical value limitations, a lot of land and houses were not idle smooth realization, which not only can protect the interests of farmers, but also a waste of land. On the other hand, there is need for farmers to apply for building new homestead, part of the city has been moved to free the farmers do not want to withdraw from the homestead, multiple factors causing some people rush into danger, choose private land transactions. These transactions exist objectively and the transaction needs to be protected, but there is no specific guidance on the correct guidance from the current institutional norms, which reflects the urgent need to improve the legal system of the transfer of the right to use the homestead. Based on the analysis of domestic literature on the research results, the rapid advance of the urbanization process, to China a large number of migrant workers in cities and towns in the background, legal history and legislative status of the right to use combing the rural homestead, then select the Xiaogan city high village of Hubei Henan border area village as the research object, to explore the homestead the right to use the circulation mode and current situation, the homestead right of use legislation and practical transfer dilemma. This paper from the transfer of the use right of rural homestead necessity and social risk of the two dimensions: in the necessary dimensions, homestead circulation not only exists in the legislative level can be expected, in real life there are urgent needs; in the social risk dimension, this paper discusses the homestead use right transfer may produce a series of social risk, the risk that some node is not mentioned, but these risks even if there is, the country also has the ability to control. Finally, the thesis integrates the argument of the full text, draws the conclusion that the right of use of residence base is华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III feasible, and puts forward some legislative suggestions on the transfer of the right to use the homestead, so as to provide experience for the relevant research. Key words: Right to use rural residential land, Transfer, Feasibility华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV 目 录 摘要...............................................................................................................I Abstract ............................................................................................................II 导 论 (一)研究背景...............................................................................................1 (二)研究目的与意义 ..................................................................................2 (三)研究综述...............................................................................................3 (四)研究思路与方法 ..................................................................................6 (五)报告的重点、难点与创新点 ..............................................................8 (六)相关概念和理论基础 ..........................................................................8 一 农村宅基地使用权的立法演变 (一)历史沿革.............................................................................................11 (二)立法现状.............................................................................................16 二 农村宅基地使用权的流转现状 (一)宅基地有偿交易盛行 ........................................................................20 (二)宅基地无偿交易暗存 ........................................................................22 (三)宅基地闲置严重 ................................................................................22 (四)宅基地退出较难 ................................................................................24 三 农村宅基地流转的风险可控性分析 (一)耕地大量破坏的风险可控 ................................................................25 (二)流民批量出现的风险可控 ................................................................26 (三)城镇居民下乡购房的风险可控 ........................................................29华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 V 四 宅基地使用权流转的立法建议 (一)明确宅基地使用权的法律特征........................................................32 (二)规范宅基地使用权流转市场 ............................................................32 (三)加强宅基地规划管理 ........................................................................34 (四)建设农村住宅保障体系 ....................................................................35 结 论.............................................................................................................36 致 谢.............................................................................................................37