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改革开放以来,随着我国经济的快速增长,城市化建设步伐明显加快,城市居 民对生活质量和环境质量的要求也不断提高,公共基础设施作为城市社会经济活动 载体日益受到人们的重视。如果公共基础设施建设滞后,会制约城市化的发展,同 时城市经济的发展也必然会带动公共基础设施的建设,因此建立城市基本设备和公 共服务配套设施,是打造人民高品质生活环境,推动当地经济快速前进的必然手段。 公共基础设施类项目的建设资金需求大、建设期长、风险大,不仅有公益性还有社 会性的特征,所以可行性研究是项目进行前期尤为重要的环节,是项目单位进行建 设决策前期工作的重要科学依据。 本文以广西某县城投公司准备进行建设的 R 综合管廊建设项目为例,对项目建 设开展可行性研究,该项目是公共基础设施项目之一。本文包括以下几部分内容, 第一章为绪论,主要是研究背景和意义、国内外文献综述以及研究框架;第二章是 项目建设的可行性理论和主要评价方法介绍;第三章简单介绍了城投公司的背景及 经济情况;第四章讲述了项目建设背景及必要性;第五章是文章的重点,着重从投 资估算与资金筹措、经济效益评价、社会效益分析、环境效益分析等方面来展开对 项目建设的可行性研究;第六章是风险分析,主要包括融资风险、财务风险等,找 出影响该项目可行性的相关因素,对潜在的风险有针对性的提出建议;第七章基于 以上的分析结果,最后对该项目的可行性作出结论。 关键词,R 综合管廊建设;项目可行性;社会效益分析;经济效益分析;风险分 析 报告类型,案例分析II Abstract Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid growth of our country's economy, the pace of urbanization has obviously accelerated. the requirements of urban residents on the quality of life and environmental quality have also been continuously improved. public infrastructure, as a carrier of urban social and economic activities, has increasingly attracted people's attention.If the construction of public infrastructure lags behind, it will restrict the development of urbanization. at the same time, the development of urban economy will inevitably lead to the construction of public infrastructure. therefore, the establishment of basic urban equipment and public service facilities is an inevitable means to create a high-quality living environment for the people and to promote the rapid progress of local economy.The public infrastructure projects have large demand for construction funds, long construction period and high risk. they not only have the characteristics of commonweal but also sociality. therefore, the feasibility study is a particularly important link in the early stage of the project and an important scientific basis for the project units to make investment decisions in the early stage. Taking the R utility tunnel construction project to be built by a county investment company in Guangxi as an example, this paper conducts a feasibility study on the project construction, which is one of the public infrastructure projects.This article includes the following parts:the first chapter is the introduction, mainly including the research background and significance, domestic and foreign literature review and research framework;The second chapter introduces the feasibility theory and main evaluation methods of the project construction.The third chapter briefly introduces the background and economic situation of the city investment company.The fourth chapter tells the background and necessity of the project construction.The fifth chapter studies the feasibility of the project construction from the aspects of investment estimation and fund raising, economic benefit evaluation, social benefit analysis,technical analysis, environmental benefit analysis, etc.The sixth chapter is risk analysis, finding out the relevant factors that affect the feasibility of the project, and making targeted suggestions on the potential risks. Chapter 7 draws a conclusion on the feasibility of the project based on the above analysis results.III benefits; Economic benefit analysis; Risk analysis Type of thesis: Case Analysis Key words: R construction of utility tunnel; Project feasibility; Analysis of social目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第 1 章 绪论 ...1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ......1 1.1.1 研究背景........ 1 1.1.2 研究目的及意义.. 2 1.2 项目可行性相关研究综述 .......2 1.2.1 国外研究综述.... 2 1.2.2 国内研究综述.... 4 1.3 研究框架、主要内容、研究方法和研究路线 6 1.3.1 研究框架与内容.. 6 1.3.2 研究方法........ 6 1.3.3 研究路线........ 7 1.4 创新与不足 .7 第 2 章 项目可行性研究的基本理论 ..9 2.1 项目可行性理论的概念 9 2.2 项目可行性研究的内容 ........10 2.3 主要运用的评价方法 .12 2.3.1 静态评价指标体系........ 12 2.3.2 动态评价指标体系........ 12 第 3 章 城投公司简介 ...14 3.1 城投公司的介绍 .....14 3.2 城投公司的经济情况 .16 3.2.1 公司的资产负债情况...... 16 3.2.2 公司盈利状况... 183.2.3 公司现金流状况. 19 第 4 章 项目简介 .......21 4.1 项目建设背景 .......21 4.2 项目建设的必要性 ...22 4.2.1 该县城市基础设施建设的现状....... 22 4.2.2 存在的问题及解决方法.... 24 4.2.3 R 综合管廊建设的必要性.. 24 第 5 章 项目的可行性分析 ........27 5.1 项目的投资估算及资金筹措 ....27 5.1.1 项目总体预算... 28 5.1.2 项目融资模式的选择...... 30 5.1.3 项目一期融资方案........ 32 5.2 项目经济效益分析与评价 ......36 5.2.1 项目营业收入预测........ 37 5.2.2 成本费用预测... 39 5.2.3 折旧费预测..... 39 5.2.4 营业税金及附加费估算.... 40 5.2.5 经济效益评价... 42 5.2.6 项目敏感性分析. 45 5.3 间接经济效益分析 ...46 5.4 环境效益分析 .......47 5.5 社会效益分析 .......48 5.6 技术分析 ..49 第 6 章 项目风险分析 ...50 6.1 融资风险分析 .......50 6.2 财务风险分析 .......51 6.3 管理风险分析 .......51 6.4 运营风险分析 .......516.5 其他风险 ..52 第 7 章 结论 ...53