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为落实习近平总书记关于东西扶贫协作和对口支援重要指示,支持和促进邓 小平同志故乡发展,深圳市委派特区建发集团承担深圳、广安两地合作共建工作。 2016 年 9 月,两市正式签订合作共建广安(深圳)产业园协议,园区位于广安 市,总体规划面积约 15 平方公里,同时成立合资公司深广公司负责园区的开发、 建设、招商和运营。园区成立 2 年多以来由于信息基础设施建设薄弱,高新技术 应用少,缺乏系统性的资源有效利用机制,导致园区缺乏综合化服务管理体系, 以上问题严重阻碍了园区的可持续发展。通过构建智慧化服务管理方案解决园区 目前面对的问题,为园区未来可持续发展奠定良好基础,是论文的研究问题。 论文以上述研究问题的分析与解决为研究导向,在研究中综合运用了文献分 析法、个案研究法、田野调查法和定性归纳法。其中,文献分析通过对国内外园 区服务管理的理论研究梳理奠定论文的理论指导,通过田野调查法收集客观丰富 的研究资料为开展个案研究提供要素支撑,运用定性分析法归纳讨论得出对研究 对象的分析结论。 论文首先阐述了智慧园区服务管理的理论和实践,同时结合国内外著名智慧 园区实践案例,对智慧化服务管理的核心要素进行了分析总结;其次围绕深广公 司面临的内外部环境及能力分析,研究了智慧化服务管理的必要性及可行性;再 次通过实地调研明确了园区多个利益方对智慧化服务管理的明确需求,通过思考 查究为广安(深圳)产业园构建了“一个平台一套系统两大模块”的智慧化服务 管理方案,即一个云计算服务平台、一套基于云计算管理体系的运营支撑系统、 园区综合管理模块和园区企业服务模块;最后从该方案的实施计划和关键点控制 角度出发,制定了方案实施的保障策略。 对广安(深圳)产业园有针对性地构建智慧化服务管理方案,不仅提升了园 区招商能力弱、产业服务资源整合能力差、组织管控能力欠缺等短板,实现园区 的高效管理和优质服务,同时对国内其他传统园区的智慧化发展和转型升级提供 一定的应用指导借鉴。 关键词:深广公司,区域合作,智慧园区,智慧化服务管理II RESEARCH ON INTELLIGENT SERVICE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF GUANGAN (SHENZHEN) INDUSTRIAL PARK IN SHENGUANG COMPANY Abstract To implement president Xi’s important instructions on poverty alleviation cooperation and counterpart support as well as to promote the development of Deng Xiaoping’s hometown, Shenzhen Municipality appointed Shenzhen SEZ Construction and Development Group Co., Ltd. to undertake the joint construction between Shenzhen and Guang'an. An agreement on building the Guang'an (Shenzhen) Industrial Park was officially signed by these two governments in Sep 2016. The total planned area is about 15 square kilometers and a joint venture company named Sichuan Shenguang Cooperative Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd. was found to charge the development, construction, investment and operation of the park. Due to the weak information infrastructure construction, low application of high technologies, and the lack of systematic resource utilization mechanism, the park lacks a comprehensive service management system. All these factors have seriously hindered the sustainable development of the park for more than 2 years since its establishment. It is the research issue of this paper to solve the current problems and lay a good foundation for the sustainable development of the park by constructing intelligent service management solutions. The paper takes the analysis and solution of the above questions as research orientation, and comprehensively uses literature analysis case study, field investigation and qualitative induction methods. Firstly, literature analysis lays the theoretical guidance by combing the theoretical research on service management of parks at home and abroad. Secondly, field investigation collects objective and abundant research data to provide essential support for case study. Finally, qualitative analysis is used to conclude the results of the research objects. This paper firstly expounds the theory and practice of the smart park serviceIII management program, and combines domestic and foreign well-known smart park practice cases to analyze and summarize the core elements of intelligent service management. Secondly, based on the internal and external environment and capability analysis faced by ShenGuang Company, it studies the necessity and feasibility of constructing a smart service management plan. Through on-the-spot investigation, it clarifies the clear needs of the multi-stakeholders for intelligent service management, and builds a smart service management plan “one platform, one system and two modules” for the Guang’an (Shenzhen) Industrial Park, which is a cloud computing service, an operational support system based on cloud computing management system, integrated management module of the park and the enterprise service module of the park. Finally, from the perspective of the implementation plan and key point control of the plan, the paper formulates the guarantee strategy for the implementation of the plan. The targeted construction of intelligent service management plan for Guang'an (Shenzhen) Industrial Park not only improves the short-term investment capacity of the park, but also improves the poor management ability of industrial service resources and capabilities of organizational management, that helps the park achieve efficient management and quality service. Meanwhile, it provides a certain reference value for the healthy development, transformation and upgrading of other traditional parks in the country. Key words: ShenGuang Company; Regional Cooperation; Smart Park; Service Management Plan;IV 目 录 中文摘要..I Abstract ... II 目 录... IV 第一章 前言...1 1.1 研究背景和研究主题.....1 1.1.1 研究背景.....1 1.1.2 核心研究问题......1 1.2 研究内容与研究方法.....2 1.2.1 研究内容.....2 1.2.2 研究方法.....3 1.3 技术路线与论文框架.....3 1.3.1 技术路线.....3 1.3.2 论文框架.....4 1.4 研究意义和研究创新.....6 第二章 智慧园区服务管理的理论研究和实践借鉴.7 2.1 智慧园区的基础理论和政策..7 2.1.1 智慧园区的理论基础...7 2.1.2 智慧园区发展趋势与政策....9 2.2 智慧园区服务管理的研究综述.....10 2.2.1 智慧园区的建设内容.10 2.2.2 智慧园区服务管理的内涵和构件........ 11 2.2.3 智慧园区服务管理的国内外研究现状 13 2.3 国内外智慧园区服务管理的个案比较..14 2.3.1 新加坡 PDD 高科技办公园区.....14V 2.3.2 海尔云谷...16 2.4 智慧园区服务管理的理论与实践总结..18 第三章 广安产业园智慧化服务管理的必要性与可行性20 3.1 深广公司简介......20 3.2 广安产业园区简介.......20 3.3 智慧化服务管理的必要性....23 3.3.1 内部环境分析——优势与劣势...23 3.3.2 外部环境分析——机遇与威胁...24 3.3.3 发展的问题与必要性.25 3.4 智慧化服务管理的可行性....27 3.4.1 深广公司能力分析.....27 3.4.2 深广公司提升服务管理的可行性........31 第四章 广安产业园区智慧化服务管理需求分析...33 4.1 问卷调查的设计和实施........33 4.1.1 调查问卷的设计原则.33 4.1.2 问卷调查的结论33 4.2 焦点访谈的设计和实施........37 4.2.1 焦点访谈的设计思路.37 4.2.2 焦点访谈提纲....37 4.2.3 焦点访谈的结果分析.38 4.3 调查结果的分析总结...39 4.3.1 园区主体的诉求及价值主张.......39 4.3.2 智慧化服务管理应达到的目标...41 4.3.3 智慧化服务管理的创新方向.......42 第五章 广安产业园智慧化服务管理方案......45 5.1 指导思想.....45VI 5.2 总体规划.....45 5.3 基础设施建设规划.......46 5.4 一平台一系统两模块...49 5.4.1 运营支撑平台....49 5.4.2 云计算管理系统50 5.4.3 园区企业服务模块.....51 5.4.4 园区综合管理模块.....54 第六章 广安产业园智慧化服务管理方案的实施和保障57 6.1 实施计划和关键点.......57 6.1.1 实施计划及其标准.....57 6.1.2 关键点及其控制58 6.2 保障策略.....58 6.2.1 组织体系的保障58 6.2.2 资源能力的保障58 6.2.3 技术条件的保障60 6.2.4 政策的保障........60 第七章 结论与展望 ......61 7.1 研究结论.....61 7.1.1 核心结论...61 7.1.2 创新之处...62 7.2 研究展望.....63