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电子行业行为规范(pdf 18).rar

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1 電子行業行爲規範 The Electronic Industry Code of Conduct outlines standards to ensure that working conditions in the electronics industry supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. 《電子行業行爲規範》概述了標準以確保:電子行業供應鏈中的工作條件是安全的;工人受 到尊重、有尊嚴;製造工藝對環境是負責的。 Considered as part of the electronics industry for purposes of this Code are Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) firms and Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) including contracted labor that may design, market, manufacture and/or provide goods and services that are used to produce electronic goods. The Code may be voluntarily adopted by any business in the electronics sector and subsequently applied by that business to its supply chain and subcontractors. 本規範所指電子行業,包括原始設備製造(OEM)、電子製造服務(EMS)公司、原始設 計製造商(ODM),以及爲生産電子産品提供設計、銷售、製造和/或商品和服務的訂立了 合同的勞工。電子領域的任何企業都可以自願采用本規範,幷將本規範應用到其供應鏈和分 承包商中。 To adopt the Code and become a participant (“Participant”), a business shall declare its support for the Code and seek to conform to the Code and its standards in accordance with a management system as set forth in the Code. 要采用本規範幷成爲一個參加者(以下用“參加者”指代),企業應當聲明支援本規範,幷依 據本規範中提出的管理體系尋求遵守本規範及其標準。 For the Code to be successful, it is acknowledged that Participants should regard the code as a total supply chain initiative. At a minimum, participants shall require its next tier suppliers to acknowledge and implement the Code. 為了使本規範成功推行,參加者應當主動將本規範用於整個供應鏈。至少,參加者要求它的下 一級供應商理解幷實施該規範。 Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business, in all of its activities, must operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates. The Code encourages Participants to go beyond legal compliance, drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility. 采用本規範的基礎是,一個企業在其所有活動中必須遵守其經營所在國的法律法規。本規範 鼓勵參加者超越對法律的遵守,逐漸靠近國際公認的標準,以推進承擔社會和環境責任。 www.isoyesThe Electronic Industry Code Participants are committed to obtaining regular input from stakeholders in the continued development and implementation of the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC). 在持續發展和實施EICC的過程中,電子工業參加者同意接受來自成員方的規則變更. 在其情形准許時可以增加企業特定的要素。 The Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively. Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics. 本規範由五部分組成。A、B、C部分分別概述了勞工、健康與安全、環境等標準。D部分 概述了使符合本守則的可接受管理體系要素。E部分增加了與商業道德有關的標準。 Participants are committed to uphold the human rights of workers, and to treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the international community. Recognized standards such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Social Accountability International (SAI) and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) were used as references in preparing the Code and may be a useful source of additional information. 參加者根據國際社會公認標準,承諾支援工人的人權,幷尊重他們。本守則起草時參考了公 認的世界人權宣言(UDHR)、社會責任國際 (SAI) 和道德貿易行動 (ETI)等標準,同時可視這些 標準為一種有用的外來資訊源。 www.isoyesThe labor standards are: A. 勞工勞工標準是: 1) Freely Chosen Employment Forced bonded or indentured labor or involuntary prison labor is not to be used. All work will be voluntary, and workers should be free to leave upon reasonable notice. Workers shall not be required to hand over government-issued identification, passports or work permits as a condition of employment. 自由選擇職業:不使用强迫的、擔保的或者契約勞工或者非自願的獄中勞役。所有工作應 當是自願的,並且員工基於合理通知擁有自由離職的權利。員工不得被要求上繳政府頒發 的身份證,護照或工作許可證作爲雇傭的條件。 2)Child Labor Avoidance Child labor is not to be used in any stage of manufacturing. The term “child” refers to any person employed under the age of 15 (or 14 where the law of the country permits), or under the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for employment in the country, whichever is greatest. The use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs, which comply with all laws and regulations, is supported. Workers under the age of 18 should not perform hazardous work and may be restricted from night work with consideration given to educational needs. 避免使用童工:在製造的任何階段都不能使用童工。此處“童工”指的是在15歲(或者在該 國法律允許的情况下可爲14歲)以下、或者在完成義務教育的年齡以下、或者在該國最 小工作年齡以下被雇用的人員―以法律允許的最大年齡爲准。法定允許使用童工的場合,使 用童工得符合所有法律法規。18歲以下的工人不能進行有害的工作,考慮到教育需要, 應當限制夜間工作。 3) Working Hours Studies of business practices clearly link worker strain to reduced productivity, increased turnover and increased injury and illness. Workweeks are not to exceed the maximum set by local law. Further, a workweek should not be more than 60 hours per week, including overtime, except in emergency or unusual situations. Workers shall be allowed at least one day off per seven-day week. 工作時間:對良好製造實踐的研究表明,生産率降低、人員調整增加以及傷害和疾病增加 與工人的疲勞明顯關聯。工作周不應當超過當地法律規定的最大限度。而且,除非是緊急 或者异常情况,一個工作周包括加班不應當多于60個小時。每周七天中應當允許工人至 少休息一天。 4) Wages and Benefits www.isoyesCompensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. In compliance with local laws, workers shall be compensated for overtime at pay rates greater than regular hourly rates. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted. The basis on which workers are being paid is to be provided in a timely manner via pay stub or similar documentation. 薪資和福利:支付給員工的工資應當符合所有適用的工資法律,包括與最低工資、加班時 間和法定福利有關的法律。得依據當地法律規定,以高於平時費率的加班費率來支付員工 加班工資。不得允許有任何懲戒性的工資扣除。應當及時地通過工資條或其他類似文本將 工資支付依據傳達給員工。) Humane Treatment There is to be no harsh and inhumane treatment, including any sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of workers: nor is there to be the threat of any such treatment. 人性化待遇: 不得對員工實施殘酷和不人道的待遇,包括任何性騷擾、性虐待、體罰、精 神或身體脅迫、或者口頭辱駡工人;也不得威脅使用任何此類待遇。 6) Non-Discrimination Participants should be committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination. Companies shall not engage in discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as promotions, rewards, and access to training. In addition, workers or potential workers should not be subjected to medical tests that could be used in a discriminatory way. 不歧視:參加者應當承諾員工免受騷擾以及非法歧視。公司不得因種族、膚色、年齡、性