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“金融行业机器人流程自动化(英文版)PDF”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
February 2018 Robotic process automation has proven to be a major optimi zation lever of ?nance activities. However, in order to be fully e?ec tive, the application of RPA is a step that needs to be considered within a wider optimization review of ?nance- related activities and processes. 2 Roland Berger Spotlight – Robotic Process Automation RPA as a major optimization lever for Finance Finance functions have been transforming themselves in recent years with the aim of evolving from a "data producer" to a "strategic business partner" for their internal clients. Robotic process automation has proven to be a major optimization lever within ?nance activities as compa- nies strive to face these challenges head on. However, in order to be fully e?ective, the application of RPA is a step that needs to be considered within a wider optimization review of ?nance-related activities and processes. In recent years, we have conducted numerous as- signments in the ?eld of RPA in ?nance functions across various industries. Our main takeaways include: This transformation requires them (i) to switch from re- active to proactive delivery of data, analyses and deci- sion-making support to internal clients, (ii) to evolve from being "closing driven" to "day-to-day driven" in their interactions with key stakeholders, and (iii) to do so while maintaining a balance in terms of the quality, timing and cost of ?nancial and accounting data produc- tion and reporting. With RPA, or robotic process auto- mation, becoming more prevalent, there is now a way to address these challenges e?ectively, notwithstanding the increasingly complex context in which the transfor- mation of ?nance functions is taking place: TAKEAWAY #1: Optimization potential through the use of RPA in ?nance activities is signi?cant and typically reaches up to 20-25% RPA is well suited to activities that are repetitive, have structured and digital data, and a