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I 摘要 随着信息技术的发展、智能移动设备的出现,人们的生活习惯、支付方式 等受到了重大的影响,移动金融业务在市场上的发展势头迅猛。现如今,移动 设备的各项功能越来越完善,与传统PC对比起来,人们更偏向于通过移动设备 来处理金融业务,其便捷的优势不言而喻。传统金融服务模式已不能满足社会 发展的各类需求,各大银行也在争相抢占移动金融市场。针对现如今的情势, 建设银行在2015年就率先提出关于“移动优先战略”这一方面的构想,确定把 发展移动金融业务当成未来几年内本行改革转型的基础。建设银行泉州分行①也 积极跟随总行的发展方向将移动金融业务作为工作的重中之重。因此,建行泉 州分行如何在激烈的市场竞争中实施适合其发展的营销策略,抓住发展移动金 融业务转型的机遇、提高本行的市场竞争力,从而实现跨越式的发展。对于这 类问题的研究不应只限于理论方面的研讨,更应延伸到建行泉州分行的移动金 融业务在发展过程中面临的现实问题中,这对推动和指导本行移动金融业务的 发展,乃至整个中国建设银行都有着重要的意义。 本文是基于建行泉州分行当前移动金融业务的发展现状研究本行适合采取 的营销策略,在遵循“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的研究思路的基础上, 做到环环紧扣,深入层层剖析。首先,分析建行泉州分行移动金融的发展现状, 和本行在发展移动金融业务中存在的问题,从而指出其采取合适的营销策略的 必要性。其次,在考虑建行泉州分行的移动金融所面临的内外部环境的基础上, 对其移动金融进行STP分析。通过STP分析,明确建行泉州分行的移动金融业 务的市场细分、目标市场选择以及其市场定位。如此,明确了本行的客户群体, 有利于制定针对性的营销策略,促进其业务的转型。再次,建设性地4C理论与 4P理论结合,整合而成4C的营销策略,为建行泉州分行的移动金融业务制定出 切实可行的营销策略。最后,为了保证其营销策略的实施,提出了构建营销策 略的反馈机制、建立现代化安全防护体系、完善售后服务体系等实际的保障措 施。并且对本文研究工作进行总结,以及提出本文存在的不足之处和展望。 关键词:移动金融 建行泉州分行 营销策略 ① 下文简写建行泉州分行 华侨大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract With the development of information technology and the emergence of smart mobile devices, people’s living habits and payment methods have been greatly affected. The development of mobile financial services in the market is swift and violent. Nowadays, the various functions of mobile devices have become more and more perfect. Compared with traditional PCs, people are more inclined to handle financial services through mobile devices. Its convenient advantages are self-evident. The traditional financial service model can no longer meet the various needs of social development. Major banks are also rushing to seize the mobile financial market. In view of the current situation, CCB took the lead in putting forward the concept of “mobile priority strategy” in 2015, and determined that the development of mobile finance business should be the basis for the Bank's reform and transformation in the next few years. CCB Quanzhou Branch also actively follows the development direction of the head office and takes mobile financial services as the top priority of its work. Therefore, CCB Quanzhou Branch has implemented a marketing strategy suitable for its development in the fierce market competition, seized the opportunity for the development of the mobile financial business transformation, and improved the market competitiveness of the Bank in order to realize leapfrog development. Research on such issues should not be limited to theoretical discussions, but should also be extended to the real problems facing the development of the mobile banking business of the CCB Quanzhou Branch. This will promote and guide the development of the Bank’s mobile financial services. Even the entire China Construction Bank has an important significance. This article is mainly based on the development status of the current mobile banking business of CCB Quanzhou Branch. It studies the appropriate marketing strategy adopted by the Bank and follows the research ideas of “problem, problem analysis, and problem solving”. In-depth analysis. First of all, it analyzes the status quo of the development of the mobile finance of the CCB Quanzhou Branch and the problems existing in the Bank's development of the mobile finance business, so as to point out the necessity of adopting an appropriate marketing strategy. Second, based on the internal and external environment facing the mobile finance of the Abstract III Construction Bank of Quanzhou Branch, the STP strategy of its mobile finance is analyzed. Through the analysis of the STP strategy, the market segmentation, target market selection, and market positioning of the mobile banking business of the CCB Quanzhou Branch were clarified. In this way, the Bank's customer base is clearly defined, which helps to develop targeted marketing strategies and promote the transformation of its business. Thirdly, constructively combining 4C theory with 4P theory, it has been integrated into a 4C marketing strategy to develop a practical marketing strategy for the Bank's mobile banking business at Quanzhou Branch. Finally, in order to ensure the implementation of its marketing strategy, the actual safeguard measures such as building a feedback mechanism for marketing strategy, establishing a modern security protection system, and improving the after-sales service system are proposed. And summarize the research work of this paper, and put forward the inadequacies and prospects of this paper. Key words: Mobile Finance China Construction Bank Quanzhou Branch Marketing Strategy 华侨大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 第1章 绪论 ....................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.2 国内外研究综述 .............................................. 3 1.2.1 国内文献综述 ............................................ 3 1.2.2 国外研究综述 ............................................ 4 1.2.3 文献述评 ................................................ 5 1.3 论文研究方法 ................................................ 5 第2章 相关概念及理论基础 ......................................... 7 2.1 移动金融的内涵 .............................................. 7 2.1.1 移动金融具体内涵 ........................................ 7 2.1.2 移动金融的分类与特点 .................................... 7 2.2 营销策略相关理论和分析工具 ................................. 11 2.2.1 4P理论 ................................................. 11 2.2.2 4C理论 ................................................. 11 2.2.3 4I理论 ................................................. 12 2.2.4 PEST分析模型 .......................................... 12 2.2.5 STP分析 ............................................... 12 第3章 建行泉州分行移动金融营销现状及存在问题 .................... 14 3.1 建设银行移动金融业务发展状况 ............................... 14 3.2 建行泉州分行移动金融营销现状 ............................... 15 3.3 现有营销策略存在的问题 ..................................... 17 3.3.1 客户定位与市场细分不明确 ............................... 18 3.3.2 渠道协同及支付产业链功能不完善 ......................... 18 3.3.3 相关营销平台和基础设施不完善 ........................... 19 3.3.4 复合型人才的培养有待加强 ............................... 20 目录 V 3.3.5 其他问题 ............................................... 21 第4章 建行泉州分行移动金融营销环境分析 .......................... 22 4.1 外部环境分析 ............................................... 22 4.1.1 政策环境分析 ........................................... 22 4.1.2 经济环境分析 ........................................... 23 4.1.3 社会环境分析 ........................................... 24 4.1.4 技术环境分析 ........................................... 25 4.1.5 消费者行为分析 ......................................... 27 4.2 内部环境分析 ............................................... 28 4.2.1 内部组织分析 ........................................... 28 4.2.2 品牌营销分析 ........................................... 28 4.2.3 创新能力分析 ........................................... 29 4.