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iii 摘要 教育培训行业中的“学员满意”理论,指的是在培训课程的购买或者消费过程 中,学员依据自身的期望与实际获得的服务进行对比,如果期望被满足,则获得较 高的满意度。企业的发展需要消费者不断重复购买,而学员满意则影响其是否重复 购买课程的关键。学员满意度理论提出后获得了学术界的认可,学者们展开了一系 列针对学员重复购买的行为同学员满意之间关系的研究。这些研究结论对企业的 具体工作给出了正向引导,同时丰富了营销理论研究。因此,为了提高影视动画培 训行业学员满意度,本文以X企业影视动画培训为研究对象,结合该企业的培训 特色以及现状模式进行研究,对不断培养造就更多善于从事影视动画技能的优秀 工作人员具有重要的实际意义。 本文采用定性和定量相结合的研究方法,围绕影视动画培训行业学员满意度 展开研究。首先对目前国内外教育培训行业学员满意度的研究进行了综述,结合相 关理论,讨论影响学员满意度的原因及其影响因素。其次,搜集整理并统计了目前 X企业影视动画培训学员满意度的调查问卷,针对整理结果分析企业影视动画培 训学员满意度现状,基于美国顾客满意度指数模型(ACSI)归纳出各方面的影响 因子。最后,选取关键影响因子对影视动画培训行业学员满意度的作用机制进行理 论研究,为之后的实证研究提供理论依据。接下来针对该行业随机发放调查问卷, 通过问卷星回收412份调查数据,运用SPSS等计量软件构建了信效度检验,满意 度模型检验等,分别从感知质量、感知价值、学员期望、学员满意度以及学员忠诚 度进行实证研究,并探讨影视动画培训行业的建设性政策建议。 研究结果表明:影视动画培训行业学员满意度测评理论假设是成立的,即针对 假设H1学员感知质量与学员满意度呈正相关关系;学员感知价值与学员满意度呈 正相关关系;学员感知质量与学员感知价值呈正相关关系。针对假设H2学员期望 与学员感知质量呈正相关关系;学员期望与学员满意度呈负相关关系。针对假设 H3学员满意度与学员忠诚呈正相关关系。结合以上研究结论,本文分别从行业角 度、企业角度及培训教师角度给出了不同建议和相关对策。 关键词:学员满意度;ACSI 模型;影视动画培训;调查问卷 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRCT iv ABSTRACT The theoretical core of "student satisfaction" is that when students purchase and consume a certain training course or service, they will have a psychological perception of whether their expectations are met. The comparison between expectation and actual perception will reflect whether the students are satisfied. Students' satisfaction will affect students' repeated purchase behavior, so it becomes one of the important factors affecting the development of enterprises. Since the proposal that students' satisfaction will drive students to buy courses, many theoretical and empirical researchers have launched a series of studies on "students' satisfaction", which not only enriches the marketing theory, but also provides useful practical guidance for many industries and even some specific enterprises. Therefore, in order to improve the satisfaction of trainees in the enterprise training industry, this paper takes x enterprise's film and television animation training industry as the research object, combined with the training characteristics and current mode of the enterprise, which has important practical significance for continuously cultivating more excellent staff who are good at engaging in film and television animation industry. In this paper, qualitative and quantitative research methods, around the film and television animation training industry students satisfaction research. First of all, this paper summarizes the research on the students' satisfaction in the education and training industry at home and abroad, and discusses the reasons and influencing factors of the students' satisfaction combining with relevant theories. Secondly, this paper collects and summarizes the questionnaire of the current x enterprise film and television animation training industry students' satisfaction, analyzes the current situation of the enterprise film and television animation training industry students' satisfaction, and summarizes the influencing factors based on the customer satisfaction index model (ACSI). Finally, the key influencing factors are selected to study the mechanism of the satisfaction of the trainees in the film and television animation training industry, which provides the theoretical basis for the later empirical research. Then, 426 questionnaires were randomly distributed to the industry, which were input by Excel software, and 412 valid questionnaires were finally obtained after collection and processing. Reliability and validity test and satisfaction model test were constructed by SPSS and other measurement software, and empirical research was carried out from the perspective of institutional 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 ABSTRCT v image, perceived quality, perceived value, student expectation, student satisfaction and student loyalty Discuss the constructive policy suggestions of film and television animation training industry. The results show that: the theoretical hypothesis of satisfaction evaluation of students in film and television animation training industry is tenable, that is to say, there is a positive correlation between H1 students' perceived quality and students' satisfaction; there is a positive correlation between students' perceived value and students' satisfaction; there is a positive correlation between students' perceived quality and students' perceived value. There is a positive correlation between the school image and students' satisfaction. For hypothesis H2, there is a positive correlation between students' expectation and perceived quality, and a negative correlation between students' expectation and satisfaction. For hypothesis H3, there is a positive correlation between students' satisfaction and loyalty. Combined with the above conclusions, this paper puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions from different perspectives. First of all, it puts forward suggestions from the industry association initiative, and then it puts forward relevant suggestions for enterprises. KEYWORDS:Student satisfaction; ACSI model; video animation training; questionnaire 北京交通大学硕士专业学位论文 目录 vi 目录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................................... III ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................................IV 1 绪论 ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与问题提出 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 问题提出 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2研究意义 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2.1理论意义 .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2.2现实意义 .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3研究内容与方法 ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.3.1研究内容 .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3.2研究方法 .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4本文创新点 ...................................................................................................................................... 7