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员工激励对于工程类企业的发展来说极为重要。特别是在国家对工程类行业的宏 观调控政策背景下,工程类行业需要进一步转型升级发展。工程类行业转型升级发展 的关键一步就是人才的转型。传统类工程企业主要以廉价人力资本获得利润,在大数 据和人工智能背景下,工程类企业需要从技术上创新来获得效益。这就需要对人力资 源进行改革创新,更多关注非物质激励体系的构建,通过晋升制度的完善,工作环境 的优异,培养体系的完善来激发创新人力资本。要实现工程类企业人力资源管理的创 新发展,其中最重要的一环就是员工非物质激励建立。良好的员工非物质激励机制不 仅可以促进企业人力结构的转变,也可以促进企业高效发展。但是,现实中,很多工 程类企业在员工激励上依然是“胡萝卜加大棒”,即使有的企业也实施了人性化激励, 但是效果依然不明显。基于此,本文以人力资源管理中的内容型激励理论、过程型激 励理论、行为改造型激励理论、综合型激励理论为理论依据,采用问卷调查法、文献 分析法、经验总价法对YD路桥公司员工非物质激励进行了深入研究。对YD路桥公 司员工非物质激励进行研究旨在改进YD路桥公司员工非物质激励方式并为同类企 业提供借鉴及参考。 通过问卷调查得知,YD公司员工对公司员工激励的总体满意度是:薪酬激励 48.60%,福利激励53.40%,非物质激励51.50%。进一步从培训激励、晋升激研究维 度对YD路桥公司调查研究发现,YD路桥公司员工非物质激励面临着员工的晋升方 式不够合理,未能建立科学的考核体系,职业发展渠道较为狭窄等的问题。造成这些 问题出现的原因是员工选拔的重视不够、未对考核体系进行评价、未能征求员工的意 见、职业发展的重要性认识不足等原因。 通过对YD路桥公司的员工激励的调查及问题的剖析,本文对YD路桥公司员工 激励进行了设计及提出了重构的原则及具体对策。在原则上,需要坚持差异性与公平 性并重、物质激励与非物质激励并重、短长期相并重、正负激励相并重的原则。在优 化内容上,需要重点优化及发挥薪酬、考核、培训、晋升的激励作用。在具体对策上, 需要注重公平性及其企业文化等的建设。希望本文的研究能够促进YD路桥公司员工 激励的改进及为其提供参考。 关键词:激励机制;非物质激励;晋升激励;企业文化 II Abstract Employee motivation is very important for the development of engineering enterprises. Especially in the background of the national macro-control policy for engineering industry, the engineering industry needs further transformation and upgrading. The key step of the transformation and upgrading of engineering industry is the transformation of talents. In the background of big data and artificial intelligence, engineering enterprises need to innovate in technology to obtain benefits. This requires the reform and innovation of human resources, paying more attention to the construction of non-material incentive system, and stimulating innovative human capital through the improvement of promotion system, working environment and training system. In order to realize the innovative development of human resource management in engineering enterprises, the most important part is the establishment of non-material incentives for employees. A good non-material incentive mechanism can not only promote the transformation of human resource structure, but also promote the efficient development of enterprises. However, in reality, many engineering enterprises are still "carrot plus stick" in employee motivation. Even some enterprises have implemented human motivation, but the effect is still not obvious. Based on this, this paper takes content-based incentive theory, process based incentive theory, behavior transformation based incentive theory and comprehensive incentive theory as theoretical basis, and uses questionnaire survey method, literature analysis method and experience total price method to conduct in-depth research on non-material incentive of employees in YD road and Bridge Company. The purpose of this study is to improve the non-material incentive mode of employees in YD road and Bridge Company and provide reference for similar enterprises. According to the questionnaire survey, the satisfaction of YD company's employees to the company's employee incentive is: 48.60% salary incentive, 53.40% welfare incentive, 51.50% non economic incentive. Further from the perspective of salary incentive, welfare incentive, training incentive and promotion incentive, we find that YD road and Bridge Company is a good company. The staff motivation of YD road and Bridge Company is faced with some problems, such as the unreasonable way of staff promotion, the failure to establish a scientific assessment system, the difficulty of salary level meeting the actual needs of staff, the limitation of welfare treatment, and the narrow channel of career III development. The reasons for these problems are not enough attention paid to the selection of employees, failure to evaluate the assessment system, failure to solicit the opinions of employees, failure to reflect the effectiveness of welfare treatment, lack of awareness of the importance of career development and other reasons. Through the investigation and analysis of the problems of the staff motivation in YD road and Bridge Company, this paper designs the staff motivation of YD road and Bridge Company and puts forward the principles and specific countermeasures of reconstruction. In principle, we need to adhere to the principles of equality and difference, material and spiritual incentives, short-term and long-term incentives, positive and negative incentives. In terms of content optimization, we need to focus on optimizing and giving full play to the incentive role of salary, assessment, training and promotion. In the specific countermeasures, we need to pay attention to the construction of fairness and corporate culture. It is hoped that the research of this paper can promote the improvement of employee motivation of YD road and Bridge Company and provide reference for it. Key words: incentive mechanism; salary incentive; promotion incentive; spiritual incentive IV 目 录 摘要 .. I Abstract ............................ II 一、绪论 .......................... 1 (一)研究背景 ...... 1 (二)研究目的及意义 ......................... 1 1.研究目的 ...... 1 2.研究的意义 .. 2 (三)国内外研究现状 ......................... 2 1.国外研究现状 ............................. 2 2.国内研究现状 ............................. 3 3.研究评述 ...... 4 (四)研究内容及方法 ......................... 4 1.研究内容 ...... 4 2.研究方法 ...... 5 二、非物质激励基本概念与理论基础 ......... 6 (一)非物质激励基本概念 ................. 6 1.激励的定义 .. 6 2.非物质激励内涵 ......................... 6 3.非物质激励作用 ......................... 7 (二)理论基础 ...... 7 1.内容型激励理论 ......................... 7 2.过程型激励理论 ......................... 8 3.行为改造型激励理论 ................. 8 4.综合型激励理论 ......................... 8 (三)非物质激励的方法 ..................... 9 1.授权激励 ...... 9 2.榜样激励 ...... 9 3.尊重激励 ...... 9 4.感情激励 ...... 9 5.竞争激励 ...... 9 V 6.文化激励 ...... 9 7.兴趣激励 .... 10 8.荣誉激励 .... 10 三、YD路桥公司员工非物质激励的现状 . 11 (一)YD路桥公司概况 ....................... 11 1.公司发展简介 ............................ 11 2.公司组织结构 ............................ 11 3.公司人力资源概况 ................... 12 (二)YD路桥公司员工非物质激励现状 ......................... 13 1.授权激励 .... 14 2.榜样激励 .... 14 3.尊重激励 .... 14 4.感情激励 .... 15 5.竞争激励 .... 15 6.文化激励 .... 15 7.晋升激励 .... 15 8.培训激励 .... 16 9.强化非物质激励宣传 ............... 16 (三)YD路桥公司现行非物质激励体系员工满意度调查 ............................ 16 1.员工总体满意度 ....................... 17 2.非物质激励满意度 ................... 17 四、YD路桥公司员工非物质激励存在的问题及原因 ........... 24 (一)YD路桥公司员工非物质激励存在的问题 ............. 24 1.员工晋升方式不够合理 ........... 24 2.绩效考核体系未能全面体现非物质激励 .............. 24 3.职业发展渠道狭窄 ................... 25 4.组织关怀激励氛围不浓 ........... 26 5.情感激励不足 ........................... 27 (二)YD路桥公司员工非物质激励问题的原因分析 ..... 27 1.未能建立公平的员工选拔机制 .............................. 28 2.缺乏对绩效考核体系的评价 ... 28 VI 3.忽视员工意见征求 ................... 28 4.内在激励较为薄弱 ..................