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随着“大众创业、万众创新”,创业培训向着多元化方向发展,同时移动互联网技 术的成熟化催生出知识付费市场,线上付费课程和服务从2016年开始迅猛发展,创业 培训也逐步走向线上。本文以个人品牌教育项目为选题,通过线上创业培训的方式开展 工作,帮助有条件有意愿的群体建立个人品牌,实现商业变现。 本文首先查阅与知识付费创业类课程相关的文献、期刊和资料,归纳出选题的背景 和意义、当前的发展现状,并确定研究方法和框架;然后根据本人在MBA期间学习的 理论和成果,对项目所处的宏观环境采用PEST方法进行分析,用五力模型的方法分析 线上创业培训行业是否具有吸引力;其次,运用SWOT对于项目内部的优势、劣势和 外部的机会和威胁进行深入分析,制定出项目的发展策略;再次,运用营销策略中STP 方法,对项目的市场细分、市场选择、市场定位进行分析,并根据营销组合7Ps理论, 制定项目的产品、价格、渠道、促销等策略。接着对项目运营的有关人员,年度计划和 管理模式展开。最后进行财务分析,从项目投资计划开始,进行基本财务估算并对其进 行效益评价,并得出财务可行性分析结论;同时客观的描述项目面临的风险,并给出应 对风险对策。经过以上分析,确定本项目的商业模式,2020年开始组建创业团队,打磨 产品,预计在2021年初正式推出项目,并逐步形成品牌影响力。 本文最后得出的结论是项目具有良好的市场潜力,较强的盈利能力和可控的风险, 值得启动并持续发展。 关键词:知识付费;创业培训;个人品牌咨询;商业计划书 II Abstract With the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", entrepreneurship training is developing in a diversified direction. At the same time, the maturity of mobile Internet technology has given birth to the knowledge payment market. Online payment courses and services have developed rapidly since 2016, and entrepreneurship training is also gradually moving online. This paper takes the personal brand education project as the topic, and carries out work through online entrepreneurship training to help groups who have the conditions and willingness to establish personal brand and realize commercial realization. Firstly, this paper reviews the literature, journals and materials related to knowledge paid entrepreneurship courses, sums up the background and significance of the topic, the current development status, and determines the research methods and framework; then, according to the theory and results of my study during the MBA, the macro environment of the project is analyzed by PEST method, and the online entrepreneurship training industry is analyzed by five force model method Whether it is attractive or not; secondly, SWOT is used to make in-depth analysis on the internal advantages, disadvantages and external opportunities and threats of the project and formulate the development strategy of the project; thirdly, STP method in marketing strategy is used to analyze the market segmentation, market selection and market positioning of the project, and according to the 7PS theory of marketing mix, the product, price, channel and promotion of the project are formulated Marketing strategy. Then the project operation related personnel, annual plan and management mode are launched. Finally, financial analysis is carried out, starting from the project investment plan, basic financial estimation and benefit evaluation are carried out, and financial feasibility analysis conclusions are drawn; at the same time, the risks faced by the project are objectively described, and countermeasures are given. After the above analysis, the business model of the project is determined. In 2020, an entrepreneurial team will be set up to polish the products. It is expected to officially launch the project in early 2021 and gradually form the brand influence. The final conclusion of this paper is that the project has good market potential, strong profitability and controllable risk, which is worth starting and sustainable development. Key words: knowledge payment; entrepreneurship training; personal brand consultation; business plan III 目 录 摘要 ............. I Abstract ......... II 图表清单 ..... VII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 选题背景 ..................... 1 1.1.2 选题意义 ..................... 2 1.2 文献综述 ............................ 3 1.2.1 商业计划书编制方法 . 3 1.2.2 国外知识付费市场发展状况 .................... 4 1.2.3 创业服务模式发展的研究现状 ................ 4 1.2.4 环境研究方法 ............. 5 1.2.5 营销研究方法 ............. 5 1.2.6 投资决策及风险分析 . 6 1.3 研究内容及方法 ................ 6 1.3.1 研究内容 ..................... 6 1.3.2 研究方法 ..................... 7 1.4 研究的思路和框架 ............ 8 第二章 项目介绍 ......................... 9 2.1 项目概况 ............................ 9 2.1.1 项目背景 ..................... 9 2.1.2 项目简介 ................... 10 2.2项目团队介绍 ................... 13 2.3 项目规划 .......................... 13 2.4 本章小结 .......................... 15 第三章 项目环境分析及战略定位 .......................... 16 3.1 宏观环境分析 .................. 16 3.1.1 政治法律环境 ........... 16 IV 3.1.2 经济环境 ................... 17 3.1.3 社会环境 ................... 18 3.1.4 技术环境 ................... 19 3.2 行业分析 .......................... 20 3.2.1 消费者分析 ............... 21 3.2.2 供应商类型 ............... 22 3.2.3 竞争对手分析 ........... 22 3.2.4 替代产品及服务 ....... 24 3.2.5 潜在竞争对手 ........... 24 3.2.6调查问卷结果分析 .... 24 3.3 内外部条件分析 .............. 25 3.3.1 优势分析 ................... 25 3.3.2 劣势分析 ................... 26 3.3.3 机会分析 ................... 27 3.3.4 威胁分析 ................... 28 3.4 项目发展战略 .................. 29 3.5 本章小结 .......................... 30 第四章 营销战略与营销组合策略分析 .................. 31 4.1 STP战略分析 ................... 31 4.1.1 市场细分 ................... 31 4.1.2 目标市场选择 ........... 32 4.1.3 市场定位 ................... 35 4.2营销组合策略 ................... 36 4.2.1 产品策略 ................... 36 4.2.2 价格策略 ................... 37 4.2.3 渠道策略 ................... 38 4.2.4 促销策略 ................... 39 4.2.5 人员策略 ................... 40 4.2.6 过程策略 ................... 40 4.2.7 有形展示策略 ........... 40 V 4.3 本章小结 .......................... 41 第五章 项目运营管理 ............... 42 5.1 项目商业模式 .................. 42 5.1.1 价值主张 ................... 42 5.2.2 价值创造 ................... 42 5.1.3 价值传递 ................... 43 5.1.4 价值实现 ................... 44 5.2 项目组织架构 .................. 45 5.2.1 项目管理团队 ........... 45 5.2.2 职责分工 ................... 46 5.3 项目运营计划 .................. 47 5.3.1教学计划 .................... 47 5.2.2 市场计划 ................... 48 5.3.3 其他工作计划 ........... 48 5.4 项目管理模式 .................. 49 5.4.1 员工培训 ................... 49 5.4.2业绩考核 .................... 49 5.4.3 激励机制 ................... 50 5.5 本章小结 .......................... 51 第六章 财务分析 ....................... 52 6.1 项目投融资计划 .............. 52 6.1.1投资计划 .................... 52 6.1.2 融资计划 ................... 53 6.2 基本财务估算 .................. 53 6.2.1 收入估算 ................... 53 6.2.2 成本估算 ................... 55 6.2.3 利润估算 ................... 56 6.2.4 现金流估算 ............... 57 6.3 项目效益评价 .................. 57 6.3.1 净现值法(NPV) ... 58 VI 6.3.2 内部收益率法(IRR) ........................... 59 6.3.3 投资回收期法(PP) ............................. 59 6.4 本章小结 .......................... 60 第七章 风险分析与对策研究 ... 61 7.1 定量分析 .......................... 61 7.1.1 单因素敏感性分析 ... 61 7.1.2 多因素敏感性分析 ... 61 7.2 定性分析 .......................... 63 7.2.1 政策风险及应对对策 .............................. 63 7.2.2 竞争风险及应对对策 .............................. 63 7.2.3 管理风险及应对对策 .............................. 64 7.2.4 财务风险及应对对策 .............................. 65 7.3 本章小结 .......................... 66 结 论 .......... 67