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:随着我国金融改革的不断深化推进,外资银行和社会资本大规模进入国内资 本市场,金融买方市场已初具规模,国内银行业的竞争程度日趋加剧。而银行之间的竞争 本质上是人才资源的竞争,人才资源的培养、成长又很大程度上取决于银行培训管理工作 的科学化、合理化。当前我国众多商业银行在员工培训模式上由于历史原因和观念落后, 现行的培训模式多体现为粗放式的传统培训管理模式,员工培训管理体系存在着一系列的 问题。基于此背景下,本文以ZG银行桂林分行为例,分析探讨ZG银行桂林分行员工培训 管理体系存在的问题和对策。 本文主要通过文献研究法、观察法、访谈法、案例分析法和问卷调查法,以ZG银行 桂林分行为研究对象。首先,在系统把握员工培训管理相关文献研究的基础上,从ZG银 行桂林分行的行业发展概况、历史沿革、组织架构和人力资源状况实际出发,分析探讨了 其在员工培训管理体系存在的主要问题包括:员工培训缺乏需求分析;员工培训内容未能 与组织战略相结合;员工培训方式枯燥、单一;员工培训效果的评估流于形式;没有专职 培训管理人员。 其次,在把握桂林分行员工培训管理体系问题的基础上进一步分析了问题产生的深层 次原因,认为ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理体系存在问题的原因如下:管理理念相对落 后;分行领导层对员工培训管理不够重视;未设置专职专岗导致工作落实不到位;分行员 工培训管理体系不完善、不健全,具体表现为缺乏员工培训需求分析、知识管理体系的缺 憾和缺乏合理的内外部培训讲师体系;缺乏必要的组织制度保障。 复次,在员工培训管理工作改进原则的指导下,提出了完善ZG银行桂林分行员工培 训管理体系的对策建议,认为ZG银行桂林分行需要树立科学的培训理念;结合组织战略 和员工职业生涯做好培训需求分析;建立起完善的知识管理体系;改进培训计划;完善员 工培训效果评估反馈机制;优化内、外部讲师体系。 最后,概括本文的主要内容,认为通过本文的研究为改进ZG银行桂林分行员工培训 管理体系勾勒出了一条系统、完整的思路,对于桂林分行而言具有重要的促进意义与现实 价值。同时,本文的开展对其他同类型的银行开展员工培训管理体系的设计、改进工作也 提供了经验借鉴与思路启发。 关键词:银行;培训;培训管理体系; 桂林分行 II Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Staff Training Management System in Guilin Branch of ZG Bank Abstract:With the deepening of the financial reform in our country, foreign banks and social capital have entered the domestic capital market on a large scale while the financial buyer's market has already had certain scale, which makes the degree of competition in the domestic banking industry become more and more serious. The competition among banks is the competition of human resources and the training and growth of human resources depend on the scientific and rational management of bank training. At present, due to the historical reason and the fact that people’s ideas are backward, most of the training modes are embodied in the extensive traditional training management mode. The current training mode is mostly reflected in the extensive traditional training management mode, which leads to many problems appearing in the training and management system of banking staff. Based on the above, this paper takes Guilin Branch of ZG Bank as an example, analyzes and discusses its staff training management system problems and countermeasures. This paper mainly employs the literature research method, the observation method, the interview method, case analysis and questionnaires and takes Guilin Branch of ZG Bank as the research object. First of all, on the basis of systematically grasping the relevant literature research of employee training management, the main problems in the staff training management system are analyzed and discussed from the industry development overview, the aspect of historical evolution, organizational structure and the human resources situation reality of Guilin Branch of ZG Bank. The overall problems mainly include the following aspects: staff training's demand analysis is not consistent;staff training content cannot be combined with organizational strategy;staff training method is boring and single;staff training effect evaluation is a mere formality and there is not any full-time training management. Secondly, the deep-seated causes of the problems are further analyzed, based on grasping the problems of staff training management system in Guilin Branch of ZG Bank, in which the staff training management system problems are as follows: management concept is relatively backward;the branch leadership does not pay enough attention to staff training management;there is no full-time post to ensure the work is in place;the staff training management system of branch is inadequate, III the lack of staff training needs analysis,knowledge management system,reasonable internal and external training instructor system and necessary organizational system guarantees. Thirdly, countermeasures and suggestions to improve the management system of staff training in Guilin Branch of ZG Bank are put forward in accordance with the principles to be followed in the management of staff training. It is shown that such system needs to establish scientific training concept, combines organizational strategy and employee's career to do well training needs analysis, establishes a perfect knowledge management system, improves the training plan and the feedback mechanism of employee training effect evaluation and finally optimizes the system of internal and external lecturers. Finally, in order to summarize the main contents of this paper, the author bases on the research and points out a systematic and complete idea for improving the staff training management system of Guilin Branch of ZG Bank, this is of great significance and practical value. At the same time, the research can also provide experience and inspiration for this type of banks to carry out their staff training management systems. Keywords:Bank;Training;Training management system;Guilin branch IV 目录 摘要 ..................... I Abstract ...............II 一、引言 ............... 1 (一)研究背景............................. 1 (二)研究目的............................. 1 (三)国内外研究综述 .................. 1 1.国外研究综述...................... 1 2.国内研究综述...................... 3 (四)研究思路............................. 4 (五)研究方法............................. 5 1.文献研究法 ......................... 5 2.观察法 . 5 3.访谈法 . 5 4.案例分析法 ......................... 6 5.问卷调查法 ......................... 6 (六)研究意义............................. 6 1.理论意义............................. 6 2.现实意义............................. 6 二、相关概念界定与理论基础 .............. 7 (一)相关概念界定...................... 7 1.员工培训的相关概念 ........... 7 2.员工培训管理体系概述........ 7 (二)员工培训的相关理论 ........... 7 1.人力资源理论...................... 8 2.学习型组织理论 .................. 8 3.成人学习理论...................... 8 三、ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理体系现状 ......................10 (一)ZG银行桂林分行发展概况 ..10 1.银行业发展对培训管理的新需求........................10 2.ZG银行桂林分行的历史沿革..............................11 3.ZG银行桂林分行的组织架构..............................11 4.ZG银行桂林分行的人力资源状况.......................12 (二)ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理现状 ...................14 1.ZG银行桂林分行现行员工培训管理体系的框架..14 2.ZG银行桂林分行现行员工培训管理的组织机构..14 3.ZG银行桂林分行现行员工培训的课程内容、主要方式和师资力量.....15 4.ZG银行桂林分行现行员工培训的考核与效果评估 .............................16 四、ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理体系存在的问题 ............17 (一)问卷调查及结果分析 ..........17 1.调查问卷............................17 2.问卷发放与收回 .................17 3.问卷调查结果.....................17 (二)实地访谈及结果分析 ..........22 1.访谈对象与内容 .................22 V 2.访谈结果............................22 (三)ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理体系存在的问题..23 1.缺乏培训需求分析..............23 2.员工培训内容未能与组织战略相结合.................24 3.员工培训方式枯燥、单一 ...24 4.员工培训效果评估流于形式25 5.没有专职培训管理人员.......25 五、ZG银行桂林分行员工培训管理体系存在问题的原因分析 .............................26 (一)分行领导层培训理念