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1 摘要 保税船用油是专为国际航行船舶提供的船舶燃料,按照国际惯例免征相关税费。 自加入国际贸易组织(WTO)以来,随着中国对外贸易的蓬勃发展和保税油市场的 首次放开,国内保税船用油需求强劲上升,供应规模跃居亚洲第二。近年来,为巩 固在“一带一路”供油区域中的重要战略地位,浙江舟山自贸区再次打开市场大门, 密集发放地方经营资质,大批船供油企业纷至沓来,国内保税船供油行业格局随之 发生深刻变化,产品同质、竞争过度、整体盈利水平低、经营风险高等行业矛盾日 益严重,给经营企业的生存和发展带来了不利的影响。 ZCR公司是国内知名的大型船用燃料供应企业,也是2006年中国保税船用油 市场首次开放时的先行者,经营保税船用油业务十余年来,公司依靠良好的经营网 络优势、专业的水上供应服务能力,占领了长江市场及部分沿海市场,并确立了稳 固的行业地位。然而近几年来,该业务却遇到了市场份额增长停滞、个别区域业务 下滑明显,盈利水平下降、行业地位动摇等突出问题,面对当前国内外经贸环境中 的不确定性因素增多,航运与石油业双双低迷,国内市场进一步开放导致竞争加剧 等严峻形势,如何发挥现有优势,挖掘内部潜力,从而改善发展质量,增强竞争能 力,更好地适应市场变化,在竞争中获得主动,已成为了ZCR公司不得不进行战略 思考的重要问题。 本文以ZCR公司保税船用油业务作为研究对象,运用企业战略管理、竞争战略 等研究理论和分析方法,引入PEST分析和波特五力分析对影响保税油业务发展的 宏观环境、行业发展现状、竞争态势进行了分析,对ZCR公司保税船用油业务概况 和企业内部资源与能力进行了分析,在汇总内、外环境分析信息的基础上,引入EFE 矩阵、IFE矩阵、IE矩阵、SWOT模型、QSMP矩阵等战略分析工具,以定性描述 与定量分析结合的研究方式,确定了ZCR公司的最优竞争战略为成本领先战略,并 就战略方案的实施提出了有关整合资源、完善管理制度、增强内部能力、扩大对外 合作等方面的针对性建议。 本文研究有助于对ZCR公司保税油船用业务进行更加科学合理的战略规划,对 增强该业务竞争力,促进业务良性发展和助力公司“建设国内一流综合能源服务企 业”总体战略都有较为重要的现实意义,对该公司其他战略的制定和实施也有一定 的借鉴意义。 关键词:保税船用油;国内市场;ZCR公司;竞争战略 ZCR公司保税船用油业务的竞争战略研究 I Abstract Bonded bunker oil is a kind of ship fuel specially provided for the international sailing ships, and is exempted from related taxes and fees in accordance with international practice. Since joining the International Trade Organization (WTO), with the vigorous development of China's foreign trade and the opening of the bonded oil market for the first time, domestic demand for bonded marine oil has risen strongly, and its supply scale has leapt to the second place in Asia. In recent years, in order to consolidate its important strategic position in the “Belt and Road” fuel supply region, the Zhoushan Free Trade Zone in Zhejiang province has opened its doors to the market once again, intensively issued the local business qualifications, and a large number of bonded bunker suppliers have arrived. The pattern of domestic bonded bunker supply market has taken place deep changes later. The Industry contradictions such as products homogeneity, excessive competition, low overall profitability, and high operating risks have become increasingly serious, which have brought extremely adverse effects to the survival and development of those operating enterprises. ZCR is a well-known large-scale marine fuel supply company in China. It was also a pioneer when China's bonded marine oil market was first opened. For more than ten years, the company has relied on a good operating network and professional bunker supply service capabilities to occupy the Yangtze River market and several coastal markets, and established a solid industry status. However, in recent years, the business has encountered prominent problems such as stagnant market share growth, declining business in individual regions, declining of profitability and industry status. In the face of increasing uncertainties in the current domestic and foreign economic and trade environment, both of the shipping and petroleum industries are in a downturn, and the domestic market is further opened up, leading to intensified competition. How to use the existing advantages and tap the internal potentials to improve the quality of development, enhance competitiveness, adapt to market changes better, and gain initiative in competition has become an important strategic issue to ZCR Company who has to consider thoroughly. This article takes the ZCR company's bonded marine oil business as the research object, applies corporate strategic management, competitive management and other research theories and analysis methods, and uses PEST analysis and Porter five-force analysis on the macro environment, industry development status, and competition that affected the development of bonded oil business. Meanwhile the general situation of the bonded marine oil business of ZCR Company and its internal resources and capabilities are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the internal and external environmental information, with the EFE matrix, IFE matrix, IE matrix, SWOT model, QSMP matrix and other Abstract II strategic analysis tools, using a combination of qualitative description and quantitative analysis, identified the optimal competition strategy of ZCR as a cost-leading strategy, and proposes the implementation of the strategic plan such as integrating resources, improving management systems, enhancing internal capabilities, and expanding cooperation among other enterprises. The research in this article helps to make a more scientific and reasonable strategic planning for ZCR's bonded oil tanker business. It is important to enhance the competitiveness of the business, promote the healthy development of the business, and helps to achieve the company’s overall strategy of "build a domestic first-class integrated energy service enterprise.", also has certain significant reference for the formulation and implementation to this company's other strategic planning. Key words: Bonded bunker oil; Domestic market; ZCR company; Competitive strategy ZCR公司保税船用油业务的竞争战略研究 1 目 录 导 论 ······ 1 一、选题背景及研究意义 ·············· 1 二、文献综述 ··········· 2 三、论文框架与研究方法 ·············· 6 第一章 相关研究理论概述 ··········· 8 第一节 企业战略管理 ··· 8 一、企业战略的概念 ·· 8 二、战略管理的概念 ·· 9 三、战略管理的层次 ·· 9 第二节 竞争战略 ······· 10 一、竞争战略的概念 10 二、竞争战略的基本类型 ············ 10 第三节 战略分析工具 · 12 一、常用战略分析工具 ··············· 12 二、使用战略分析工具的注意事项 15 第四节 保税船用油 ···· 16 一、保税船用油的概念 ··············· 16 二、保税船用油的分类和主要性能指标 ············ 16 三、保税船用油计价方式 ············ 17 第二章 业务宏观环境分析 ········· 18 第一节 政治环境分析(POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT )················· 18 一、国际方面 ········· 18 二、国内方面 ········· 19 第二节 经济环境分析(ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT) ················· 21 一、国际经济环境 ··· 21 二、国内经济环境 ··· 21 三、石油市场 ········· 22 四、航运市场 ········· 23 第三节 社会环境分析(SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT) ··· 24 一、劳动力资源 ······ 24 二、港口资源 ········· 24 三、客户群体 ········· 24 第四节 科技环境分析(TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT)················· 25 目录 2 一、燃油低硫化前处理 ··············· 25 二、燃油低硫化后处理 ··············· 26 三、LNG燃料应用··· 26 四、其他技术的应用 27 第五节 宏观环境中的机遇与挑战 ···· 27 一、宏观环境综合分析 ··············· 27 二、宏观环境因素汇总 ··············· 27 第三章 业务行业环境分析 ········· 29 第一节 中国保税船用油市场概况 ···· 29 一、市场发展历程 ··· 29 二、市场需求与区域分布 ············ 30 三、市场特点 ········· 31 第二节 中国保税船供油行业概况 ···· 33 一、保税船供油企业汇总 ············ 33 二、各企业经营区域与市场份额 ··· 33 第三节 行业竞争环境