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随着中国消费者的的购买力和消费需求不断提升,他们逐渐开始追求个性化、 高品质、高体验以及智能化商品;同时互联网技术、大数据技术的高速发展,零售 行业迎来了前所未有的消费升级与变革,进入新零售时代:迎接渠道成员之间高度 合作深度融合的“全渠道”变革,对于传统零售企业的经营管理带来了机会,同时也 迎来了挑战。 本文研究的对象N公司是2007年进入中国市场的一家外资高端胶囊咖啡品 牌,主要通过零售渠道经营B2C胶囊咖啡业务,以及直营B2B商用胶囊咖啡业 务。N公司在中国已经发展了13年有余,其依照总部的经营模式结合本地的经营特 色建立起了中国市场的直营渠道网络。然而近几年N公司的渠道管理逐渐暴露出一 些问题,线下业务在线上业务的快速发展中份额逐渐萎缩,线下业务的成本不断攀 升,渠道服务水平不一致,内部渠道之间的不良竞争,与渠道联系紧密的物流供应 链以及客户管理系统等无法配合全渠道的发展以及支持渠道成员为消费者提供满意 的服务等等问题,都在制约N公司业务的快速发展。 为了解决N公司面临的渠道管理困境,本研究首先通过对与新零售、全渠道相 关的文献进行梳理确定了适用于N公司渠道管理问题研究的Bert Rosenbloom的渠 道管理理论,分为6大方面:激励渠道成员、完善渠道管理中的产品、价格、促销 问题、物流优化以及渠道管理绩效考核;然后结合分析企业外部所处的环境以及市 场主要竞争情况了解行业现状,使用来自企业内部的二手数据分析、定性分析等方 法,系统地总结出N公司内部渠道管理中存在的六大方面的问题以及挖掘问题形成 的原因;最后按照Bert Rosenbloom的渠道管理理论为指导,分别从六大方面制定了 符合N胶囊咖啡公司在“新零售”时代背景下,为建设本地化全渠道模式打好基础 的渠道管理优化策略。该优化策略的实施目标既为提升N公司的渠道管理水平,又 是确保N公司实现业绩的可持续化增长,同时也为行业内其他类似的品牌提供中国 市场本地化渠道管理优化方案参考。 关键词:新零售;渠道管理;全渠道;胶囊咖啡 III Abstract As the purchasing power and consumer demand of Chinese consumers continue to increase, they have gradually begun to pursue personalized, high-quality, high-experience and intelligent products; as well as the rapid development of Internet technology and big data technology, the retail industry has ushered in an unprecedented consumption upgrade and changes, entering the new retail era: to embrace the "omni-channel" transformation with a high degree of cooperation and deep integration between channel members,it has brought opportunities and challenges to the operation and management of traditional retail companies. The research object of this article N Company is a foreign high-end Capsule coffee brand that entered the Chinese market in 2007, mainly operating B2C capsule coffee business through retail channels, as well as direct B2B commercial business. Company N has been developing in China for more than 13 years. It has established a direct sales channel network in the Chinese market in accordance with the headquarters' business model and local operating characteristics. However, in recent years, company N’s channel management has gradually exposed some problems.The offline business has gradually shrunk due to the rapid development of online business, the cost of offline business has continued to rise, the level of channel service is inconsistent, and the competition between internal channels, the logistics supply chain and the customer management system that are closely connected with the channel cannot cope with the development of the omni-channel and support channel members to provide satisfactory services to consumers, etc., which restrict the rapid development of N company's business. In order to solve the channel management dilemma faced by N company, this research first determined the Bert Rosenbloom channel management theory applicable to N company by the study of literature related to new retail and omni-channel. It is divided into six major aspects: Inspire channel members, Improve the product, price, promotion issues related to channel management, logistics optimization and channel management performance assessment; then combine the analysis of the external environment of the IV company and the main market competitors to understand the current situation of the industry, and use the second-hand data analysis from the company and qualitative analysis Method, systematically summarize six aspects of the problems in the N company’s internal channel management and the reasons behind the problems; finally, a channel management optimization strategy from 6 aspects is developed according to the channel management theory of Bert Rosenbloom , which lays a solid foundation for building a localized omni- channel model in line with N Company under the background of the “new retail” era . The implementation goal of this optimization strategy is not only to improve the N company's channel management level, but also to ensure that N company achieves sustainable growth in performance. At the same time, it also provides a reference for other similar brands in the industry to optimize localized channel management solutions for the Chinese market. Keywords:New Retail; Channel Management; Omni-Channel; Capsule Coffee 目录 致谢 ......... Ⅰ 摘要 ......... Ⅱ Abstract .... Ⅲ 第1章 绪论 ............................ 1 1.1 研究背景 ................... 1 1.2 研究意义 ................... 3 1.3 国内外研究文献现状及理论基础 .......... 4 1.3.1 国内外研究现状 4 1.3.2 理论基础 ............ 9 1.4 研究结构与内容 ..... 13 1.5 研究方法及创新点 . 14 1.5.1 研究方法 .......... 14 1.5.2 技术路线 .......... 15 1.5.3 创新点 .............. 16 第2章 公司概况与环境分析 ............................. 17 2.1 N公司概况 ............... 17 2.2 咖啡行业环境对渠道管理的影响分析 18 2.2.1 供应商议价能力对渠道管理的影响 ............................ 19 2.2.2 买方议价能力对渠道管理的影响 . 22 2.2.3 潜在进入者对渠道管理的影响 ..... 23 2.2.4 替代品对渠道管理的影响 ............. 24 2.2.5 现有竞争者对渠道管理的影响 ..... 26 2.3 主要竞争者分析 ..... 27 2.3.1 同品类主要竞争者分析 ................. 27 2.3.2 非同品类主要竞争者分析 ............. 29 2.3.3 主要替代品竞争者分析 ................. 30 第3章 N公司渠道管理现状及问题 .................. 32 3.1 N公司的渠道现状 ... 32 3.1.1 B2C业务渠道现状 .......................... 32 3.1.2 B2B业务渠道现状 .......................... 38 3.1.3 全渠道发展现状 ............................. 38 3.2 N公司存在的渠道管理问题 .................. 39 3.2.1 针对渠道成员的激励不足 ............. 40 3.2.2 渠道管理中产品缺乏结合市场需求 ............................ 46 3.2.3 渠道管理中的价格冲突问题 ......... 50 3.2.4 渠道管理中的促销节点及机制冲突 ............................ 54 3.2.5 渠道管理中物流的效率不足 ......... 56 3.2.6 缺乏完善的渠道成员绩效考评体系 ............................ 60 3.3 小结 ......................... 62 第4章 N公司的渠道管理优化方案 .................. 64 4.1 优化目标与原则 ..... 64 4.2 渠道成员激励 ......... 65 4.2.1 B2C实体店渠道激励 ...................... 65 4.2.2 B2C线上渠道激励 .......................... 67 4.2.3 B2B商用渠道激励 .......................... 69 4.3 渠道管理中的产品优化 ........................ 70 4.3.1 新产品策略 ...... 71 4.3.2 定制产品策略 .. 72 4.3.3 产品分销策略 .. 73 4.4 渠道定价及价格控制 ............................ 74 4.4.1 新品定价策略 .. 74 4.4.2 价格控制策略 .. 76 4.5 渠道促销策略 ......... 77 4.5.1 跨渠道促销策略 ............................. 77 4.5.2 实体店促销策略 ............................. 81 4.5.3 其他促销策略 .. 82 4.6 渠道中的物流策略 . 83 4.6.1 建设满足全渠道发展的系统 ......... 84 4.6.2 建立小仓提高物流效率 ................. 86 4.6.3 建立完善的物流服务审查制度 ..... 87 4.7 渠道成员绩效评价 . 88 4.7.1 B2C实体店渠道的绩效考核 .......... 89 4.7.2 B2C线上渠道的绩效考核 .............. 90 4.7.3 B2B渠道绩效评价 .......................... 92 4.8 小结 ......................... 93 第5章 资源保障与方案实施 ............................. 95 5.1 实施保障 ................. 95 5.1.1 战略保障 .......... 95 5.1.2 财务保障 .......... 96 5.1.3 人力资源保障 .. 97 5.1.4 IT保障 ............... 99 5.2 实施时间与计划 ..... 99 5.3 PDCA风险管理以及跟踪 .................... 100 第6章 结论与展望 ............ 102 6.1 基本结论 ............... 102 6.2 研究局限及展望 ... 103