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近年来,融资租赁在中国的发展十分迅速,已经迅速发展成为中国企业尤其 是生产型企业的重要融资手段之一。XT 融资租赁公司成立于 2004 年,是全国第 二批内资试点,也是安徽省首家融资租赁公司。公司通过近 15 年经营的积累, 资产总规模已突破 50 亿元。但也面临着业务模式单一、资产质量下降等问题。 因此公司开始尝试突破原有“遍地开花”式的业务拓展模式,在战略新兴产业、 商业保理、医疗卫生、汽车租赁等方向集中优势资源试点发展专业化经营,从而 帮助企业突破发展瓶颈。本文选取了 XT 公司最早进行专业化发展尝试的汽车融 资租赁业务方向进行研究,深入分析了融资租赁企业在业务专业化发展中所面临 的共性问题,并以汽车融资租赁业务作为切入点,分析了汽车融资租赁业务专业 化在具体实施中所面临的特性问题。 论文通过理论分析、比较分析等研究方法,运用信用风险管理、产业发展、 产业融合与产业价值链以及分工、市场细分等理论。介绍了国内外汽车融资租赁 市场的现状以及 XT 公司所面临的市场形势,证明了 XT 融资租赁公司业务专业 化发展的必要性,并对 XT 公司在业务专业化发展中采用的三种专业化业务模式 进行了比较分析,运用相关理论对 XT 公司在专业化发展过程中出现的业务方向 不明确、专业人才匮乏、操作流程复杂、业务渠道狭窄等问题进行了剖析,并对 三种业务模式的实施效果进行了评价。针对 XT 公司在汽车融资租赁方向的业务 专业化发展中所出现的问题,结合公司实际情况和行业先进经验,提出了以 SP 渠道商模式为主要方向,同时配合该模式有针对性地进行专业人才队伍建设、内 部流程优化,智能化建设等若干合理化建议。 论文认为,XT 融资租赁公司若想实现汽车融资租赁业务的专业化发展,必 须明确自身定位,做好市场细分,并结合公司拥有的资源选择适合本公司的专业 化方向。并且针对专业化方向建立专业人才队伍,根据不同的业务模式建立差异 化的工作流程,加强内部分工,提高工作效率。从而提高公司的核心竞争力,完 成既定的发展目标。 关键词:融资租赁;汽车金融;专业化XT 公司的汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展研究 I ABSTRACT In recent years, financial leasing has developed rapidly in China, and has rapidly developed into one of the important financing means for Chinese enterprises, especially manufacturing enterprises. XT finance leasing company was established in 2004, which is the second batch of domestic capital pilot project in China, and also the first finance leasing company in Anhui province. Through the accumulation of nearly 15 years of operation, the company's total assets have exceeded 5 billion yuan. But it also faces the problems of unitary business model and declining asset quality. Therefore, the company began to try to break through the original business expansion mode of "spreading everywhere" and develop specialized operations in strategic emerging industries, commercial factoring, medical and health care, car rental and other directions by concentrating superior resources, so as to help the company break through the development bottleneck. This article selects the XT company the earliest professional development attempted car financing lease business direction for research, in-depth analysis of the financing lease enterprise facing the common problems in business professional development, and using the auto financing lease business as the breakthrough point, analyzes the auto financing lease business professional characteristics of the faces in the concrete implementation problems. Through case analysis, theoretical analysis, comparative analysis and other methods, this paper applies the theories of credit risk management, Industrial development theory, industrial integration and industrial value chain, as well as the division of labor, market segmentation theory. This paper introduces the present situation of domestic and foreign auto financing lease market and XT company facing the market situation, prove the necessity of the XT financing lease business professional development, and in the business of XT company specialized in developing the three specialized business model has carried on the comparative analysis, using the related theory of XT company appeared in the process of professional development in the direction of the business is not clear, the lack of professional talents, such as complicated operation process, business channel narrow problems analyzed, and the effect of three kinds of business model is evaluated. For XT company specialized in developing in the direction of the auto financing lease business, for the problems in combination with the practical situation of the company and the advanced experience of the industry, put forward to SP distributors mode asABSTRACT II the main direction, at the same time cooperate with the model targeted in professional talent team construction, the internal process optimization, intelligent building, etc. Some reasonable Suggestions. According to the paper, XT financial leasing company, in order to realize the professional development of auto financial leasing business, must clearly define its own positioning, do a good job in market segmentation, and choose the professional direction suitable for the company based on the resources owned by the company. In addition, a team of professional talents should be set up in the direction of specialization, and a differentiated workflow should be established according to different business models to strengthen internal division of labor and improve work efficiency to improve the company's key competitiveness and achieve the given development goal. KEYWORDS: financial leasing; auto finance; specializationXT 公司的汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论·············· 1 第一节 选题背景····1 第二节 研究目的与意义·············2 一、研究目的·······2 二、研究意义·······2 第三节 汽车融资租赁业务专业化国内外相关研究··············· 3 一、汽车融资租赁行业发展方面的研究·········3 二、汽车融资租赁风险控制方面的研究·········4 三、融资租赁业务专业化的相关研究············ 4 第四节 研究方法和研究内容·······5 一、研究方法·······5 二、研究内容·······5 第五节 创新与不足之处·············7 一、创新点··········7 二、不足之处·······7 第二章 汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展的理论基础·· 8 第一节 汽车融资租赁的相关概念界定············ 8 一、汽车融资租赁的相关概念··· 8 二、汽车融资租赁的主要模式··· 8 第二节 融资租赁业务专业化的相关概念界定··10 一、专业化的相关概念···········10 二、融资租赁专业化的相关概念·················10 第三节 汽车融资租赁业务专业化相关理论·····11 一、信用风险管理理论···········11 二、产业发展理论·················12 三、产业融合理论与产业价值链理论···········12 四、市场细分与分工··············13目录 2 第三章 XT 公司汽车融资租赁业务的专业化发展概况··············14 第一节 XT 公司汽车融资租赁业务的专业化环境分析·········14 一、企业基本情况·················14 二、外部环境分析·················14 三、内部环境分析·················16 第二节 XT 公司汽车融资租赁专业化业务模式17 一、平行进口汽车融资租赁·····17 二、资产包转让模式··············18 三、SP 渠道商模式················19 第三节 平行进口汽车融资租赁模式的具体实施·················19 一、业务模式与方案设置········19 二、具体业务流程·················21 三、风险控制措施·················22 第四节 资产包转让模式的具体实施··············23 一、业务模式和操作方案········23 二、风险控制措施·················25 第五节 SP 渠道商模式的具体实施················26 一、业务模式与方案设置········26 二、具体业务流程·················27 三、风险控制措施·················30 第四章 XT 公司汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展的分析评价········32 第一节 业务专业化发展的效果评价··············32 一、汽车融资租赁各业务模式的实施效果评价················ 32 二、汽车融资租赁业务的收益评价··············33 三、专业化业务模式的总体评价·················34 第二节 XT 公司业务专业化发展中存在的问题分析············35 一、从信用风险控制角度分析··35 二、从产业融合与产业价值链理论分析········36 三、从市场细分与分工角度分析·················37 第五章 XT 公司汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展建议·················39XT 公司的汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展研究 3 第一节 明确业务发展方向········39 第二节 组建专业的业务团队·····40 一、设立汽车融资租赁事业部··40 二、设置风控与租后管理专员··40 第三节 改进业务模式与操作流程·················41 一、深化与第三方机构的合作··41 二、加强信息化建设··············42 三、简化业务流程·················42 第六章 结论与展望····44 第一节 文章结论·· 44 第二节 XT 公司汽车融资租赁业务专业化发展展望············44