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近年来,我国经济增速放缓,已由粗放的高速增长模式向高质量发展 模式转变。产业结构升级、经济发展新旧动能转换,加快孕育新的市场机 遇。与此同时,粗放增长模式下积累的风险隐患有所暴露,对银行业持续 健康发展构成挑战。研究结果表明,商业银行的信贷结构与国民经济的发 展之间存在相互影响的关系。一方面信贷结构的优化可以有效支撑国家经 济建设与发展。通过信贷资源的优化升级,能够有效推动资本在不同产业 之间进行流动,进而推动国家经济的发展。另一方面,产业结构的调整和 优化,也会对商业银行的资产结构产生深入影响,进而影响整个银行业的 信贷结构。近年来,随着供给侧改革的深入推进,党的十九大和中央经济 工作会议均对金融机构有效支持服务实体经济转型发展的能力提出更高要 求。优化商业银行信贷结构既是支持我国经济长效健康发展需要,也是商 业银行提高自身经营能力、适应外部经济市场变化与响应中央政策号召的 迫切需求。 FN银行是国有大型商业银行之一的F银行的一家一级分支机构,经过 长期的发展,已在当地拥有较为雄厚的客户基础,存贷款规模市场占比逐 步扩大。但是,随着国内外经济环境不断变化,FN银行信贷经营上的风险 隐患开始暴露,信贷结构不均衡,业务增长乏力等方面的问题尤为突出。 本文以FN银行为实例,着重从区域、行业、客户、产品、期限、担保等 六个主要方面对2015年至2019年FN银行信贷结构情况进行深入分析。 分析发现FN银行存在区域信贷发展不平衡、新兴行业拓展不足、普惠金 融业务体量偏孝零售贷款结构有待优化、信贷资金流动性仍需提升、抵 质押物风险缓释效果不佳等问题。基于发现的FN银行信贷结构现状、存 II 在问题及国家金融供给侧结构性改革背景,本文对FN银行信贷结构调整 优化提出差别化的信贷支持,加快新兴行业信贷投放,加大普惠金融业务 资源配置,优先发展消费金融业务,提升短期限贷款占比和优化抵质押物 结构等优化措施。最后确保优化措施的顺利实施,提出包括组织、制度和 人才等三方面的支持保障建议。本研究在深入推进供给侧结构改革背景 下,为FN银行如何打赢防范化解重大金融风险攻坚战、落实国家重大战 略决策部署的经营管理提供决策参考。 关键词:信贷结构 问题 优化对策 III RESEARCH ON CREDIT STRUCYURE OPTIMIZATION OF FN BANK ABSTRACT In recent years, China's economic growth has slowed down and transformed from an extensive and high-speed growth model to a high-quality development model. We will upgrade the industrial structure, replace old drivers of growth with new ones, and foster new market opportunities at a faster pace. At the same time, risks and hidden dangers accumulated under the extensive growth model have been exposed, posing challenges to the sustainable and healthy development of the banking industry. The results show that there is a mutual influence between the credit structure of commercial Banks and the development of national economy. On the one hand, the optimization of credit structure can effectively support national economic construction and development. Through the optimization and upgrading of credit resources, it can effectively promote the flow of capital among different industries and thus promote the development of national economy. On the other hand, the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure will also have a deep impact on the asset structure of commercial Banks, and then affect the credit structure of the entire banking industry. In recent years, with the deepening of supply-side reform, both the 19th CPC National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference put forward higher requirements on the ability of financial institutions to effectively support and serve the transformation and development of the real economy. Optimizing the credit structure of commercial Banks is not only the need to support the long- term healthy development of China's economy, but also the urgent need for commercial Banks to improve their operation ability, adapt to the changes of IV external economic market and respond to the call of the central government. FN Bank is a first-level branch of Bank F, one of the large state-owned commercial Banks. After long-term development, FN Bank has a relatively strong customer base in the local area, and the proportion of deposit and loan scale in the market is gradually expanding. However, with the constant change of domestic and foreign economic environment, FN bank's credit operation risks and hidden dangers began to be exposed, credit structure imbalance, weak business growth and other issues are particularly prominent. Taking FN Bank as an example, this paper focuses on an in-depth analysis of the credit structure of FN Bank from 2015 to 2019 from six major aspects, including region, industry, customer, product, term and guarantee. The analysis shows that FN bank has some problems, such as unbalanced regional credit development, insufficient expansion of emerging industries, small inclusive financial business volume, pending optimization of retail loan structure, insufficient liquidity of credit funds, and poor mitigation effect of collateral risks. Based on the discovery of FN bank credit status, existing problems and the state's financial structural reform background, supply side optimization is put forward in this paper, the FN bank credit structure adjustment differential credit support, to speed up the credit emerging industries, increase the pratt &whitney financial business resource allocation, priority to the development of consumer financial business, improve and optimize the structure of limits of short term loans accounted optimization measures. Finally, to ensure the smooth implementation of the optimization measures, including the organization, system and talent support security recommendations. Under the background of furthering supply-side structural reform, this study provides decision-making reference for FN Bank on how to win the battle against and defuse major financial risks and implement the operation and management of national major strategic decision and deployment. KEY WORDS:credit structure;problems ;optimization countermeasure V 目 录 摘要 ................................................................... I ABSTRACT .............................................................. III 第一章 绪论 ............................................................ 1 1.1研究背景及意义 ........................................................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 ............................................................ 1 1.1.2研究意义 ............................................................ 2 1.2国内外信贷结构优化文献综述 ............................................ 4 1.2.1国外研究综述 ........................................................ 4 1.2.2国内研究综述 ........................................................ 5 1.2.3相关研究述评 ........................................................ 9 1.3研究内容和方法 ........................................................ 9 1.3.1研究内容 ............................................................ 9 1.3.2研究方法 ........................................................... 10 1.4研究框架 ............................................................. 10 第二章 信贷结构相关理论基础 ............................................ 12 2.1信贷结构相关概念界定 ................................................. 12 2.1.1信贷及信贷结构 ..................................................... 12 2.1.2信贷结构优化 ....................................................... 13 2.2相关理论基础 ......................................................... 13 2.2.1信息不对称理论 ..................................................... 13 2.2.2信贷配给理论 ....................................................... 15 2.2.3风险收益理论(RAROC) ............................................ 16 2.2.4贷款组合理论 ....................................................... 16 第三章 FN银行及其信贷结构现状 ......................................... 18 3.1 广西区域经济情况及FN银行概况 ........................................ 18 3.1.1 广西区域经济情况 ................................................... 18 3.1.2 FN银行概况 ........................................................ 21 VI 3.2 FN银行信贷结构现状 .................................................. 21 3.2.1区域结构 ........................................................... 23 3.2.2行业结