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I 摘要 放眼人类社会漫长而悠久的历史发展,文明与经济不断再创辉煌,生态与自然 却面临考验,人与自然的关系值得被慎重审视。21世纪以来,我国消费者及社会 企业的关注点逐渐向绿色环保倾斜,绿色营销正是在此绿色浪潮中产生的一种崭 新营销理念,这种营销理念在人类与生态关系日益严峻的今天成为了社会继续发 展必然选择。 通过大量的文献检索,笔者发现目前研究者们在绿色营销与消费两个领域的 研究成果可谓不胜枚举,其中不乏清晰明确的独立研究,也不乏角度奇特的合并研 究,但针对我国企业细分领域的分析较少。故笔者试将目光聚焦在对消费者消费意 愿的研究上,探究并补充针对我国消费者的绿色消费分析,并为企业实施绿色营销 提出建议与启发。具体围绕企业绿色营销行为对消费者绿色消费意愿的影响展开 分析,进一步探讨消费者效果感知在其中所担当的中介作用,以及企业绿色营销活 动类型和他人在场的调节作用,并提出了五条研究假设。 通过网络问卷调查的方式进行数据收集,结合SPSS等工具进行实证分析,得 到以下主要结论:首先,企业绿色营销行为对消费者绿色消费意愿具有积极的正向 影响。消费者效果感知在企业绿色营销行为消费者绿色消费意愿的影响中起部分 中介作用;其次,本文实证结果证实了消费者环境意识在对企业绿色营销行为通过 消费者效果感知影响消费者绿色消费意愿的过程中起负向调节作用,即消费者环 境意识削弱了消费者效果感的中介作用;最后,本文通过两个实验研究结合实证分 析证明了两个结论,一是相对于象征性活动,企业开展实质性绿色营销活动更能促 进企业绿色营销行为对消费者绿色消费意愿的正向影响。二是相较于无他人在场 情境,当有他人在场时更能促进企业绿色营销行为对消费者绿色消费意愿的正向 作用。 本文创新点主要在研究视角、研究思路及研究工具三个方面,研究视角方面, 从绿色产品需求端(绿色消费者)出发,对绿色产品供应端(企业绿色营销行为) 进行探析,研究结论也将反馈与供应端的改进与完善;研究思路方面,笔者重点选 取了消费者心理特征变量,针对我国企业绿色营销行为对消费者绿色消费意愿的 影响展开探析;研究工具方面,本研究结合环境管理相关研究及已有成熟量表,开 发了企业绿色营销活动类型量表。 关键词:绿色营销行为,绿色消费意愿,绿色营销活动类型,他人在场 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Looking into the long and long historical development of human society, civilization and economy continue to create brilliant, but the ecological and natural challenges, the relationship between man and nature is worth careful examination. Since the 21st century, the focus of Chinese consumers and social enterprises has gradually shifted to green environmental protection. Green marketing is a brand new marketing concept generated in this green wave. It concept has become an inevitable choice for the continuous development of society in today's increasingly severe relationship between human and ecology. Through a large number of literature retrieval, the author found that the current research results of researchers in the two fields of green marketing and consumption are too numerous to enumerate, among which there are some clear and clear independent studies, as well as some odd combination studies. However, there are few analyses on the subdivision of Chinese enterprises. Therefore, the author tries to focus on the study of consumers' willingness to consume, explore and supplement the green consumption analysis of Chinese consumers, and put forward Suggestions and inspirations for enterprises to implement green marketing. Based on the analysis of the influence of enterprises' green marketing behavior on consumers' green consumption intention, this paper further discusses the mediating role of consumers' perception of effect and the moderating role of enterprises' green marketing activities and others' presence, and proposes five research hypotheses. Data were collected through online questionnaire survey and empirical analysis was conducted with SPSS and other tools. The following conclusions were drawn: first of all, enterprises' green marketing behavior has a positive impact on consumers' green consumption intention. Consumer effect perception plays an intermediary role in the influence of consumers' green consumption intention on enterprises' green marketing behavior. Secondly, the empirical results of this paper confirm that consumers' environmental awareness plays a negative regulating role in the process of influencing consumers' green consumption intention through consumers' perception of the effect on enterprises' green marketing behaviors. In other words, consumers' environmental awareness weakens the mediating role of consumers' sense of effect. Finally, this paper ABSTRACT III proves two conclusions through two experimental studies and empirical analysis. First, compared with symbolic activities, enterprises can promote the positive impact of green marketing behaviors on consumers' green consumption intentions by carrying out substantive green marketing activities. Second, compared with the situation where no one else is present, the positive effect of enterprises' green marketing behavior on consumers' green consumption intention can be promoted more when others are present. The innovation of this paper is mainly in the perspective of research, research ideas and research tools. From the perspective of research, starting from the demand side of green products (green consumers), the supply side of green products (green marketing behavior of enterprises) is analyzed. In terms of research thinking, the author mainly selected the variables of consumer psychological characteristics, and analyzed the influence of green marketing behaviors of Chinese enterprises on consumers' green consumption intention. In terms of research tools, this study developed the enterprise green marketing activity type scale based on the research on environmental management and the existing mature scale. Key words: green marketing behavior, green consumption intention, type of green marketing activity, others' presence 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................................................ 1 1.2 研究目的与意义 ................................................................................................ 1 1.2.1 研究目的 .................................................................................................. 1 1.2.2 研究意义 .................................................................................................. 2 1.3 研究方法与框架 ................................................................................................ 2 1.4 研究内容与主要创新点 .................................................................................... 4 1.4.1 研究内容 .................................................................................................. 4 1.4.2 主要创新点 .............................................................................................. 5 第二章 国内外研究现状及相关理论文献综述 ............................................................. 6 2.1 国内外研究现状 ................................................................................................ 6 2.2 循环经济理论 .................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 循环经济概念的起源 .............................................................................. 8 2.2.2 循环经济的定义及文献综述 .................................................................. 9 2.3 绿色营销理论 .................................................................................................. 10 2.3.1 绿色营销理论基础与定义 .................................................................... 10 2.3.2 绿色营销文献综述 ................................................................................ 11 2.3.3 绿色营销与传统营销的区别 ................................................................ 12 2.3.4 绿色营销策略SWOT分析 ................................................................... 14 2.3.5 企业绿色营销行为的内涵与分类 ..............................................