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传统瑜伽馆课程培训是通过线下瑜伽馆完成的,线下瑜伽馆的优势在于能够 通过深入教学,互动交流,且私教给客户带来更好的课程体验感,所以瑜伽馆的 客户群忠诚度较高,顾客规模也能一直保持稳定。尽管如此,由于线下的瑜伽馆 所能承接的客源及能够覆盖的客群量是有限的,在过去成为瑜伽馆优势的稳定顾 客规模,正渐渐成为瑜伽馆规模化发展的瓶颈。 本文研究的主要内容是以武汉M瑜伽生活馆为研究对象,通过新零售、市场 细分和消费行为诱因作为相关理论基础,运用PEST分析其当前发展所面临的宏观 环境,探讨其进行线上线下营销的内外部驱动因素,探知消费者对线上瑜伽的真 实感受。了解客户的需求和线上消费习惯,并提出了线上线下融合营销策略供参 考。具体的研究成果有以下三个方面:一是武汉M瑜伽馆融合营销的外部动因包 括:政策鼓励支持推动,产业转型升级推动,休闲时间与支出增加推动,技术水 平进步推动;内部动因包括:稳定的线下客群抗风险能力强,稳定的资金链提供 财务保障,直营门店能有力支持线上客流转化,管理优势奠定了线上营销基础。 这些因素将推动武汉M瑜伽馆实施线上线下融合营销;二是开展线上瑜伽课程营 销有较好的潜在消费基础;在设计网上瑜伽课程时需要满足用户时间碎片化、学 习便利化、价格优惠、教练专业及课程品牌方面的需求;直播和线下瑜伽馆是受 访者的两大主要学习渠道;在设计产品时要注重满足消费者个性化的课程需求; 三是提出了线上线下融合产品设计策略,线上线下融合定价策略,线上线下融合 营销渠道策略,线上宣传促销策略,线下对接促销策略等七条建议。 本文解决的是在传统线下瑜伽生活馆面临新增顾客减少的发展瓶颈下,传统 营销面临哪些困境,是否需要进行线上线下融合营销,如何开展融合营销以及如 何保障融合营销顺利实现的问题。因此,开展本次研究不仅起到了丰富和完善我 国瑜伽相关产业营销方面的研究成果,而且具有一定现实指导意义,为传统的线 下瑜伽馆走上互联网+的转型发展道路提供参考借鉴,促进瑜伽行业的健康可持续 发展。 关键词: 瑜伽会馆、线上线下融合、营销策略 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract Traditional yoga studio course training is completed through offline yoga studio. The advantage of offline yoga studio that it is can bring better course experience to customers through in-depth teaching, interactive communication and private teaching. Therefore, yoga studio has a high customer loyalty and a stable customer scale. Nevertheless, due to the limited number of customers that offline yoga studios can accept and the number of customers they can cover, the stable customer scale that has been the advantage of yoga studios in the past that it is gradually becoming the bottleneck of the large-scale development of yoga studios. The main content of this thesis is to take Wuhan M yoga club hall as the research object. By applying the new retail, market segmentation and incentive of consumption behavior, through the PEST analyzes the current macro environment and its own operation status, discusses the driving factors of its online and offline marketing, and explores the true feelings of consumers towards online yoga. To understand the needs of customers and online consumption habits, and put forward online and offline integration marketing strategy for reference. The specific research results have the following three aspects: first, the external motivations for the integrated marketing of Wuhan M yoga studio include: policy encouragement and support, industrial transformation and upgrading, increase of leisure time and expenditure, and progress of technology; Internal motivations include: stable offline customer group strong anti-risk ability, stable capital chain to provide financial security, direct stores to provide online customer flow conversion platform, management advantages to lay the foundation for online marketing. These factors will promote the implementation of Wuhan M yoga studio online and offline integration marketing; Secondly, there is a good potential consumption base for online yoga course marketing. In the design of online yoga courses, users need to meet the needs of time fragmentation, learning facilitation, price concessions, professional coaching and course brand; Live and offline yoga studios were the two main learning channels for the interviewees. In the design of products to pay attention to meet the personalized course needs of consumers; Third, it proposes seven Suggestions, such as dual-line integration brand promotion strategy, dual-line integration product design strategy, dual-line integration drainage stratified pricing strategy, dual-line integration marketing channel selection strategy, dual-line integration channel function positioning strategy, online promotion and promotion strategy, and offline connection and promotion strategy. This thesis is to solve the problem that under the development bottleneck of traditional offline Yoga club facing the decrease of new customers whether they can carry out integrated marketing, and how to carry out integrated marketing under the industry background of price war. Therefore, this study not only enriched and improved the research results of China's yoga-related industry marketing, but also had certain 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III practical guiding significance, providing reference for traditional offline yoga studios to take the road of Internet + transformation and development, and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the yoga industry. Keywords: Yoga Club, Online and Offline integration, Marketing strategy 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV 目 录 摘要 ............................................................ I Abstract ........................................................... II 目 录 ............................................................ IV 第1章 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1研究背景 ....................................................... 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ................................................. 2 1.2.1研究目的 .................................................. 2 1.2.2研究意义 .................................................. 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ................................................. 2 1.3.1瑜伽运动的研究 ............................................ 2 1.3.2体验营销策略研究 .......................................... 3 1.3.3 品牌营销策略研究 ......................................... 4 1.3.4 互联网营销策略研究 ....................................... 6 1.3.5 文献评述 ................................................. 7 1.4研究内容及方法 ................................................. 8 1.4.1研究内容 .................................................. 8 1.4.2研究方法 .................................................. 9 第2章 相关理论基础 ................................................ 11 2.1 新零售 ........................................................ 11 2.2市场细分 ...................................................... 11 2.3 消费行为诱因 .................................................. 12 2.4 4P营销理论.................................................... 12 2.5 线上营销 ...................................................... 12 第3章 驱动武汉M瑜伽馆融合营销的内外部因素 ........................ 14 3.1武汉M瑜伽馆营销困境 .......................................... 14 3.1.1顾客规模增长陷入停滞 ..................................... 14 3.1.2 面临网上瑜伽课程对市场的冲击 ............................ 15 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 V 3.1.3 价格体系难以满足顾客定制化需求 .......................... 15 3.2 武汉M瑜伽馆融合营销外部驱动因素 .............................. 16 3.2.1政策鼓励支持推动 ......................................... 16 3.2.2产业转型升级推动 ......................................... 17 3.2.3 休闲时间碎片化推动 ...................................... 20 3.2.4技术水平进步推动 ......................................... 20 3.2.5瑜伽顾客体验需求推动 ..................................... 21 3.3 武汉M瑜伽馆融合营销内部驱动因素 .............................. 28 3.3.1稳定的线下客群抗风险能力强 ............................... 28 3.3.2稳定的资金链提供财务保障 ................................. 29 3.3.3 直营门店能有力支持线上客流转化 .......................... 29 3.3.4管理优势奠定了线上营销基础 ............................... 30 第4章 基于4