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当前越来越多的企业管理层意识到危机管理的重要性,企业危机管理研究在理论 层面与实践层面具有重大价值。具体而言,建筑企业在经营发展过程 中具有复杂性、 综合性等特征,因此其更应该而且必须强化危机管理意识,结合企业发展实际,明晰 企业发展现状,在危机爆发前做好准备和预防工作,唯此才能有效应对企业 的一系列 复杂发展情境,化被动为主动、转不利为有利从而实现建筑企业健康有序发展。但是 企业危机管理不能止步于理论与意识层面,有效实施危机管理意味着对相关企业提 出 更高的要求,如何识别即将发生的危机,识别和预见危机后企业如何准备和预防,一 旦危机爆发如何行动采取何种应对策略以及危机得以解决之后企业如何实现有序发 展,这 都是本文将重点研究的问题。2019 年 12 月到 2020 年上半年,新型冠状病毒 席卷全球,对全球的经济及社会运作机制带来巨大影响与挑战。A 建筑企业面对突如 其来的“疫情 危机”不知所措,暂停歇业或者在“寒冬期”勉强维持经营不得不采取 的应对措施。不言而喻,这次全球“疫情危机”给 A 建筑发展带来不利影响,也为相 关企业的后续发展敲 响警钟——强化企业危机管理。 在此背景之下,本文研究的重点是建筑企业如何有效进行危机管理并针对性地提 出对相关企业进行危机管理的策略。本文的研究对象是 A 建筑企 业,首先在阅读相关 文献基础之上对企业危机管理理论进行了梳理,明晰危机管理的概念及相关理论、职 能和程序等,接着具体以 A 建筑企业为例宏观分析了建筑行业整体发展 状况,而且进 一步分析了 A 建筑企业自身经营发展状况,主要从 A 建筑企业的危机识别、主要危 机类型、危机管理尤其实施策略存在的三个方面展开。本研究主要采用 AHP 法 确定 A 建筑企业不同危机的相对重要程度,研究结果表明相对重要危机主要包括生产质量危 机、技术革新、信息危机和安全生产危机,进而明确企业危机缘由。最后,本研究针 对性地设计和提出落实建筑企业危机管理的策略,以期在理论上为后续研究提供启 示,并在实践中为相关企业的危机管理提供借鉴。 关键词:建筑企业;危机管理;新冠肺炎; 实施策略Abstract II ABSTRACT More and more enterprise managers are aware of the importance of crisis management. The research on enterprise crisis management has great value in theory and practice. Specifically speaking, construction enterprises have the characteristics of complexity and comprehensiveness in the process of operation and development. Therefore, they should and must strengthen the awareness of crisis management, combine with the actual development of enterprises, clarify the development status of enterprises, and make preparations and prevention before the crisis breaks out. Only in this way can we effectively deal with a series of complex development situations of enterprises, turn passive into active and turn disadvantageous into existence So as to realize the healthy and orderly development of construction enterprises. However, enterprise crisis management can not stop at the level of theory and consciousness. Effective implementation of crisis management means higher requirements for related enterprises. How to identify the impending crisis? How to identify and foresee how to prepare and prevent the crisis? Once the crisis broke out, how to take action, what coping strategies to take and how to achieve orderly development after the crisis is solved? This is the focus of this paper. The novel coronavirus swept the world from December 2019 to the first half of 2020, which brought great impact and challenge to the global economic and social operation mechanism. A construction enterprises in the face of a sudden "epidemic crisis" at a loss, suspend business or barely maintain operation in the "cold winter" have to take response measures. It is self-evident that the global "epidemic crisis" has brought adverse impact on the development of a building, and also sounded the alarm for the subsequent development of related enterprises - strengthening enterprise crisis management. In this context, the focus of this paper is how to effectively carry out crisis management in construction enterprises, and put forward the strategy of crisis management for related enterprises. The research object of this paper is a construction enterprise. Firstly, on the basis of reading relevant literature, this paper combs the theory of enterprise crisis management, clarifies the concept of crisis management and related theories, functions and procedures, and then takes a construction enterprise as an example to analyze the overall development of the construction industry, and further analyzes the operation and development of a construction enterprise, mainly from a construction The crisis identification, the main crisis and the problems existing in crisisA 建筑企业危机管理策略研究 III management and the implementation strategy of construction enterprises are carried out. Then, this study mainly uses AHP method to determine the relative importance of different crises in a construction enterprise. The results show that the relative important crises mainly include production quality crisis, technological innovation crisis, information crisis and safety production crisis, and then clarify the causes of enterprise crisis. Finally, this study puts forward the implementation of the construction enterprise crisis management strategy, in order to provide inspiration for the follow-up research in theory, and provide reference for the crisis management of related enterprises in practice. KEYWORDS: Construction Enterprise ; Crisis Management ; Novel Coronavirus ; Implementation StrategiesA 建筑企业危机管理策略研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论· 1 第一节 研究背景与研究意义················ 1 一、研究背景············ ····1 二、研究意义················3 第二节 国内外研究综述···· 4 一、企业危机管理的内涵·4 二、企业危机管理的发展历程········ ·····5 第三节 研究内容及研究方法················ 6 一、研究内容················6 二、研究方法············· ···7 第二章 危机管理的概念及相关理论··9 第一节 危机管理及其程序· 9 一、危机管理的内涵·······9 二、危机管理的职能和程序············· ·11 第二节 企业危机管理的相关理论·········13 一、基于系统角度的企业危机管理——系统论········ 13 二、基于生命周期的企业危机管理——生命周期 论·· 14 三、基于企业传播角度的危机管理——扩散论········ 14 第三章 A 建筑企业及其主要危机识别15 第一节 A 建筑企业基本情况············· ·· 15 一、公司资质·············· 16 二、品牌荣誉·············· 16 三、科技研发·············· 16 第二节 A 建筑企业 主要危机识别·········17 第三节 A 建筑企业的主要危机及其影响19 一、质量类危机及其影响·················19 二、技术类危机及其影响·· ···············20 三、信息类危机及其影响·················21 四、安全生产危机及其影响··············22 五、公共卫 生危机及其影响··············23 第四章 A 建筑企业危机管理的调查与问题·········· 24目 录 2 第一节 调查设计与实施···24 一、调查设计· ············· 24 二、调查步骤·············· 24 第二节 A 建筑企业危机管理问题·········25 第五章 A 建筑企业危机管理策略实施 31 第一节 A 建筑企业危机管理策略实施的原则与思路···31 一、实施原则·············· 31 二、实施思路·············· 32 第二节 质量 危机管理策略与实施·········32 一、建立三级质量危机管理体系········32 二、做好质量事故的调查和处理········33 第三节 技术危机管理策略 与实施·········35 一、建立三级技术危机管理体系········35 二、对危险性较大工程设计专项施工方案··············37 第四节 信息危机 管理策略与实施·········38 一、信息收集·············· 38 二、信息处理·············· 39 三、信息对外交流········ 40 第五节 安全生产危机管理策略与实施·· 40 一、建立综合及专项应急救援预案·····40 二、加强安全技术交底工作··············41 三、加强危险性 较大工程安全管理·····42 第六节 公共卫生危机管理策略与实施·· 43 一、制定公共卫生管理细则··············43 二、建立疫情防控中心有效隔离·· ······44 第六章 结束语·············· 45 第一节 研究结论············45 第二节 研究不足与展望····45。。。。。。以下内容略