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商贸物流业是国民经济的重要行业,是反映一个地区经济发展和社会繁荣程度的窗 口,也是带动一个地区农业发展、促进农民增收的基础性行业。建设区域性的“商贸物 流中心”则是国内外许多城市发展的目标方向。尤其近年来,我国对外开放步伐不断加 快,新型城镇化、农业现代化方兴未艾,城市商贸物流业发展问题引起了各地政府和许 多专家学者的高度关注。随着国家“一带一路”战略的实施和自治区建设丝绸之路经济 带核心区任务的推进,自治区提出了要在乌鲁木齐打造核心区“五大中心”,其中之一 就是商贸物流中心。因此,乌鲁木齐建设“丝路商贸物流中心”成为首府和全疆未来发 展的一项重大任务,也成为了本次研究的重要课题。 通过深入阐述建设商贸物流中心的重要意义,详细梳理乌鲁木齐市商贸物流业发展 面临的历史机遇、自身基础、有利条件,深入分析存在的主要问题及制约因素,在此基 础上有针对性提出了乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建设模式,即选择交通物流驱动 型发展模式,辅之产业、政策、要素支撑;提出了乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建 设目标和具体思路,即打造形成城市“一基地三片区、七园区多节点”发展格局;明确 了发展步骤,即以 15 年为周期、分三个阶段;提出了乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心” 建设的 5 项重点任务,即编织城市物流网络;完善配套服务体系;打造城市交通枢纽、 提升物流便捷水平;扩大城市对外开放、打开国外市场;营造良好城市环境。此外,还 提出了“丝路商贸物流中心”建设的 5 个方面保障措施,即组织保障、规划保障、政策 保障、资金保障和人才保障。 关键词:丝绸之路;商贸;物流中心;农业;乌鲁木齐市II Feasibility Study on the Construction of the Silk Road Trade and Logistics Center in Urumqi Abstract Trade logistics industry is an important industry of the national economy, it is a window to reflect the degree of economic development and social prosperity of a region, but also to promote the agricultural development of a region, the basic industry to promote farmers' income. Construction of regional trade and logistics center is the goal of the development of many cities at home and abroad. Especially in recent years, China's opening up the pace continues to accelerate, the new urbanization, agricultural modernization is in the ascendant, the development of urban logistics industry caused by the government and many experts and scholars of great concern. With the national The Belt and Road strategy and the implementation of autonomous region construction Silk Road Economic Belt core task to promote the autonomous region, proposed to build the core area of the five centers in Urumqi, which is one of the logistics center. Therefore, the construction of Urumqi Silk Road trade logistics center has become an important task for the future development of the capital and Xinjiang, has also become an important topic of the study. The important detail construction of logistics center, facing the development of logistics industry in Urumqi city has combed the historical opportunity, its foundation and favorable conditions, in-depth analysis of the existing problems and restricting factors, targeted on the basis of the Urumqi Silk Road trade and logistics center construction mode, namely in transportation and logistics driving type, industry, policy, factors driving supplemented; proposed the Urumqi Silk Road trade logistics centerIII construction goals and specific ideas that create a seven city park three base area, multi node development pattern; the development steps, namely in a 15 year cycle, divided into three stages; put forward 5 key tasks in the construction of Urumqi City the Silk Road trade and logistics center, i.e.woven city logistics network; perfect supporting services System; to build urban transport hub, to enhance the level of logistics convenience; to expand the city's opening to the outside world; to open foreign markets; to create a good urban environment. In addition, also proposed the 5 aspects of the silk road construction trade and logistics center of the safeguard measures, organizational security, security planning, policy support, financial security and personnel security. Key words: Silk Road;trade;logistics center;Agriculture;Urumqi cityIV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 研究背景和意义…1 1.2 文献综述2 1.3 研究方法3 1.4 报告的框架结构与创新之处4 第 2 章 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”的必要性和重要性…5 2.1 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”的必要性5 2.2 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”的重大意义6 第 3 章 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”条件分析9 3.1 面临的历史机遇…9 3.2 自身发展基础和有利条件…10 3.3 面临的挑战和制约因素17 第 4 章 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”路径分析…22 4.1 国内其他城市商贸物流中心模式借鉴…22 4.2 乌鲁木齐市建设“丝路商贸物流中心”模式选择23 4.3 乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建设的总体思路…25 4.4 乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建设的实施阶段…26 4.5 乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建设的重点任务…27 第 5 章 乌鲁木齐市“丝路商贸物流中心”建设的对策建议…33 5.1 争取政府高度重视大力支持33 5.2 编制实施专门规划建设方案33 5.3 积极争取国家特殊政策支持33 5.4 多措并举加大资金投入力度35 5.5 大力培养相关领域高端人才35 第 6 章 结论…37