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随着网络的普及化,社会的信息化程度逐渐提高,网络基础设施建设亟需加大,每 年国内电信运营商都要建设大量的 IP 网络工程,包括新建工程和再建工程等,蕴含着 巨大的商机,而最直接受益于此的,是服务于电信运营商的系统集成行业。目前国内电 信运营商中,中国电信、中国移动、中国联通的数据网络用户最多,覆盖面最大,他们 之间的相互竞争也是最激烈的。对用户来讲,有多家运营商的网络可选择,自然对网络 服务质量的要求就更高了,导致几大运营商都加快了宽带网络接入及传输网络的建设。 先天因素的不足,使得中国移动电信固网的规模,远远落后于中国电信和中国联通, 为了增加全业务竞争的能力和在固网宽带市场上也分一杯羹,必须加大基础网络建设投 资。在这种背景下,自然是通信运营商的服务提供商的 C 公司,开拓中国移动新市场的 最佳机会,C 公司的高管在发现商机后,在公司高层会议上制订了战略目标,组建了相 应的项目团队。而作为项目主要团队成员之一的作者,在开展项目之前,搜集了大量素 材制作了本项目商业计划书,供企业高层决策所用。 本书在总体结构上,首先论述了商业计划书产生的背景和意义,然后运用战略管理 的理论从内部环境以及外部环境两个方面对项目的可行性进行分析。在内部环境分析中, 以项目的竞争优势以及服务和技术为重点分析了项目所拥有的资源、能力和核心竞争力; 在外部环境分析中,先从宏观方面对中国移动的发展现状进行了分析,并从中发现了潜 在的市场机会,再运用五力模型对竞争环境进行了系统的分析;接下来运用 SWOT 方 法分析了项目所面临的外部的机会和威胁以及内部优势和劣势,并以此制定了项目的战 略。项目战略制定后,对项目未来运营管理方面进行了相关的规划和设计,运用市场营 销的理论来确定目标市场、市场细分以及进行市场定位,并制定了营销计划;接下来运 用财务管理的知识制定融资策略并分析了项目的赢利模式和投资回报;最后运用风险管 理的相关理论对公司项目执行过程中可能遇到的风险进行分析并提出相应的风险控制 对策,最后得出结论,供投资者决策参考。 关键词:运营商;网络系统集成;商业计划II Abstract Along with the network universalization, society's informationization degree gradually enhances, the network infrastructure construction must enlarge urgently, domestic telecommunication operation business all must construct the massive IP network project every year, including the new construction and the reconstruction project and so on, is containing the huge opportunity, but profits most directly from this, is serves the telecommunication operation business system integration profession。At present in domestic telecommunication operation business, The China Telecom, China Moble, China United Telecommunications's data network user are most, the coverage is biggest, between them the mutual competition also is most intense。As for the user, has many operation business network to be possible to choose, the nature has been higher to the network grade of service request, caused several big operation business all to speed up wide band network turning on and the transmission network construction。 The congenital factor insufficiency, causes the Chinese migration telecommunication solid network the scale, falls behind by far the China Telecom and China United Telecommunications, in order to increase the entire service competition ability and also divides cup of thick soup in the solid net wide band market, must enlarge the foundation network construction investment。Under this kind of background, is naturally correspondence operation business service provider's C Corporation, develops China to move the new market the best opportunity, the C Corporation's high tube after the discovery opportunity, has drawn up the strategic target in the company high-level conference, has set up the corresponding project team。But took of a author project main team members, in front of development project, collected the massive source material to manufacture this project commercial prospectus, used for the enterprise high-level decision-making。 This book in the overall structure, first elaborated the background and the significance which the commercial prospectus produces, then carries on the analysis using the strategic management theory from the internal environment as well as the external environment two aspects to the project feasibility。In internal environment analysis, has analyzed the resources, ability and the core competitive power take the project competitive advantage as well as the service and the technology as the key point which the project has。In the external environment analysis, the development present situation which moved to China has first carried on the analysis from the macroscopic aspect, and had discovered the latent market opportunity, thenIII utilized five strength models to carry on the system analysis to the competition environment。 Met down has analyzed exterior opportunity and the threat as well as internal superiority and the inferiority using the SWOT method which the project faced, and has formulated the project strategy by this 。 After the project strategy formulation, future the operation management aspect has carried on the related plan and the design to the project, using the market marketing theory determined the goal market, the market subdivide as well as carry on the market localization, and has formulated the marketing plan;Met down and has analyzed the project profit pattern and the investment repayment using the financial control knowledge formulation financing strategy。Finally utilizes the risk management the correlation theories the risk which possibly meets to the company project implementation in to carry on analyzes and proposed the corresponding risk control countermeasure, finally draws the conclusion, for investor decision-making reference。 Key words: business plan; network system integration; commercial programIV 目 录 摘要...I ABSTRACT .....II 图表清单.VII 第一章 绪 论1 1.1 研究背景和意义. 1 1.2 国内外研究现状. 2 1.3 研究内容、研究方法和结构... 2 1.3.1 研究内容 ..... 2 1.3.2 研究方法 ..... 3 1.3.3 结构 ..... 4 第二章 C 公司网络系统集成项目基本情况5 2.1 C 公司基本情况.. 5 2.2 C 公司系统集成能力基本情况.. 6 2.3 项目管理团队基本情况. 8 2.4 经营目标及规划. 8 2.5 本章小结. 9 第三章 行业与市场分析10 3.1 网络集成行业的产生... 10 3.2 我国网络系统集成行业发展状况. 11 3.3 广东移动运营商网络建设状况及需求分析... 13 3.4 行业环境分析... 18 3.4.1 潜在进入者的威胁 ..... 18 3.4.2 替代者的威胁 . 19 3.4.3 现有主要竞争者分析 . 19 3.4.4 供应商讨价还价的能力 ... 22 3.4.5 运营商讨价还价的能力 ... 22 3.5 SWOT 分析 . 23 3.6 本章小结..... 24V 第四章 市场营销策略....25 4.1 市场营销..... 25 4.2 STP 营销 ..... 25 4.2.1 市场细分 ... 25 4.2.2 目标市场的选择 ... 26 4.2.3 市场定位 ... 26 4.3 营销组合策略... 27 4.3.1 产品策略 ... 27 4.3.2 定价策略 ... 27 4.3.3 渠道策略 ... 28 4.3.4 促销策略 ... 28 4.4 竞争优势..... 28 4.5 本章小结..... 28 第五章 经营团队的管理29 5.1 项目团队..... 29 5.2 组织结构..... 30 5.3 项目的运作管理..... 31 5.3.1 项目运作规范 . 31 5.3.2 项目实施目标 . 32 5.3.3 项目计划与实施管理 . 32 5.4 本章小结..... 38 第六章 财务分析及风险对策....39 6.1 投资使用计划... 39 6.2 项目经营预测... 40 6.2.1 项目收入预算 . 40 6.2.2 项目成本费用支出预算 ... 41 6.2.3 现金流量预测 . 41 6.3 项目投资价值分析. 43 6.3.1 投资回收期计算 ... 43 6.3.2 投资净现值计算 ... 43VI 6.3.3 内部收益率计算 ... 44 6.4 风险识别及其策略. 44 6.4.1 外部风险及策略 ... 44 6.4.2 内部风险及策略 ... 45 6.5 本章小结..... 49 结 论50