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人力资源管理在近二十年来的发展非常令人瞩目,也被实践证明是获得可持续竞争优 势的重要因素。而薪酬管理作为战略性人力资源管理的核心组成部分,正是这一竞争优势 的载体。如何通过科学、合理、有效的薪酬体系来吸引,保留和激励优秀的人才,以达到 保持和提升企业核心竞争力,更是现代企业界关注的焦点。 天津五市政公路工程有限公司是一家从事市政、公路工程施工的中型国有企业,随 着近几年基础设施建设的大规模展开,该行业获得了迅猛发展。但在企业的快速发展过程 中,人力资源管理己成为制约其发展的瓶颈因素,尤其是薪酬问题更为突出,员工们因此 感到不满,骨干员工离职,整个公司士气低下,组织绩效急速下降。本文依据现代薪酬管 理理论与方法,通过深入的调查研究、访谈,对天津五市政公路工程有限公司的薪酬管理 进行了全面细致的研究,并提出了一套完整的解决方案。 本文正文部分共分为六个章节。第一章为绪论部分;第二章为薪酬管理基本理论的回 顾部分;第三章为天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬管理现状及存在问题分析部分。通过 对该公司人力资源现状等的简要分析,判断并指出其存在的主要问题以及目前薪酬方案需 重新建立的必要性;第四章为薪酬方案的设计部分。针对该公司具体人力资源状况及企业 经营战略情况明确了其薪酬设计的具体思路,并通过工作分析、岗位评价、绩效考核、薪 酬结构设计、外部薪酬调查等为该公司建立了完善的薪酬分配方案;第五章薪酬方案实施 部分。主要探讨薪酬方案可行性以及实施拟采取的配套措施;第六章是对新的薪酬方案设 计的总结部分。 本文的最终结果,不仅为天津五市政公路工程有限公司设立了一套科学合理的薪酬方 案,还让该企业的管理者们从中获得了现代薪酬管理的理念和方法,而且也使本人受益匪 浅。但由于时间和学识所限,必然还有很多不足之处,望各位老师和同学批评指正。 关键词:经营战略 ,工作分析,岗位评价 ,绩效考核 , 薪酬方案设计河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位报告 - ii - TIANJIN FIFTH MUNICIPAL & HIGHWAY ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. COMPENSATION DESIGN ABSTRACT Human resources management in the development of the last 20 years is very impressive, and proven in practice to be sustainable competitive advantage is an important factor. Compensation as a strategic management and human resource management component of the core is the competitive edge carrier. How scientific, rational and effective pay system to attract, retain and motivate talented people, so as to achieve maintain and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, is the focus of attention of the modern business world. Tianjin Fifth Municipal & Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd. is engaged in a road construction project of the medium-sized state-owned enterprises,with the recent years of large-scale infrastructure construction started, the industry has been rapid development. However, the rapid development of enterprises in the process of human resources management has become a bottleneck restricting the development factors,in particular the pay issue more prominent,so employees are dissatisfied with the backbone of employee turnover,low morale throughout the company, the rapid decline in organizational performance. In this paper, the basis of modern management theory and methods of remuneration , through in-depth investigations and studies,interviews,Tianjin Fifth Municipal & Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd. conducted a comprehensive management pay meticulous research,and put forward a complete set of solutions. Text of this paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter I is Introduction . Chapter II is the summary of the related theories,which is the academic support of the design. Chapter III is the analysis of the problem existing in the compensation system,which is the fact support the design. Chapter IV is for the design of the compensation. The company specifically for human resources and corporate management strategy is clear pay its specific design ideas,and through work analysis, post appraisal, performance evaluation, salary structure design,external salary surveys for the company to establish a sound Pay distribution programmes. Chapter V of the compensation design is discussion on the main package feasibility and the implementation of measures to be taken;Chapter VI is the new package design to conclude. The end result of this,not only for Tianjin Fifth Municipal & Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd. have set up a scientific and reasonable package,but also to the enterprise managers get a salary of modern management concepts and methods, but also to my benefit a great deal. But河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位报告 - iii - due to the time constraints and knowledge, surely has many shortcomings, look to the teachers and students criticized the correction. KEYWORDS, management strategy, work analysis, post appraisal, performance evaluation, compensation design河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位报告 - iv - 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1国外薪酬管理研究现状 2 1.2.2国内薪酬管理研究现状 4 1.3研究内容 6 1.4研究方法与创新之处 7 1.4.1研究方法 7 1.4.2创新之处 7 第二章 薪酬管理的基本理论 8 2.1薪酬的概述 8 2.2薪酬管理及分配的基本原则 10 2.2.1薪酬管理的原则 10 2.2.2薪酬的分配原则 11 2.3薪酬的理论基础 12 2.3.1薪酬决定理论 12 2.3.2薪酬分配理论 14 2.3.3薪酬管理理论 15 2.4薪酬管理领域新的发展趋势 18 第三章 天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬现状分析 20 3.1天津五市政公路工程有限公司概况 20 3.2天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬体系现状 22 3.3天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬制度存在问题 25 第四章 天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬方案设计 29 4.1薪酬方案的总体目标及设计流程 29 4.1.1经营战略 29 4.1.2薪酬方案设计的总体目标及思路 30 4.1.3薪酬体系设计流程 31 4.2工作分析 31 4.3岗位评价 33 4.3.1岗位评价方法的选择 33河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位报告 - v - 4.3.2岗位评价 33 4.4绩效考核 39 4.5外部薪酬调查 42 4.6薪酬方案设计 43 4.6.1薪酬结构设计 43 4.6.2薪酬水平的确定 45 4.7项目部人员薪酬的设计 47 4.8薪酬支付及管理 50 第五章 天津五市政公路工程有限公司薪酬方案实施 51 5.1薪酬方案实施的可行性分析 51 5.2拟采取的配套措施 52 第六章 结论与建议 54