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A 服装集团成立于 1998 年,是国内较大的时装品牌公司之一,旗下有 5 家全资子 公司,三条品牌线,涵盖女装、男装以及童装。A 服装集团是一家具有较强危机意识和 对趋势有强敏感性的公司,面对同质化竞争激烈的服装行业,A 服装集团一直在寻找新 的趋势与风口,寄希望于多元化战略实现转型升级,摆脱增长瓶颈。 A 服装公司注意到近些年来,社交电商行业的发展态势强劲。行业总交易额(GMV) 从 2013 年的 377 亿元增加到了 2017 年 6835 亿元,复合增长率超过 100%。在 2018 年, 中国社交电商行业的月活跃用户数达到了 1.7 亿人。研究数据显示,到 2020 年,中国社 交电商用户数将接近 6 亿,整个行业的市场规模预计将超过 3 万亿。 基于此,A 公司启动了内部孵化项目——“美丽魔方”社交内容电商项目。本商业 计划书就是对此项目的论证研究。计划书先通过 PEST 工具,对项目外部环境进行分析 发现,在流量红利殆尽、网购整体规模增速放缓的今天,中心化的传统电商获客成本水 涨船高,搜索式的购物转化率很低,这为社交电商的出现提供了发展机会。再根据 SWOT 战略工具发现,团队借助集团资源优势保证供应端质量,利用内容与社交两个维度的策 略迅速获取以 90 后为主的新兴女性消费群体,在其时尚性购物的消费习惯中占领一席 之地是可行的一种策略。再对目标客户和市场进一步分析得出,项目可定位在面向具有 大众中端消费能力的年轻女性,依靠优质 UGC+PGC 内容输出形成流量入口,从而实现 服饰销售的新型电子商务平台。根据项目的市场定位,确定最适合组织发展的架构为类 电商平台的扁平架构。项目的短期目标是作为集团重要的利润贡献单元之一,在集团整 体营业收入中实现占比超过 50%。但最终目标是作为一个全品类的电子商务平台,未来 覆盖服饰、时尚、护肤、彩妆、美食、旅行、影视、读书、健身、家居等各个生活方式 领域。因此,计划书设计了三大发展阶段帮助项目从单一品类到全品类,并最终覆盖金 融与物流端的全生态布局。最后从项目的投资回报率角度进行测算,得出项目前五年的 内部收益率为 43.44%,远远大于项目资金成本 12%,可见项目具备落地可行性与投资 价值。 关键词,女装,社交内容电商,营销战略,商业计划书Abstract II Abstract Founded in 1998, A Apparel Group is one of the largest fashion brand companies in China. It has five wholly-owned subsidiaries and three brand lines covering women's wear, men's wear and children's wear. A Apparel Group is a company with strong crisis awareness and strong sensitivity to trends. In the face of the homogenization and fierce competition in the apparel industry, A Apparel Group has been looking for new trends and enthusiasm, and hopes to realize the diversification strategy. Transform and upgrade to get rid of the growth bottleneck. A clothing company has noticed that the development of the social e-commerce industry has been strong in recent years. The total trade volume (GMV) of the industry increased from 37.7 billion yuan in 2013 to 68.35 billion yuan in 2017, with a compound growth rate exceeding 100%. In 2018, the number of monthly active users in China's social e-commerce industry reached 170 million. According to research data, by 2020, the number of social e-commerce users in China will be close to 600 million, and the market size of the entire industry is expected to exceed 3 trillion. Based on this, Company A launched the internal incubation project, the “Beautiful Rubik's Cube” social content e-commerce project. This business plan is an argumentation study of this project. The plan first analyzes the external environment of the project through the PEST tool. It is found that today's traditional e-commerce customer acquisition costs are rising, and the search-type shopping conversion rate is low, after the traffic dividends are exhausted and the overall growth of online shopping is slowing down. This provides an opportunity for the emergence of social e-commerce. According to the SWOT strategic tool, the team uses the resources of the group to ensure the quality of the supply end, and utilizes the two dimensions of content and social to quickly acquire the emerging female consumer groups based on the post-90s, occupying a place in their fashion shopping habits. It is a viable strategy. Further analysis of the target customers and the market, the project can be positioned in the face of young women with the mass middle-end spending power, relying on high-quality UGC + PGC content output to form a traffic portal, thus achieving a new e-commerce platform for apparel sales. According to the market positioning of the project, the architecture that is most suitable for organizational development is determined to be a flat architecture of an e-commerce platform. The short-term goal of the project is to be one of the Group's important profit contribution units, achieving a proportion of more than 50% of the Group's overall operating income. But the ultimate goal is to serve as a full-scale e-commerceIII platform, covering the lifestyles of fashion, fashion, skin care, make-up, food, travel, film and television, reading, fitness, and home. Therefore, the plan has designed three development stages to help the project from a single category to a full category, and ultimately cover the entire ecological layout of the financial and logistics sectors. Finally, from the perspective of the project's return on investment, the internal rate of return for the first five years of the project is 43.44%, which is far greater than the project cost of 12%. It can be seen that the project has the feasibility and investment value. Key words: Women Dress, Social Content E-commerce,Marketing Strategy, Business Plan目 录 IV 目 录 摘要.....I Abstract . II 图表清单.VIII 第一章 绪论1 1.1 项目背景 . 1 1.2 文献综述 . 2 1.2.1 社交电商的定义. 2 1.2.2 内容电商的定义. 3 1.2.3 社交电商的分类. 4 1.2.4 社交电商的特征. 4 1.2.5 社交电商的价值创造方式... 4 1.3 研究内容及研究方法 ..... 5 1.3.1 研究内容. 5 1.3.2 研究方法. 6 1.4 研究技术路线图 . 6 第二章 项目介绍与预期目标..8 2.1 项目概述 . 8 2.1.1 项目介绍. 8 2.1.2 项目主营业务范围... 8 2.1.3 项目的特点... 9 2.2 项目对集团的定位和目标 ... 9 2.2.1 项目在集团里的定位..... 9 2.2.2 项目的预期目标. 9 2.3 本章小结 ..... 10 第三章 项目外部环境分析....11 3.1 项目外部宏观环境分析 ..... 11 3.1.1 政策环境分析... 11 3.1.2 经济环境分析... 12 3.1.3 社会文化环境分析. 12V 3.1.4 技术环境分析... 13 3.2 项目行业竞争环境分析 ..... 14 3.2.1 下游消费者的议价能力..... 14 3.2.2 上游供应商的议价能力..... 15 3.2.3 潜在进入竞争者的威胁..... 15 3.2.4 行业内现有竞争者. 16 3.2.5 潜在替代品的威胁. 16 3.3 项目外部威胁和机会 ... 17 3.4 本章小结 ..... 18 第四章 项目的资源能力分析19 4.1 项目内部资源分析 . 19 4.1.1 财务资源分析... 19 4.1.2 渠道资源分析... 19 4.1.3 人才资源分析... 21 4.1.4 媒介资源分析... 22 4.1.5 仓储物流资源分析. 22 4.2 项目能力分析 ... 23 4.2.1 管理能力分析... 23 4.2.2 营销能力分析... 23 4.2.3 研发设计能力分析. 24 4.2.4 采购生产能力分析. 25 4.2.5 供应商管理能力分析... 25 4.3 项目的优势与劣势 . 26 4.4 本章小结 ..... 27 第五章 项目的定位....28 5.1 项目的 SWOT 分析表 .. 28 5.2 项目的愿景与使命 . 29 5.2.1 项目的愿景. 29 5.2.2 项目的使命. 29 5.2.3 项目的价值观... 29目 录 VI 5.3 项目的定位 . 30 5.3.1 市场的细分(Segmentation). 30 5.3.2 目标市场的选择(Targeting) 31 5.3.3 目标市场的定位(Positioning)... 32 5.4 项目核心价值活动 . 32 5.5 本章小结 ..... 33 第六章 项目组织与运营计划34 6.1 项目的组织计划 ..... 34 6.1.1 完善公司治理结构. 34 6.1.2 组织架构及人员安排... 34 6.2 项目整体发展计划 . 35 6.2.1 第一阶段,单一品类阶段. 36 6.2.2 第二阶段,全品类阶段..... 36 6.2.3 第三阶段,“电商+金融+物流”阶段... 36 6.3 市场运营推广计划 . 36 6.3.1 冷启动... 36 6.3.2 试运营... 37 6.3.3 正式上线..... 38 6.3.4 快速发展阶段... 38 6.3.5 成熟稳定阶段... 38 6.4 项目的营销计划 ..... 38 6.4.1 项目营销计划... 38 6.4.2 营销的实施和控制. 39 6.4.3 项目的营销组合策略... 40 6.5 本章小结 ..... 41 第七章 项目的财务计划与风险分析42 7.1 项目融资数量和使用计划 . 42 7.1.1 项目融资数量... 42 7.1.2 融资使用计划... 42 7.2 项目财务数据预测 . 42VII 7.2.1 财务预测的假设..... 42 7.2.2 项目收入预测... 43 7.2.3 项目成本预测... 43 7.2.4 项目现金流预测..... 44 7.3 项目经济效益测算 . 45 7.3.1 资本成本..... 45 7.3.2 净现值... 46 7.3.2 内部收益率. 47 7.4 项目的风险分析与控制策略 ... 47 7.4.1 轻资产项目的风险与对策. 48 7.4.2 专业人才或管理人才短缺的风险与对策. 48 7.4.3 外协企业管理能力和产品质量风险与对策... 49 7.4.4 竞争环境风险及对策... 49 7.4.5 物流管理风险及对策... 49 7.5 退出机制 ..... 49 7.6 本章小结 ..... 50 结 论..51