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我国电力体制的改革,明确指出要还原电力商品属性,有序放开竞争性业务, 伴随而来的便是发电企业之间的全方位的竞争,发电企业的压力与日俱增,包括 生产服务方面以及内部工作效率的提升方面等。现代化企业的发展背景已经对发 电企业提出了新的要求,而实际上发电企业的发展还局限于现有管理模式的制约, 企业人员的增长在很大程度上受到企业人力成本提升的制约,很难实现较大幅度 的增加。现代化发电企业对生产管理方式提出了新的要求,而发电企业检修部门 的人员与工作量的不平衡更阻碍了这种需求的满足。企业中精益管理系统的构建 对于企业各个方面的发展具有重要的促进作用,包括企业管理水平的提升、经营 效益的增加、检修工作效率的提升、设备运行可靠性的提高以及班组管理的加强 和检修绩效的提高等。 在上述的研究背景下,本文以 D 发电厂热工检修部门为例,从精益管理的角度 出发,收集各工序现场数据和信息,对生产检修流程进行深入分析。发现 D 发电 厂热工检修部门员工积极性低、检修过程控制差、检修成本高等问题。根据热工 检修现状,绘制价值流程图,运用价值流程分析方法对热工检修进行详细分析、 研究。较为详细的核算了热工检修过程中的具体的增值时间和非增值时间及其比 例关系,发现热工检修的增值时间比率相对较低。通过对现有问题进行分析,发 现导致非增值时间多的因素有班组设置不合理、检修过程控制差以及人员激励效 果不明显等问题。结合存在的问题,明确改进方向,确定改进目标,并基于以下 五个层面进行精益管理方案的制定,包括生产安全层面、生产组织层面、检修质 量层面、生产信息化系统层面以及绩效考核层面。进而,促进该发电厂生产效率 的提升和生产成本的降低,减少浪费的精益管理。 关键词,热工检修,价值流,增值时间比,精益管理II Abstract The reform of Chinese power system clearly points out that it is necessary to restore the attributes of electric power products and orderly liberalize the competitive business. Accompanied by the all-round competition among power generation companies, the pressure on power generation enterprises is increasing day by day, including production services and internal aspects of work efficiency improvement, etc. The development background of modern enterprises has put forward new requirements for power generation enterprises. In fact, the development of power generation enterprises is still limited by the existing management mode. The growth of enterprise personnel is largely restricted by the increase of human labor costs. It is difficult to achieve a large increase. Modern power generation enterprises have put forward new requirements for production management methods, and the imbalance between personnel and workload of power generation enterprise maintenance departments has hindered the satisfaction of such demands. The construction of lean management system in enterprises has been an important role in promoting the development of all aspects of the enterprise, including the improvement of enterprise management level, the increase of operational efficiency, the improvement of maintenance work efficiency, the improvement of equipment operation reliability, the strengthening and overhaul of team management, performance improvement, etc. Based on the above research background, this paper takes the thermal maintenance department of D power plant as an example. From the perspective of lean management, the data and information of each process are collected, and the production overhaul process is analyzed in depth. It is found that the employees of thermal maintenance department in D power plant have low enthusiasm, poor maintenance process control and high maintenance cost. According to the current situation of thermal maintenance, the value flow chart is drawn, and the value flow analysis method is used to analyze and study the thermal maintenance in detail. By calculating the value-added time, non-value-added time and value-added time ratio of thermal maintenance process, it is found that the value-added time ratio of thermal maintenance is relatively low. Through the analysis of the existing problems, it is found that unreasonable team settings, poorIII control of overhaul process and inadequate incentive effect of personnel are the factors leading to more non-value-added time. Combining with the existing problems, the direction of improvement is clear, the goal of improvement is determined, and the lean management scheme is formulated in five aspects: production organization, maintenance quality, safety production, performance evaluation and production information system. Finally, the D power plant can improve production efficiency, reduce production costs, and reduce waste of lean management. Key words:thermal maintenance,value flow,value-added time ratio,lean managementIV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........................................... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........................................... 3 1.3 研究方法与研究内容 ........................................... 4 1.3.1 研究方法 ............................................... 4 1.3.2 研究内容 ............................................... 4 第二章 精益管理的相关理论 .......................................... 6 2.1 运营管理的概述 ............................................... 6 2.1.1 运营管理的概念 ......................................... 6 2.1.2 运营管理的内容 ......................................... 6 2.2 价值流分析的概述 ............................................. 8 2.2.1 价值流分析的概念 ....................................... 8 2.2.2 价值流分析的意义 ....................................... 9 2.2.3 价值流分析的方法和工具 ................................. 9 2.3 精益管理的概述 .............................................. 10 2.3.1 精益管理的概念 ........................................ 10 2.3.2 精益管理的基础工具 .................................... 10 2.3.3 体现精益思想的方法 .................................... 11 2.4 本章小结 .................................................... 12 第三章 D 发电厂热工检修业务现状和问题.............................. 13 3.1 热工检修业务现状 ............................................ 13 3.2 热工检修业务的浪费现象 ...................................... 13 3.3 热工检修业务的价值流分析 .................................... 15 3.4 热工检修业务存在的主要问题 .................................. 16 3.4.1 热工检修生产组织方面的问题 ............................ 16V 3.4.2 热工检修质量方面的问题 ................................ 17 3.4.3 热工检修安全生产方面的问题 ............................ 17 3.4.4 热工检修绩效考核方面的问题 ............................ 18 3.4.5 热工检修生产信息化方面的问题 .......................... 18 3.5 本章小结 .................................................... 19 第四章 D 发电厂热工检修精益管理.................................... 20 4.1 热工检修精益管理的目标与原则 ................................ 20 4.1.1 精益管理的目标 ........................................ 20 4.1.2 精益管理的原则 ........................................ 21 4.2 热工检修生产组织方面的精益管理 .............................. 22 4.2.1 成立精益综合检修班组 .................................. 22 4.2.2 成立消缺班,及时消除缺陷 .............................. 27 4.3 热工检修质量方面的精益管理 .................................. 28 4.3.1 员工行为规范的精益管理 ................................ 28 4.3.2 检修过程的精益管理 .................................... 30 4.3.3 设备投运的精益管理 .................................... 30 4.4 热工检修安全生产方面的精益管理 .............................. 31 4.4.1 建立并完善安全精益管理 ................................ 31 4.4.2 检修前安全生产的精益管理 .............................. 32 4.4.3 完善检修现场安全精益管理 .............................. 35 4.5 热工检修绩效考核方面的精益管理 .............................. 38 4.5.1 综合性班组实施绩效精益管理的原则 ...................... 39 4.5.2 综合性班组绩效的精益考核 .............................. 39 4.5.3 综合性班组员工工时绩效的精益考核 ...................... 40 4.6 热工检修生产信息化系统的精益管理 ............................ 45 4.6.1 生产信息化管理系统功能框架设计 ........................ 46 4.6.2 生产信息化管理系统外部整合 ............................ 46 4.6.3 部分相关功能介绍 ...................................... 47 4.7 本章小结 .................................................... 50 第五章 D 发电厂热工检修精益管理实施保障............................ 51 5.1 理念保障 .................................................... 51 5.2 人力保障 .................................................... 51 5.3 质量保障 .................................................... 52VI 5.4 设备保障 .................................................... 52 第六章 总结与展望 ................................................. 53 6.1 总结 ........................................................ 53 6.2 展望 ........................................................ 53