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摘要随着我国建筑市场竞争的日趋激烈,投标行为策略的制定对于成功中标有着极其重要的意义,投标行为策略的研究和制定已经成为各大建筑企业进行工程竞标的关键。运用合理有效的投标行为策略制定适当的报价,既能中标又能带来利润,对参与投标的投标人有着积极重要的现实意义,值得深入研究。取得良好结果的前提条件是作好必要的准备。对招标投标项目过程中信息的收集是非常重要的,收集信息的要求“迅速、准确、完整。建立良好的、强大的竞标团队,团队成员必须投标技巧和能力强。成员必须渠道广泛、丰富的信息,工作认真,严格的纪律。投标人必须学会一些基本的投标行为策略,例如以退为进、以人为本的方法等。突然降价法、不平衡法等这些策略和技巧的出价将是基础方法,在投标过程中在合理的单位内使用这些投标技巧,投标人最终谋得中标的几率将得到很大幅度的增加。在整个招标投标行为策略过程中,投标人应该掌握一些基本的方法、手段,本文从多种方面阐述了何种招标策略才能取得良好的结果,投标人在这些方法的基础上应该定量分析的一些方法做出相应的投标行为策略,从而提高投标行为策略的科学性、合理性。作为投标行为策略的核心内容,投标报价策略是整个投标过程的重中之重,掌握一定程度的报价策略对所有的投标人来说是一项必要的前提,此篇文章通过对投标过程中对投标报价的影响因素进行细致分析;详细介绍了多种投标报价策略和技巧,充分将理论与实践操作进行融合,详尽的分析和阐述了投标人应如何做好投标报价策略。招投标市场正如一个没^■硝烟的战场,在这场战役中比拼的是企业的综合实力和整体水平,本文旨在通过对招投标行为策略的研究,阐明招标企业要想在工程建设项目投标中拔得头筹,在掌握一些必须的技巧外,还必须注重企业的工程质量、社会名声、管理风格……施工企业要想在竞争中维系生命和实现发展就要发现或创造独特的核心竞争力,充分利用投标行为策略营造有自身企业特色的报价体系,形成独特的报价策略。本文的研究内容对建设工程投标企业的投标行为策略有一定程度的指导,并对今后的理论研究与实践有一定程度的借鉴意义。关键词:政府釆购工程招投标报价策略ABSTRACTWith China's construction market competition becomes increasingly fierce,thebidding strategy formulation for successfully won the bid is very important, for the bidstrategies and make each big building enterprise has become the key engineering bid.Reasonable use of effective for the bid strategy making proper quotation,can the winningand can bring profits,to participate in bidding contractor has an important practicalsignificance, worth researching.Good results of the premise condition is to make the necessary preparations. In theprocess of project bidding information collection is very important, of informationcollection requirements rapid,accurate and complete. Establi a good, strong bid team,and the team members must bid tips and ability. Members to be widely, abundantinformation channels, the work is earnest, strict discipline. A bidder must learn somebasic bidding strategies,such as YiTuiWeiJin and human-oriented methods. Suddenlyreduction method, don't balance method, the strategies and techniques offer will befundamental methods, reasonable use some assistance means method,bid the probabilityof the successful bidder will greatly increase.In the process of bidding decision-making, a bidder ould learn some basic methods,means, this paper, from the various aspects of the bidding decision-making what can beachieved good results,a bidder in these methods based on the quantitative analysis ofsome methods ould make corresponding bidding decision-making, so as to improve thebidding decision-making scientific and reasonable.Bidding process is the most important strategy for the bid, a bidder must have adegree of master,this article through to in the process of the influence factors of bid pricequotation analysis; Detailed introduces various bid price skills, will contact a theory withpractice, how to make bidding decision-making for bidders for the very detailed analysis,research.The bidding is a struggle without gunsmoke, is the comprehensive enterprise levelto reflect,this article through to the tendering and bidding strategies, expounds the tenderenterprise want to bid for engineering construction projects in topped,in terms of someskill required outside, still must pay attention to the engineering quality, enterprise socialreputation, management style The construction enterprise to survive and develop inthe competition, you must have the unique core competitiveness, and establi their ownbidding strategy system, form his own bidding strategies. This paper research content forthe project contracting enterprise of decision for the bid with a certain degree of guidance,and future research and practice with a ccrtain degree of reference.KEY WORDS: Government procurement project Bidding Price decision