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名称Name:豪斯泰勒张思图德建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 Hostetler Zhang Studer (HZS) Shanghai 地址Add:上海市南京西路338号天安中心11F 338 West Nanjing Road ,Tian‘an Building,11th floors,Shanghai china Craig Studer思图德公司首席运营官,堪萨斯州立大学城市规划学士/景观设计学士 Craig Studer COO, HZS USA & COO, HZS Shanghai;Bachelor of Planning and Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University Gregory W.Alban阿尔本设计总监密西根州立大学景观建筑学士 Gregory W.AlbanDirector of Design ,Michigan State University Bachelor of SocialScience, Landscape Architecture 彭丽文重庆建筑大学城市规划学士,注册城市规划师 Pengliwen Bachelor of Urban Planning,Chongqing Architecture University , Registered Urban Planner of P.R.C 叶禄初中南林业科技大学城市规划,学士 Yeluchu Bachelor of Urban Planning, University of Zhongnan 杨艺宣华中科技大学城市规划,硕士 yangyixuanMaster of Urban Planning, HuazhongUniversity Of Science and Technology 黄雪君中国美术学院环境艺术设计,学士 Kitty Huang Bachelor of Art LandscapeArchitecture,University of China Academy 洪占东安徽农业大学城市规划,学士 Hongzhandong Bachelor of Urban Planning, Agricultural University of Anhui 栾昌海黑龙江科技学院城市规划,学士 Luanchanghai Bachelor of Urban Planning, University of Heilongjiang Science and Technology Robert罗伯特LEED AP 北卡罗来纳州立大学景观建筑设计学士 Robert Ward, LEED APBachelor of Landscape ArchitectureNorth Carolina State College of Design 遂宁中华养生谷国际旅游休闲度假区总体策划 Overall Strategic Planning of China International Health Valley Tourism and Leisure Resort Area Main Designers Design Company 主要参与设计人员: 设计单位: 公司简介 Company Introduction URBAN PLANNING ARCHITECTURELANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 市規劃建築設計景觀設計 HZS豪張思为一所集规划、建筑与景观设计实力于一体的综合性美国设计公司,致力于进一步向我们现有及未 来的客户提供优质而完备的设计服务及具有开创性的设计解决方案。HZS豪張思团队的全球设计经验及其自数 百个项目中所获取的丰富技术施工经验使我们具备了完成重大项目的超凡能力。 基于全新思维所带给我们的革新理念、完备的方案解决手段以及我们针对每一位客户及其项目所提供的竭诚尽 责的服务,使我们在不断拓展业务的同时,也确立了HZS在设计领域中全新的典范地位。 INNOVATIVE COMPREHENSIVERESPONSIVE 创新 全面尽责 创新: 全球化的视野给予了我们专注创新、把握机遇以及项目文化定位的能力,使我们的客户得以最终受益, 同时也提升了他们的竞争优势。 全面: 设计并非仅为停留于纸面的概念。每一项目的拓展都源自我们对整体项目的综合性的理解,并结合了来 自客户的构想与具体情况。客户与我们设计团队间的紧密沟通使我们的设计团队得以充分理解项目的问题之所 在,从而采取全面、综合且具针对性的设计解决方案。 尽责: 公司自创立之初便致力于积极的服务以满足客户、项目和现场快速响应的需求。由出众的专业设计者, 优秀的协调者及经验丰富的项目经理所组成的团队确保了我们与客户之间有效的合作。 HZS豪張思每一位合伙人均具有非常丰富的国际化、多元化的美国设计公司领导经验。其背景决定了他们具有 超越传统专业框架的、从多角度审视并解决问题的能力,从而奠定了HZS以全面设计手段解决设计问题的理念 基础。 Craig Studer 思图德 先生曾任欧洲迪斯尼乐园规划设计师,现主持公司规划部相关工作,同时配合其他部门 的设计。在其二十年的职业生涯中,思图德先生曾经在四个不同的大陆工作,其非凡的工作经验与真正国际化 的设计视角都将成为我们客户的宝贵财富。其代表作品包括欧洲迪斯尼乐园规划等项目。思图德先生为堪萨斯 州立大学规划及景观学士。 Renzo Zhang 张润舟 先生出任公司董事会主席, 在担任公司管理与市场的同时, 亦承担重要项目的建筑设 计工作,曾为美国许多著名项目的主管及首席设计师。其代表作品包括圣荷西(硅谷)州立大学新校区等项目。 张先生为清华大学建筑学士, 哈佛大学设计硕士学位, 并获哈佛大学优秀毕业生称号。作为一段重要的工作经 历,张先生曾在清华大学留校任教5年。 Scott Hostetler 豪斯泰勒(雪糕)先生具有世界级的景观设计经验,曾负责设计过番禺星河湾,北京星河湾, 重庆龙湖香樟林别墅和香港迪斯尼酒店等诸多代表项目, 豪斯泰勒先生将与景观设计团队一起为客户提供个性 化的、具有针对性的现场设计指导。由他领导的完备的景观设计队伍将为您未来的项目提供充满革新的景观设 计。豪斯泰勒先生为景观建筑学士和宾夕法尼亚大学景观硕士。 HZS is an American, multi-disciplinary planning and design frm founded to bring fresh, innovative planning, architecture and landscape design to our clients. The global experience of the HZS partnership combined with the strong technical knowledge gained from over 200 Chinese projects contribute signifcantly to our ability to realize this core mission in China. HZS embodies a new paradigm in the practice of Planning and Design that thrives on new technologies to bring innovative ideas, a comprehensive approach, and responsive service to each of our clients and their projects. Innovative; Our global perspective gives us the ability to cultivate innovation, recognize opportunities and apply culturally appropriate solutions to our projects that benefit end users and enhance our clients’ competitive advantage. Comprehensive; Design is more than the application of ideas to paper. We approach each project from an inter- disciplinary perspective, accompanied by thoughtful communication within our client and team exchanges that leads our teams to a thorough understanding of the issues and results in comprehensive, multi-dimensional design solutions. Responsive; We are actively on the ground at each of our projects from inception through construction. Our partners spend half of their time living and working in China to be on-site and respond quickly to project needs. Our staff is composed of strong professionals, excellent communicators and fexible managers that interface effectively with our clients and project teams Our partners each have strong international, multi-disciplinary experience with leading American design frms. Their backgrounds, ability to cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and resolve issues from multiple perspectives form the foundation of HZS’s holistic approach to design. Craig Studer facilitates the firms planning efforts in concert with other disciplines. During his twenty-year career, he has lived and worked on four continents enabling him to bring to our clients a wealth of experience from a truly global perspective. He has made significant contributions to projects including The Peninsula, Treyburn and EuroDisney. Mr. Studer received a Bachelors degree in Planning and Landscape Architecture at Kansas State University. Renzo Zhang as CEO, he divides his time between management and marketing functions as well as making signifcant contributions to design in the frm. He has been director and principle designer for many notable projects in the United States such as San Jose State University New Urban Campus. Mr. Zhang received a Bachelor of Architecture from Tsinghua University and a Master of Design with Distinction from Harvard University. In addition to an active practice, Mr. Zhang taught at Tsinghua University for 5 years. Scott Hostetler (Ice Cream) has worldwide experience directing award winning landscape architectural design. In addition to serving as president he provides personalized, hands-on design services along with the entire team responsible for the successful landscape designs of the Hong Kong Disneyland hotels, Panyu Star River, Beijing Star River. Scott received a Bachelors degree in Landscape Architecture and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. ◆思图德Craig Studer 首席运营官,合伙人 COO, HZS USA & COO, HZS Shanghai; Partner 22年规划和景观设计经验 22 years of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture Experience 工作经验Working Experience 2006- 豪斯泰勒张思图德建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 首席运营官,合伙人 Hostetler Zhang Studer (HZS) Shanghai Chief Operation Offcer;Partner 1998-2006 美国Niles Bolton Associates规划及景观部门主管 Niles Bolton Associates, USADirector of Planning and Landscape depar