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级: :F562.6F27292密 . 分类号; 曰期: :盋? 学校代码11078 期限: 学号:2112065026盋? 广州大学硕士学位论文 BY机场安检员的离职成因及对策研究 程娟 学科专业(领域):工商管理 研究方向:人力资源管理 28 论文答辩日期:2023年5月日 指导教师(签名): 答辩委员会主席(签名): 答辩委员会委员(签名):Classified Index:F562.6;F272.92 U.D.C:005.95/.96 Dissertation for the Master Degree of MBA Analysis of the reasons for the departure and the research on the countermeasures of security inspectors at BYairport Candidate:Cheng Juan Supervisor:Liu Xiaoyan Speciality:Master of Business Administration School:School of Management Date of Defence:May 28,2023 Degree Offering Institution:Guangzhou University 摘要 摘要 机场作为我国国民经济发展的一个重要物质生产部门,它将社会的生产、交 换、分配与消费等诸多环节联系在一起,是我国社会、经济、生活各方面能够正 砊诵械幕∏疤帷6瞬攀腔》⒄棺钪匾淖试础;【赫涨靼兹然? 场竞争的根本是人才的竞争笠的诓客臣剖菹允荆?012年至2022年期间, BY机场安检入职新员工总人数为1309人,而离职总人数为503人,离职人数 占新入职总人数的38.43%,BY机场安检这一离职数据为企业管理敲响了警钟。 本研究以BY机场安检员工离职为研究主体,以离职员工与在职员工两类群 体为研究对象,采用访谈与问卷调查方法,使用T检验、相关性分析、影响因素 频数比较的数据分析方法,进行深入分析影响BY机场安检员工离职的主要因 素ü治龅贸觯跋霣Y机场安检员工离职的主要原因包括薪酬福利水平、 个人发展与晋升、公平公正性、工作环境、岗位本身内容、领导的管理风格、管 理机制、企业文化以及行业发展前景,同时也针对BY机场安检部分在职员工的 离职倾向进行分析,结果表明,在职员工未发生离职的主要原因是个人在组织内 部还有发展晋升空间和生活压力太大、离职成本高詈螅荼疚难芯拷峁? 针对性的提出了降低BY机场安检员工离职倾向的对策与建议:健全薪酬福利制 度,改进绩效考核机制;建立健全晋升机制,清晰员工职业规划;建立科学安检 执勤-培训制度,增设旅客服务技巧培训;清晰薪酬分配制度,拓宽晋升岗位, 公平资源分配制度;提升安检直属领导管理水平与能力;改善安检硬件设施设备, 调节员工人际与工作氛围;塑造良性服务环境,建立符合时代的企业文化;明确 企业文化,加强员工职业前景认同;重新审视离职管理,加强对员工离职意愿的 监控和跟踪。 通过本文研究,螹岣还赜贐Y机场安检员工离职方面的理论研究,以期 能对后续整体人力资源管理系统的理论研究提供支撑。本文的实践意义在于,一 方面通过调研得出影响员工离职的重要因素,并提出有系统性、针对性的解决对 策,螹兄诮饩鯞Y机场安检员离职率较高的问题,另一方面也为其他机场 解决安检员离职问题提供有益的借鉴。 关键词:员工离职;离职因素;解决对策;安检员 I 广州大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT As an important material production department in the development of Chinas national economy,airports connect many aspects of social production,exchange, distribution,and consumption,and are the basic prerequisite for the normal operation of various aspects of society,economy,and life in China.And talent is the most important resource for airport development.Airport competition is becoming increasingly intense,and the fundamental reason for airport competition is talent competition.According to internal statistical data of the company,between 2012and 2022,the total number of new employees recruited at BYairport security screening was 1309,while the total number of employees who resigned was 503,accounting for 38.43% of the total number of new employees.The resignation data of BYairport security screening sounded an alarm bell for enterprise management. This study takes the resignation of BYairport security employees as the main research object,and takes two groups of employees as the research object.Using interview and questionnaire survey methods,data analysis methods such as T-test, correlation analysis,and frequency comparison of influencing factors are used to conduct in-depth analysis of the main factors affecting the resignation of BYairport security employees.Through analysis,it is concluded that the main reasons that affect the resignation of BYairport security employees include salary and welfare levels, personal development and promotion,fairness and impartiality,work environment,job content,leadership management style,management mechanism,corporate culture,and industry development prospects.At the same time,an analysis is also conducted on the resignation intention of some employees in BYairport security inspection,and the results show that:,The main reasons why on-the-job employees do not leave are that there is still room for personal development and promotion within the organization, there is too much life pressure,and the cost of leaving is high.Finally,based on the results of this study,targeted countermeasures and suggestions are proposed to reduce the turnover tendency of BYairport security staff:etablish a scientific security inspection duty training system,and add passenger service skills training;clear salary distribution system,expanded promotion positions,and fair resource allocation system; improve the management level and ability of direct security inspection leaders;improve security hardware facilities and equipment,regulate employee interpersonal and work atmosphere;shaping a benign service environment and establishing a corporate culture II 。。。以下略