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I 摘要 服务经济大发展的背景下,制造业与服务业的相互融合日益明显。越来越多 的制造企业开始将经营重点从产品领域向服务领域进行延伸,从单纯提供产品转 变为提供“产品+服务”的产品服务系统(PSS)。随着制造企业的服务化转型,传统 的产品供应链逐步演变为产品服务供应链(PSSC),而由于产品和服务的相互影响, 供应链管理面临更为复杂的挑战。如何加强上下游企业之间的合作,成为产品服 务供应链协同发展的重要课题。当前,商业环境的不断变化加剧了供应链管理的 不确定性。为更好地应对复杂多变的市场需求,上下游企业间的信息共享变得越 来越重要。鉴于此,本文围绕产品服务供应链内的需求信息共享展开研究,综合 运用决策优化、契约设计以及非合作博弈等理论模型,研究服务型制造企业的需 求信息共享激励问题,并深入探讨服务竞争下的供应链信息共享策略。 首先,针对供应链中制造商既提供产品也提供服务时的需求预测信息共享与 激励问题,以一个制造商和一个零售商组成的产品服务供应链为研究对象,考虑 零售商拥有私有的需求预测信息且可选择将部分信息与制造商共享,通过构建不 完全信息下的动态博弈模型,分析了零售商信息共享水平、制造商服务效率以及 消费者服务敏感性等因素对服务价值与信息共享价值的影响,并提出了基于两部 补偿契约的信息共享激励策略。 其次,针对供应链内存在制造商服务竞争的需求信息共享与激励问题,以两 个生产替代品的制造商和一个零售商组成的产品服务供应链为研究对象,考虑各 制造商为自身产品提供配套服务且零售商拥有私有的需求预测信息,通过对比不 同信息共享情形下供应链内各成员的决策与利润,考察了零售商的需求信息共享 策略,进而得到了竞争性制造商实现完全信息共享激励的可行条件,最后基于数 值仿真,分析了消费者服务敏感性、制造商服务效率以及竞争强度等因素对各企 业信息共享收益的影响。 再次,针对供应链间存在制造商服务竞争的需求信息共享问题,以两条分别 由一个制造商和一个零售商组成的产品服务供应链为研究对象,同样考虑每个制 造商围绕各自产品提供配套服务而每个零售商拥有不完美的私有需求信息,通过 构建不完全信息下的多阶段博弈模型,考察了供应链内需求信息共享对产品定价 与服务决策的影响,并基于对供应链信息共享三种不同效应(即直接效应、竞争效 应和溢出效应)的分析,探讨了供应链之间同时存在价格竞争与服务竞争的需求信 息共享博弈均衡。 最后,针对平台销售模式下产品服务供应链内的需求信息共享问题,考虑两 重庆大学博士学位论文 II 个竞争性制造商通过同一电商平台进行销售,且各制造商会为自身产品提供配套 服务而电商平台比制造商掌握更多的市场需求信息,通过对比无信息共享、部分 信息共享以及完全信息共享三种不同情形下的产品价格和服务水平,分析了电商 平台的信息共享行为对制造商均衡决策的影响,进而考察了电商平台的最优信息 共享策略及其对社会福利的影响。 关键词:产品服务供应链;制造商服务;需求不确定;信息共享;服务竞争 英文摘要 III Abstract With the great development of service economy, the mutual integration of manufacturing industry and service industry is increasingly obvious. More and more manufacturing enterprises have begun to focus on service and extend their business scope from product field to service field, and they also transform from simply providing product to providing product service system (PSS). With the servitisation transformation of manufacturing enterprises, the traditional product supply chain has gradually evolved into the product service supply chain (PSSC). However, due to the interaction between product and service, supply chain management will face more complex challenges. How to strengthen the cooperation among upstream and downstream enterprises has become an important topic for the collaborative development of the product service supply chain. Nowadays, the continuous changes of business environment have intensified the uncertainty of supply chain management. In order to better respond to the complex and changeable market circumstances, demand information sharing among upstream and downstream enterprises becomes more important. In view of this, this thesis focuses on the issue of demand information sharing in the product service supply chain. Based on decision optimization, contract design and non-cooperative game model, this thesis investigates the service-oriented manufacturing enterprise’s incentive mechanism for demand information sharing and discusses the information sharing strategies of the supply chain under service competition. Firstly, this thesis addresses the problems of demand information sharing and incentive strategy in a supply chain where the manufacturer provides both product and service. We consider a product service supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one retailer. The retailer has private demand forecast information and can choose to share any part of such information with the manufacturer. By constructing a dynamic game model under incomplete information, this thesis analyses the impacts of the retailer’s information sharing level, the manufacturer’s service efficiency and the consumer’s service sensitivity on the service value and the information sharing value. Then, the two-part compensation incentive contract is put forward to achieve complete information sharing in the supply chain. Secondly, this thesis explores the issue of demand information sharing in a supply chain with manufacturer service competition. We consider a supply chain where two 重庆大学博士学位论文 IV competing manufacturers sell through one common retailer. The manufacturers provide supporting service for their own products, while the retailer has private demand forecast information. Through comparing the decisions and profits of supply chain members under different information sharing situations, we investigate the retailer’s demand information sharing strategy. On this basis, the feasible conditions for competitive manufacturers to provide incentives for complete information sharing are discussed. Based on the method of numerical simulation, the influences of the consumer’s service sensitivity, the manufacturer’s service efficiency and the competition intensity on the information sharing revenues of supply chain members are analysed in the end. Thirdly, this thesis focuses on the problem of demand information sharing in competing supply chains with manufacturer service competition. We consider a model of two supply chains, each consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer. The manufacturers provide supporting service for their own products while the retailers have imperfect private demand information. By constructing a multi-stage game model under incomplete information, the impacts of demand information sharing on the product pricing and the service decision-making are investigated. Futhermore, based on the analysis of the three effects of information sharing (i.e., the direct effect, the competitive effect and the spillover effect), the game equilibrium of demand information sharing under price competition and service competition is discussed. Finally, to address the issue of demand information sharing in a product service supply chain under the platform sales mode, we consider two competing manufacturers sell through one common e-commerce platform. The manufacturers provide supporting service for their own products, while the e-commerce platform has more demand information than the manufacturers. By comparing the product prices and the service levels under three different situations of information sharing, the impacts of the e-commerce platform’s information sharing behaviour on the manufacturers’ equilibrium decisions are analyzed. Furthermore, the optimal information sharing strategy of e-commerce platform and its influences on social welfare are discussed. Keywords: Product Service Supply Chain; Manufacturer Service; Demand Uncertainty; Information Sharing; Service Competition 目 录 V 目 录 中文摘要 .............. I 英文摘要 ........... III 1 绪 论 ............. 1 1.1 研究背景与问题的提出 ............. 1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 ..................... 2 1.3 研究思路与主要内容 ................. 3 1.3.1 本文的研究思路 .................. 3 1.3.2 本文的研究内容 .................. 4 1.4 本文的创新之处 ......................... 6 2 文献综述 ....... 9 2.1 产品服务供应链的研究现状 ..... 9 2.1.1 产品服务系统及其相关理论的研究 ................. 9 2.1.2 涉及产品服务供应链的研究 ........................... 11 2.2 服务竞争的