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前几年,随着广播电视在全国逐渐普及和完善,电视节目成为中国居民日常 生活中重要的娱乐和信息来源,电视在人们生活中占据了客厅的中心,电视节目 也成为人们茶余饭后重要的谈论话题。然而到了智能手机的时代,移动互联网使 手机这块小小的屏幕逐渐取代了电视和电脑,媒体行业随之也发生了翻天覆地的 变化,电视行业需要重新定位自身。同时,电视行业本身同样面临着激烈的内部 竞争,一些电视行业的佼佼者走出了一条多种媒介互联互通,合作共赢的创新道 路。而另一些传统电视媒体则固守疆界、创新乏力,不断走向没落。新的技术趋 势和发展模式不仅不会落潮,反而会对传统媒体行业产生颠覆性影响。 本文对媒介融合背景下QD电视台发展战略问题进行研究,通过分析QD电视 台面临的突出问题及其战略发展环境,为其发展战略的优化提出具体的改进措 施。QD电视台本身在内容生产方面具有相当的优势,同时在QD市内拥有广泛的 信息渠道和收视群体。但是,随着新技术的发展,人们对传统电视的信息依赖正 在逐步减退,而新媒体却正在占领盈利高地,QD电视台面临着人才缺失、创新 乏力、盈利模式单一等问题。要解决这些问题,不能走封闭保守的老路,而应该 以开放的心态拥抱新技术和新环境,利用自身的优势,积极向新媒体领域挺近。 同时,还应该以此为契机,提升团队创新能力,实现盈利模式的多元化。 关键词:电视台; 转型发展; 战略规划; 媒介融合 Abstract In recent years, with the gradual establishment and improvement of the network of radio and television in the country, TV programs have become an important source of entertainment and information in the daily life of Chinese residents. Radio and television occupy the center of the living room in people's life and become an important topic of discussion for residents after dinner. However, in the era of smart phones, mobile Internet has gradually replaced TV and computer with the small screen of mobile phones, and the media industry has undergone tremendous changes. The TV industry needs to reposition itself. At the same time, the TV industry itself is also facing fierce internal competition. Some of the TV industry's leaders have embarked on an innovative path of multi-media connectivity and win-win cooperation. However, other traditional TV media are stuck to the border, lack of innovation, and constantly declining. The new technology trend and development mode will not fall, but will have a subversive impact on the traditional media industry. This paper studies the development strategy of QD TV station under the background of media integration, and puts forward specific improvement measures for the optimization of its development strategy by analyzing the outstanding problems QD TV station faces and its strategic development environment. QD TV station itself has a considerable advantage in content production, and has a wide range of information channels and audience groups in QD city. However, with the development of new technology, people's information dependence on traditional TV is gradually decreasing, and new media are occupying a high profit area. QD TV station is facing problems such as lack of talents, lack of innovation and single profit model. To solve these problems, we should not follow the old closed and conservative path, but embrace the new technology and new environment with an open mind, take advantage of our own advantages, and actively approach the new media field. At the same time, we should also take this opportunity to improve the team's innovation ability and realize the diversification of profit model.