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当前,全球数字经济高歌猛进中,新零售作为一种战略新思维,正快速影响各行各业, 也加速着传统企业在新零售领域的转型升级。随着中国改革开放的深入,国民经济持续增 长,人民的物质生活水平不断提高,中国零售业经历了从初步建立、落后,到学习、同步, 直至引领的进程,零售行业从百货模式—综合购物中心—线上购物电商—新零售,不断迭 代,带动零售业的转型升级、数据驱动、跨界融合、价值重塑。 伴随着零售业态的创新和变革,近年来消费的升级、“健康中国2030”国家战略的实 施,我国大健康产业迎来黄金时代。2020年开年一场突如其来的突发公共卫生事件新冠肺 炎疫情,更是直接将中国的大健康产业推上了风口,全民战“疫”之下,对健康中国战略 的推动带来了深远的影响和意义。 长生道中国有限公司是一家从传统滋补行业到新零售模式进行探索的互联网科技公司, 本文将其作为研究对象,运用企业发展战略、竞争战略等相关战略管理理论,结合PEST分 析法、价值链分析法、SWOT分析法等分析工具,构建分析模型,确立了长生道公司的战略 定位,并提出应采取“以燕窝全产业链一体化战略为主、相关多元化战略为辅”的发展战 略和总成本领先战略的竞争战略,构建新零售战略体系,不断优化产业链优势,降本增效, 扩大多边开放平台,构建滋补新零售B2S2C生态圈,助力企业可持续健康发展。 为更好地落实相关战略措施,本研究认为长生道公司应在组织治理结构、技术研发、 人力资源管理、企业文化建设及风险管控体系等方面做好保障措施。论文的研究有助于指 导长生道公司用更加科学、合理化的战略赢得一定的市场地位。同时,也对传统零售企业 在新的零售业态下战略转型升级提供一定的参考和借鉴。 关键词:新零售,竞争战略,平台战略,商业模式,价值链 长生道中国有限公司新零售发展战略研究 II ABSTRACT At present, with the rapid development of the global digital economy, new retail, as a new strategic thinking, is rapidly affecting all walks of life, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises in the new retail field. With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the continuous growth of the national economy and the continuous improvement of the people's material living standards, China's retail industry has gone through the process from initial establishment, backwardness, learning, synchronization, to leading. The retail industry has been evolving from department store model - Comprehensive Shopping Center - online shopping e-commerce - new retail, and has been constantly iterating to drive the transformation and upgrading of the retail industry, data-driven Cross border integration and value reconstruction. With the innovation and reform of retail business, the upgrading of consumption and the implementation of the national strategy of "healthy China 2030" in recent years, China's big health industry ushered in a golden age. Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in 2020, which was a sudden public health emergency, has directly pushed China's big health industry to the draught of great changes, and has brought far-reaching influence and significance to the promotion of healthy China strategy. Chungsun (China) Co., Ltd. is an Internet technology company exploring from the traditional nourishing industry to the new retail mode. This paper takes it as the research object, uses the relevant strategic management theories such as enterprise development strategy and competitive strategy, and combines with PEST analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis and other analysis tools to build an analysis model and establish the battle of Chungsun company It also points out that we should adopt the development strategy of "integration strategy first, related diversification strategy second" and the competitive strategy of total cost leading strategy, constantly optimize the advantages of industrial chain, reduce costs and increase efficiency, expand multilateral open platform and build a b2s2c ecosystem for new retail, thereby helping the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises. In order to better implement the relevant strategic measures, this study believes that chungsun company should take safeguard measures in organizational governance structure, technology research and development, human resource management, corporate culture construction and risk management and control system. The research of this paper is helpful to guide chungsun company to win a certain market position with more scientific and reasonable strategy. At the same time, it also provides some reference for the strategic transformation and upgrading of traditional retail enterprises in the new retail format. Keywords: new retail, competitive strategy, platform strategy, business model, value chain 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 III 目录 第一章 绪论 ........ 1 1.1研究背景 .............................. 1 1.2研究目的和意义 .................. 2 1.3研究内容和研究方法 .......... 2 1.4论文结构和技术路径 .......... 3 1.5论文的创新点 ...................... 4 第二章 相关理论综述 ....................... 5 2.1零售业态及零售业概念 ...... 5 2.1.1零售的概念 .............. 5 2.1.2零售业态的概念 ...... 5 2.1.3零售业的概念 .......... 6 2.1.4零售业态理论 .......... 7 2.2新零售的理论架构 ............... 9 2.2.1新零售的概念 .......... 9 2.2.2新零售价值链 ........ 11 2.3战略管理理论研究 ............ 13 2.3.1战略管理主要学派 13 2.3.2企业发展战略理论 13 2.3.3竞争战略理论 ........ 14 2.3.4战略分析工具 ........ 14 2.3.5商业模式理论 ........ 16 2.3.6企业生态系统 ...... 16 2.4本章小结 ............................ 17 第三章 长生道公司外部环境分析 . 18 3.1一般宏观环境分析 ............ 18 3.1.1政治环境 ................ 18 3.1.2经济环境 ................ 19 3.1.3社会人口环境 ........ 21 3.1.4技术环境 ................ 22 3.2我国零售业现状分析 ........ 23 3.2.1电商发展迅猛 ........ 23 3.2.2实体零售增速放缓 24 长生道中国有限公司新零售发展战略研究 IV 3.2.3新零售进一步进化 24 3.2.4新技术带动新体验新需求 ................... 26 3.3大健康产业分析 ................ 26 3.3.1产业格局形成 发展前景巨大 ............. 27 3.3.2资本不断涌入 技术赋能健康 ............. 27 3.3.3滋补行业增长迅猛 28 3.4长生道公司五力竞争结构分析 ....................... 32 3.3.1供应方的议价能力 32 3.3.2买方的议价能力 .... 32 3.3.3现有竞争者威胁 .... 32 3.3.4新进入者的威胁 .... 34 3.3.5替代品的威胁 ........ 35 3.5本章小结 ............................ 32 第四章 长生道公司内部环境分析 . 37 4.1企业概况 ............................ 37 4.2公司现行战略管理分析 .... 37 4.3公司经营资源分析 ............ 38 4.3.1生产资源状况 ........ 38 4.3.2管理资源状况 ........ 38 4.3.4财务资源状况 ........ 39 4.3.5技术资产状况 ........ 39 4.3.6产品和品牌资源 .... 39 4.3.7研发能力 ................ 40 4.4公司价值链、商业模式分析 ........................... 40 4.4.1长生道公司价值链分析 ....................... 41 4.4.2长生道公司商业模式分析 ................... 42 4.5长生道内部因素评价矩阵分析 ....................... 44 4.6本章小结 ............................ 44 第五章 长生道公司战略分析和战略选择 .................... 47 5.1 SWOT分析 ....................... 47 5.2公司发展使命与目标 ........ 49 5.3公司总体发展战略 ............ 51 5.3.1纵向一体化战略 .... 51 5.3.2相关多元化战略 .... 52 5.4公司竞争战略 .................... 52 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 5.4.1总成本领先战略 .... 52 5.4.2总成本领先战略的实施 ....................... 53 5.5公司业务组合战略 ............ 53 5.5.1波士顿矩阵分析 .... 53 5.5.2产品开发 ................ 55 5.5.3品牌开发 ................ 56 5.5.4市场开发 ................ 57 5.6本章小结 ............................ 53 第六章 长生道公司战略实施和保障措施 .................... 58 6.1战略实施分解 .................... 58 6.2战略实施重点 .................... 59 6.2.1成本管控 优化产业价值链 ................. 60 6.2.2产品开发 解决用户痛点 ..................... 61 6.2.3品牌定位 增强用户粘性 ..................... 62 6.2.4业态创新 搭建场景消费 ........... 63 6.2.5平台赋能 共创滋补生态 ..................... 65 6.3战略保障措施 .................... 66 6.3.1规范组织治理结构 66 6.3.2完善合伙人制 ........ 67 6.3.3加快技术创新研发 68 6.3.4打造滋补企业文化 69 6.3.5 注重人力资源管理 .............................. 70 6.3.6 构建风险管控体系 .............................. 70 6.4本章小结 ............................ 72 第七章 结论和