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人造草坪是一种不同于天然草坪的,采用化工合成材料运用机器所铺成的草 坪,全球首个人造草坪与上世纪六十年代诞生于美国,由于其维护方便,结实耐用 等优越性而被众多体育运动所欢迎,美国的橄榄球,高尔夫球等多种运动对人造草 坪的依赖性也越来越高,同时人造草坪也有着较高的观赏价值。2004年,国际足 联接受了在人造草坪上开展正式的足球运动,使得人造草坪产业迎来了新一轮高 速发展。 本文是选取S人造草坪公司作为分析案例,探讨人造草坪公司的市场营销战 略问题,从外部环境与公司内在状况两个角度,分别对S人造草坪公司的营销现 状进行分析,从而确定人造草坪产品的市场细分,明确了其目标市场的选择与定位, 制定了S人造草坪公司的营销策略。本文具体研究有: 第一,先从发展不同阶段角度出发,结合世界范围内市场营销的有关理论成果 进行分析,为后续研究案例人造草坪公司的营销策略带来理论基础。 第二,充分利用现有市场营销理论,其中包含SWOT分析法、4P理论等,将对 案例企业的市场经营环境以及内部管理问题进行综合性分析,以此来总结当前该 公司的营销现状。 最后,根据上文当中所采用的多种分析方法对该公司的营销策略进行总结并 指出其问题,通过分析后本文认为该公司存在价格制定不科学、产品类型较少、渠 道分布不均、促销缺乏监督等问题。文章结合市场经济情况,基于消费者行为变化 提出S人造草坪公司应提升产品研发及供应能力,进行产品深度多元化开发,以 及制定差异化定价,改变价格策略,同时扩张产品价格区间,整合资源加大推广力 度。利用当代诸多网络信息平台搭建自媒体传播渠道。本文认为S公司应当根据 市场变化及时根据市场调整战略,在人才、技术等方面注重发展,提升企业竞争力。 关键词:S人造草坪公司;营销现状;营销策略 2 Abstract Artificial turf is a kind of turf that is different from natural turf. It is paved with chemical synthetic materials and machines. The world's first artificial turf was born in the United States in the 1960s. It was used for its advantages such as easy maintenance and durability. Many sports are welcomed. American football, golf and other sports are increasingly dependent on artificial turf. At the same time, artificial turf also has a higher ornamental value. In 2004, FIFA accepted the development of formal football on artificial turf, making the artificial turf industry usher in a new round of rapid development. This article selects S artificial turf company as an analysis case to discuss the marketing strategy of the artificial turf company. From the perspectives of the external environment and the internal situation of the company, the current marketing situation of the S artificial turf company is analyzed to determine the artificial turf products. Market segmentation clarified the choice and positioning of its target market, and formulated the marketing strategy of S artificial turf company. The specific researches in this article include: First, start from the perspective of different stages of development, and analyze the relevant theoretical results of worldwide marketing to provide a theoretical basis for the marketing strategy of the artificial turf company in the follow-up study case. Second, make full use of existing marketing theories, including SWOT analysis, 4P theory, etc., and comprehensively analyze the market operating environment and internal management issues of the case company to summarize the current marketing status of the company. Finally, according to the various analysis methods used in the above, the company’s marketing strategy is summarized and its problems are pointed out. After analysis, this article believes that the company has unscientific price setting, fewer product types, uneven distribution of channels, and sales promotion. Lack of supervision and other issues. Based on the market economy, the article proposes that S artificial turf company should improve product research and development and supply capabilities based on changes in consumer behavior, conduct in-depth product diversification development, formulate differentiated pricing, change price strategies, expand product price ranges, integrate resources and increase Great promotion efforts. Use many contemporary network information platforms to build self-media communication channels. This article believes that S company should adjust its strategy according to market changes in a timely 3 manner, and focus on development in terms of talents and technology to enhance corporate competitiveness.