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随着经济社会的不断发展,国有企业在经济发展中起到了举足轻重的作用, 地方政府投融资平台是中国现行经济和政治体制下的特殊产物,对我国城市建设 的高速发展起到重要的支撑作用。但就目前社会环境和国家政策来看,平台公司 寻求市场化转型,参与激励的企业竞争中已是必然的趋势。在市场经济快速发展 的知识经济时代,特别在近年来国有企业实行工资总额管理,工资总额增长幅度 与企业经济效益挂钩,实行增人不增资、减人不减资的管理前提下,人才作为企 业的核心竞争力,如何留住员工、如何激发出员工积极的工作态度是现阶段国有 企业人力资源管理重要的工作内容之一,如何构建科学合理的员工激励制度从而 留住和吸引优秀人才推动地方政府投融资公司转型发展至关重要。 本论文以XD公司作为研究对象,在梳理激励相关理论和相关文献研究的基 础上,采用文献分析法、访谈问卷调查法、统计分析法等研究方法,对XD公司现 行员工激励制度进行分析研究,并且提出目前XD公司存在的问题,针对问题进行 分析,结合理论,提出完善薪酬管理体系、设置员工晋升通道、协助员工职业生 涯规划、物质激励与精神激励双结合、建立员工培训体系等对XD公司具有针对性 的员工激励改进方向。并为确保员工激励制度改革得以顺利进行,提出相对应的 保障措施。以此为XD公司在公司转型发展的关键时期中员工激励制度的改革提供 借鉴。 关键词:国有企业;员工激励制度;员工 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 XD公司员工激励制度研究 III Abstract With the continuous development of economy and society, state-owned enterprises have played a decisive role in economic development. As a special product of China's current economic and political system, local government investment and financing platforms have played an important supporting role in the rapid development of China's urban construction. However, from the perspective of current social environment and national policies, it is an inevitable trend for platform companies to seek market-oriented transformation and participate in the incentive competition. In a market economy rapid development of knowledge economy era, especially in the state-owned enterprise total wages management in recent years, the total wages growth and the enterprise economic benefit, the people do not increase, reduced not the management of the premise, the action of talent as the core competitiveness of enterprises, how to retain staff, how to inspire the staff positive work attitude is state-owned enterprise human resources management at present stage one of the important job content, how to build a scientific and reasonable employee incentive system so as to retain and attract talents to promote the development of local government investment and financing company transformation is very important. XD company as the research object, this paper in combing related theories and literature study, on the basis of literature analysis, interview, questionnaire investigation, statistical analysis and other research methods, analysis of XD company existing staff incentive system, and put forward the current problems of XD company, in view of the problems were analyzed, combining with the theory, put forward to perfect salary management system, set up staff promotion channels, to assist the staff career planning, material incentive and spirit incentive combined double, set up staff training system, and targeted at XD company employees incentive improvement direction. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the employee incentive system reform, the corresponding safeguard measures are proposed. In this way, XD company can learn from the reform of employee incentive system in the critical period of company transformation and development. Keywords: state owned enterprise; employee incentive system; employee 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 XD公司员工激励制度研究 i 目 录 摘要 .............................................................. I Abstract .......................................................... III 第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1论文选题背景 ................................................ 1 1.2选题的意义及目的 ............................................ 2 1.2.1 选题的目的 ............................................ 2 1.2.2 选题的意义 ............................................ 3 1.3 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 4 1.3.1 国外研究现状 .......................................... 4 1.3.2 国内研究现状 .......................................... 5 1.4 论文研究内容和方法 .......................................... 6 1.4.1 论文研究内容 .......................................... 6 1.4.2 论文研究方法 .......................................... 7 1.4.3 研究技术路线图 ........................................ 8 第二章 相关概念和理论基础 ........................................... 9 2.1 相关概念 .................................................... 9 2.1.1 激励机制概述 .......................................... 9 2.1.2 激励的作用 ........................................... 10 2.1.3 实现激励的要素 ....................................... 11 2.2 相关理论 ................................................... 11 2.2.1 内容型激励理论 ....................................... 11 2.2.2 过程型激励理论 ....................................... 13 第三章 XD公司现有激励制度现状 ..................................... 15 3.1 XD公司现状 ................................................ 15 3.1.1 公司基本状况 ......................................... 15 3.1.2 公司组织构架 ......................................... 15 3.1.3 公司人员情况 ......................................... 16 3.2 XD公司现行激励制度 ........................................ 18 3.2.1 薪酬激励 ............................................. 18 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 XD公司员工激励制度研究 ii 3.2.2 绩效考核激励 ......................................... 18 3.2.3晋升激励 ............................................. 20 3.3 XD公司对现行企业激励制度满意度调查分析..................... 20 3.3.1 调查的目的和意义 ..................................... 20 3.3.2 调查问卷的统计和分析 ................................. 20 3.4 现行企业激励制度存在的问题 ................................. 23 3.4.1 现行激励制度形式和结构较为单一 ....................... 23 3.4.2 激励制度缺乏长效性 ................................... 25 3.4.3 员工晋升通道不明晰 ................................... 25 3.4.4 缺乏对员工职业生涯规划的重视 ......................... 26 3.4.5 忽略了非物质激励的重要性 ............................. 26 第四章 XD公司员工激励制度改进研究 ................................. 29 4.1激励制度改进的基本原则 ..................................... 29 4.1.1 长期性和可行性原则 ................................... 29 4.1.2 公平性和合理性原则 ................................... 29 4.1.3个人需要与企业目标相结合的原则........................ 30 4.1.4物质激励与精神激励并重原则 ........................... 30 4.2 激励制度改进的目标 ......................................... 30 4.3 激励制度改进的整体设计 ..................................... 30 4.3.1 模型设计的基本思路 ................................... 30 4.3.2 模型的建立 ........................................... 31 4.4 激励制度的运行模型 ......................................... 32 4.5 激励制度改进的具体措施 ..................................... 33 4.5.1 制定战略性的薪酬计划 ................................. 34 4.5.2 明晰员工晋升通道的设置 ............................... 41 4.5.4 强化精神激励在激励制度中的作用 ....................... 42 4.5.5 完善公司员工培训体系 ................................. 44 第五章 XD公司员工激励制度改进实施的保障措施 ....................... 47 5.1 多渠道宣传 ................................................. 47 5.2 优化组织结构 ............................................... 47 5.3 拓宽沟通和监督渠道 ......................................... 48 5.4 完善员工激励评价体系 ....................................... 48 昆明理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 XD公司员工激励制度研究 iii 第六章 结论及展望 .................................................. 49 6.1 结论 ....................................................... 49 6.2 展望 ....................................................... 49 致谢 .....................