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小微企业作为国民经济的重要组成部分,在扩大就业、改善民生等方面发 挥着越来越重要的作用。党和国家高度重视小微企业的发展,国家主席习近平、 总理李克强在不同场合提出金融要服务实体经济、支持小微企业发展的要求, 国家也出台一系列支持小微企业发展的配套措施。但在小微企业发展过程中, 面临融资难、融资贵的问题一直未能得到有效的解决。 商业银行发展小微企业信贷业务,一方面是金融回归本源、服务实体经济 的重要体现,将金融之水精准滴灌到最需要融资的小微企业是商业银行特别是 国有大型商业银行的社会责任之一。另一方面,随着中国经济步入“新常态”, 传统支撑大型商业银行高速发展的重大基础设施投资项目放缓,而以小微企业 为代表的长尾客群对商业银行的利润贡献日益显现,大力发展小微企业信贷业 务是商业银行有待拓展的蓝海。但传统商业银行小微企业信贷业务的门槛高、 效率低、手段单一等问题未能得到实质性的改观。 本文以甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务营销为研究对象,阐述了甘肃建行小微 企业信贷业务营销现状,对比同业及建行系统内小微企业信贷业务的发展情况, 总结归纳出在营销过程中存在产品市场知名度低、创新能力不足、目标市场选 择不准等问题。通过PEST分析法对宏观环境做了全面分析,以五力模型对行业 现状做了详尽阐述,运用SWOT工具对甘肃建行内外部优劣势做了分析后,结合 STP理论对甘肃省小微企业市场做进一步的细分,对不同目标群体实施相应的 定位策略。针对目标市场和现有营销中存在的问题,运用7Ps、顾客感知价值 等理论观点,从产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员、过程及有形展示等七个维度 提出营销策略优化方案,并制定了加快人才队伍建设、加强渠道和产品创新, 以及强化风险管理的实施措施,同时从组织保障、考核保障和技术保障等三个 方面提出保障措施。本文通过对甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务营销策略优化的研 究,希望能促进甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务健康发展,将小微企业信贷业务打 造成为甘肃建行当前和今后一段时间利润的重要来源和甘肃建行发展的第二曲 线,同时对包括建行在内的银行同业具有一定的借鉴和参考意义。 关键词:甘肃建行;小微企业;信贷业务;营销策略;优化 MBA学位论文 作者:宋锋 甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务营销策略优化研究 IV RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY OPTIMIZATION OF CREDIT BUSINESS OF SMALL AND MICRO ENTERPRISES OF GANSU CONGSTEUCTION BANK Abstract As an important part of the national economy, small and micro businesses are playing an increasingly important role in expanding employment and improving people's livelihood. The party and the state attach great importance to the development of small and micro enterprises. On different occasions, the party has proposed that the financial sector should serve the real economy and support the development of small and micro enterprises. President Xi Jin ping, premier Li Ke qiang also introduced a series of supporting measures for the development of small and micro enterprises. However, in the development process of small and micro enterprises, the problems of financing difficulty and high financing have not been effectively solved. On the one hand, the development of small and micro enterprise credit business by commercial Banks is an important manifestation of the return of finance to its source and the service of the real economy. It is one of the social responsibilities of commercial Banks, especially large state-owned commercial Banks, to infuse the water of finance into small and micro enterprises that need financing most. on the other hand, as China's economy into a "new normal", the traditional support big commercial Banks of high-speed development of major infrastructure investment project is slowing, and represented by small micro enterprise long tail of the emerging contribution to profits of commercial Banks, to develop the small micro enterprise credit business is the commercial Banks to expand the blue ocean. However, problems such as high threshold, low efficiency and single means of credit business for small and micro businesses in traditional commercial Banks have not been substantially improved. This article choose CCB small micro enterprise credit business marketing in MBA学位论文 作者:宋锋 甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务营销策略优化研究 V Gansu province as the research object, this paper introduces the Gansu construction bank small micro enterprise credit business marketing status quo, compared to peers and CCB in the development of small micro enterprise credit business system, summarizing the existed in the process of marketing products market popularity is low, lack of innovation, unreasonable inaccurate target market selection and so on a series of problems. Tong made a comprehensive analysis of the macro environment, PEST analysis to five model gave an elaborate the industry present situation, SWOT tool after precise analysis for the micro environment, based on theory of STP, small micro enterprises in Gansu province further subdivided market, implement the corresponding localization strategy for different target groups. In target market and the existing problems in marketing, in combination with 7Ps, the long tail theory, corporate social responsibility, customer perceived value theory viewpoint, from product, price, channel, promotion, people, processes, and seven dimensions such as tangible demonstration program planning, marketing strategy is proposed and developed to speed up the talent team construction, strengthen the channel and product innovation, and strengthen the risk management of the implementation of the measures, at the same time from the organization, evaluation and the three aspects such as technology security protection measures are put forward. Through the Gansu construction bank small micro enterprise credit business marketing strategy research, hoping to promote the Gansu construction bank small micro enterprise credit business sustainable and healthy development of the small micro enterprises to forge a Gansu construction bank credit business for a period of time in the present and the future of an important source of profits and CCB development in Gansu province the second curve, at the same time, it has certain reference significance to the Banks including CCB. Key words: Gansu Construction Bank, Small and Micro Enterprises, Credit business, Marketing Strategy, Optimization . MBA学位论文 作者:宋锋 甘肃建行小微企业信贷业务营销策略优化研究 VI 目 录 中文摘要 .............................................................................................. III Abstract ............................................................................................... IIV 第一章 绪论 .......................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ............................................................................................................... 3 1.2 研究方法、研究内容及研究思路 ............................ ...3 1.2.1 研究方法 ............................................................................................................... 3 1.2.2 研究内容 ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 研究思路 ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3 研究创新点 ................................................. 6 第二章 相关理论与文献综述 ............................................................... 7 2.1 小微企业信贷业务的研究范畴 ................................. 7 2.1.1 小微企业的界定 ................................................................................................... 7 2.1.2 小微企业信贷业务的界定 ................................................................................. 10 2.2 营销管理相关理论 .......................................... 10 2.2.1 STP理论 .............................................................................................................. 10 2.2.2 7Ps理论 .............................................................................................................. 11 2.2.3 长尾理论 ...................................