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电线电缆行业作为国民经济中最大的配套行业之一,广泛应用于电力、交通、 通讯等多个方面。总体上看,目前我国电线电缆行业呈现快速发展态势,生产规模 很大;但与国外先进国家相比,我国电线电缆行业的发展存在“大而不强”、“多而 不精”的情况,发展方式较为粗放、产业集中度较低、产品创新能力不足等问题亟 需解决。因此,对于行业内的企业而言,提升核心竞争力和实现可持续发展成为企 业经营面临的重大问题,那么选择及制定正确的发展战略显得愈发必要。本文以 HL 电缆有限公司作为研究对象,首先对 HL 电缆有限公司的内外部环境进行了分析,指 出了该企业面临的机会和威胁以及自身的优势和劣势;其次,列出了 SWOT 分析矩 阵,对企业进行了清晰的战略定位,提出了明确的战略目标,在此基础上,制定了 该企业的发展战略;最后从组织结构调整、人力资源开发和管理、产品线优化、市 场营销管理、绩效导向型企业文化建设五个方面对战略的实施进行了探讨,从预算 控制和资金管理体系完善、现代企业管理制度健全、有效的信息管理系统建立三个 方面提出了具体的控制方法。通过运用 PESTEL、五力模型和 SWOT 等分析方法, 首次系统地制定了 HL 电缆有限公司的发展战略,对于该企业创建可持续竞争优势和 实现做优做强做大具有重要的指导和参考价值;对于行业内的其他企业选择及制定 科学合理的发展战略具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词 HL 电缆有限公司;环境分析;战略选择;战略实施;战略控制II Abstract The wire and cable industry, one of the biggest supplementary industries in the national economy, is widely applied in electricity, transportation and communication. In general, now China’s wire and cable industry is taking on a fast developing trend with a large scale of production. But compared with advanced countries, the development of China’s wire and cable industry turns out to be “large but not strong” and has “quantity but not quality”. Such problems as extensive mode of development, low industry concentration, and inadequate product innovation capability are urgently needed to be solved. Therefore, for companies in this industry, to improve core competitiveness and realize sustainable development are significant issues in the operations. Thus, it seems more necessary to choose and make the right development strategies. This article selected HL Cable Co., LTD. as the research object. Firstly, it analyzed the internal and external circumstance of HL Cable Co., LTD. and pointed out the opportunities and threats the company faced with and its strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, it listed SWOT analysis matrix, gave clear strategic positioning for the company, proposed clear strategic objectives and made the company’s development strategies on this basis. Finally, it discussed the implementation of the strategies from five aspects, including organization structure optimization, human resources development and management, product line optimization, marketing management, and performance-oriented company culture building. It proposed specific controlling means in three aspects, including perfecting budget control and fund management system, perfecting modern corporate management system, and building effective information management system. With the application of analysis methods of PESTEL, five forces model and SWOT, it, for the first time, systematically made out the development strategies for HL Cable Co., LTD., which has instruction and reference value to the company’s establishment of competitive advantages and realization of becoming more superior and powerful, and had some referential significance to other companies’ choosing and making scientifically reasonable development strategies in the industry. Key words HL Cable Co., Ltd.; Environmental analysis; Strategic choice; Strategy implementation; Strategic controlIII 目 录 摘要···I Abstract ·················II 第 1 章 绪 论····1 1.1 研究背景与选题意义··1 1.1.1 研究背景 ··············1 1.1.2 选题意义 ··············1 1.2 研究方法与技术路线··2 1.2.1 研究方法 ··············2 1.2.2 技术路线 ··············2 1.3 战略管理理论综述 ·····3 1.3.1 战略管理相关理论·················3 1.3.2 战略分析工具 ······3 1.3.3 国内外研究现状···5 1.4 研究内容与创新点 ·····8 1.4.1 论文内容 ··············8 1.4.2 论文的创新点 ······8 第 2 章 HL 电缆有限公司外部环境分析·················9 2.1 宏观外部环境分析 ·····9 2.1.1 政治环境 ··············9 2.1.2 经济环境 ············10 2.1.3 社会文化环境 ····12 2.1.4 技术环境 ············13 2.1.5 生态环境 ············14 2.1.6 法律环境 ············15 2.2 产业环境分析 ···········16 2.2.1 我国电线电缆行业发展状况分析 ···········16 2.2.2 五力模型分析 ······18 2.3 本章小结 ·21 第 3 章 HL 电缆有限公司内部环境分析···············23 3.1 HL 电缆有限公司简介 ···············23 3.2 组织结构状况分析 ···23IV 3.3 人力资源状况分析 ···25 3.3.1 人员结构状况 ····25 3.3.2 招聘状况 ············27 3.3.3 培训状况 ············27 3.3.4 薪酬福利状况 ····28 3.4 财务状况分析 ···········29 3.4.1 公司 2015-2019 年盈利状况分析··········29 3.4.2 公司 2015-2019 年成本费用状况分析··30 3.5 产品及研发状况分析31 3.5.1 产品状况分析 ····31 3.5.2 研发状况分析 ····31 3.6 市场营销状况分析 ···32 3.7 本章小结 ·35 第 4 章 HL 电缆有限公司的战略选择·37 4.1 SWOT 分析···············37 4.1.1 优势 ··37 4.1.2 劣势 ··38 4.1.3 机会 ··39 4.1.4 威胁 ··39 4.2 公司使命、愿景 ·······40 4.2.1 公司使命 ············40 4.2.2 企业愿景 ············40 4.3 战略定位与目标确定40 4.3.1 战略定位 ············40 4.3.2 战略目标 ············40 4.4 公司的战略选择 ·······42 4.4.1 总体战略选择 ····42 4.4.2 竞争战略选择 ····43 4.5 本章小结 ·44 第 5 章 战略实施与控制 ····45 5.1 战略实施 ·45 5.1.1 调整组织结构,完善公司治理机制 ·····45 5.1.2 树立战略性人力资源管理理念,做好人力资源开发和管理工作 ············46 5.1.3 加大研发投入,优化充实产品线和提升产品竞争力··············47V 5.1.4 加强营销团队建设,做好市场营销工作 ···············48 5.1.5 以绩效导向型企业文化建设为目标,做好企业文化建设工作 ················49 5.2 战略控制 ·50 5.2.1 完善预算控制和资金管理体系 ·············50 5.2.2 健全现代企业管理制度·······50 5.2.3 建立有效的信息管理系统···51 结 论53。。。。。。以下内容略