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自2016年国家对房地产行业加大宏观调控力度以来,房地产市场的竞争程 度更为激烈,传统房企在产品、渠道、推广、促销、成本控制等方面的压力 增 大,面临企业内部和外部的多重挑战。在国家大力实施“互联网+”与传统行业 的融合战略下,基于线上电商平台的房地产市场营销业务发展迅猛,对原有的 线下房地产销售 网络产生了强烈冲击。房地产企业不仅要保持传统渠道在市场 营销网络上的比较优势,还要应对网上电子商务这一新兴渠道在市场份额方面 的竞争。本文以珠海奥园广场项目为 研究对象,探讨如何基于现有的客户群体 和互联网思维,重新设计原有的房地产产品,制定全新的定价方案,实施“线 上电商+线下门店+内容推广+全渠道促销”的营销方案,推 动珠海奥园广场项目 的市场营销策略优化及新零售方案落地。 笔者实地调查了珠海奥园广场项目市场营销现状,对其内部营销环境开展 SWOT分析,并运用PEST方法对宏观环境进 行分析,论证了珠海奥园广场项目 现有营销策略转型的必要性与采用线上线下一体化营销的可行性,明确了企业 若能充分利用互联网工具,深入挖掘客户的多样化和个性化需求 ,实现线上和 线下营销平台的融合,解决交易过程中的信息不对称问题,就能完成有效的营 销策略转型。而“线上+线下”模式的兴起,为珠海奥园广场项目的营销策略优 化和 业务转型提供了绝佳的契机。珠海奥园广场项目以线上线下一体化平台为 纽带,将消费者的线上线下消费行为链接起来,为消费者提供全新的房地产产 品消费体验。本文从产品 本身、营销渠道、产品价格和产品促销四个层面总结 了珠海奥园广场项目营销策略存在的问题,为提出珠海奥园广场项目营销策略 优化对策提供可靠的现实依据,对营销策略重 新设计并推动珠海奥园广场项目 线上线下一体化新营销策略的有效实施,最后给出珠海奥园广场项目营销策略 优化后的效果评估。 本文运用文献资料分析法、分析归纳和演绎方 法以及调查研究法,通过论 述珠海奥园广场项目线上线下一体化营销方案的优化策略与保障措施,可知此 营销新模式有助于推动珠海奥园广场项目营销策略的优化和业绩提升, 完善购 房者的消费体验,最终实现企业销售业绩的可持续增长。 关键词:房地产,线上线下一体化,营销策略 MBA学位论文 作者:吴荣江 珠海奥园广场项目营销策略优化研究 II STUDY ON THE MARKETING STRATEGY OPTIMIZATION OF ZHUHAI OLYMPIC PARK PLAZA PROJECT Abstract Since 2016, the state has strengthened macro-control over the real estate industry, the competition in the real estate market has become more intense. The pressure of traditional real estate enterprises on products, channels, promotion, promotion, cost control and other aspects has increased, and they are facing multiple internal and external challenges. Under the strategy of "Internet plus" and the integration of traditional industries, the real estate marketing business based on online business platform has developed rapidly, which has a strong impact on the existing real estate sales network. Real estate enterprises should not only maintain the comparative advantage of traditional channels in the marketing network, but also deal with the competition in market share of online e-commerce, a new channel. Taking Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project as the research object, this paper discusses how to redesign the original real estate products based on the existing customer groups and Internet thinking, formulate a new pricing scheme, implement the marketing scheme of "online e-commerce + offline stores + content promotion + Omni channel promotion", and promote the optimization of marketing strategy and the implementation of new retail scheme of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project. The author investigated the current marketing situation of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project, carried out SWOT analysis on its internal marketing environment, and used PEST method to analyze the macro environment, demonstrated the necessity of the transformation of the existing marketing strategy of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project and the feasibility of using online and offline integrated marketing, and made clear that if the enterprise can make full use of Internet tools and deeply tap customers To achieve the integration of online and offline marketing platforms and to solve the problem of information asymmetry in the transaction process, an effective marketing strategyl transformation can be completed. The rise of "Online + MBA学位论文 作者:吴荣江 珠海奥园广场项目营销策略优化研究 III offline" strategy provides an excellent opportunity for the marketing strategy optimization and business transformation of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project. Zhuhai Aoyuan Plaza project takes the online and offline integration platform as the link, linking the online and offline consumer behavior of consumers, and providing consumers with a new real estate product consumption experience. In this paper, the product itself, marketing channels, product prices and product promotion four aspects of the marketing strategyl of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project are summarized, which provides a reliable practical basis for the optimization of the marketing strategyl of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project, redesigns the marketing strategyl and promotes the effective implementation of the new online and offline integrated marketing strategyl of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project The effect evaluation of the optimized marketing strategy of the project. By using the methods of literature analysis, analysis, induction, deduction and investigation, this paper discusses the optimization strategy and guarantee measures of the online and offline integrated marketing scheme of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza project, and concludes that this new marketing strategy is helpful to promote the optimization and performance improvement of the marketing strategy of Zhuhai Olympic Plaza Project, improve the consumption experience of the buyers, and finally realize the sales of the enterprise Sustainable growth of performance. Keywords :Real estate;Online and Offline services;Marketing strategy MBA学位论文 作者:吴荣江 珠海奥园广场项目营销策略优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1研究背景与意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................................................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................................................. 3 1.2 研究目的与方法 ................................................ 4 1.2.1研究目的 .................................................. 4 1.2.2研究方法 .................................................. 4 1.3 研究内容与框架 ................................................ 5 第二章 相关概念与理论基础 ................................ 7 2.1相关概念 ...................................................... 7 2.1.1营销策略 .................................................. 7 2.1.2线上线下一体化营销策略 .................................... 7 2.1.3社会化媒体营销 ............................................ 8 2.2市场营销相关理论 .............................................. 9 2.2.1市场与顾客需求分析 ........................................ 9 2.2.2行业与竞争分析 ........................................... 10 2.2.3 4Ps营销组合策略理论 ..................................... 10 2.2.4 SWOT分析理论 ............................................ 11 2.3 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 12 2.3.1国外研究现状 ............................................. 12 2.3.2国内研究现状 ............................................. 13 第三章 珠海奥园广场项目营销策略的现状与存在问题分析 ..... 15 MBA学位论文 作者:吴荣江 珠海奥园广场项目营销策 略优化研究 V 3.1二十一冶房地产公司与房地产项目简介 ........................... 15 3.2珠海奥园广场项目营销策略现状 ................................. 17 3.3珠 海奥园广场项目营销策略调查研究 ............................. 18 3.3.1问卷调研 ................................................. 18 3.3.2问卷结果分析 ............................................. 18 3.4珠海奥园广场项目营销策略存在的问题 ........................... 22 3.4.1珠海奥园广场项目产品本身的问题 ........................... 22 3.4.2珠海奥园广场项目营销渠道的问