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随着我国经济高速地发展,汽车工业也在不断发展。社会汽车保有量告诉增 长。我国汽车美容服务行业」下步入阳光时代。目前随着我国汽车美容服务业的发 展,汽车美容装饰服务的内涵也在不断扩大。就一般而言,汽车美容是指针对汽 车各部位不同材质所需的保养条件及不同部位所需的装饰要求,采用不同性质的 专业护理产品及装饰产品,由操作人员按照一定的操作工艺对汽车进行快速护理 和装饰,以达到美化汽车,提高人车品位的目的。 刘家峡镇汽车美容业目前所有店面均采用手工作坊式操作,服务项目仅限于 清洗家用轿车外观,并且使用非专业清洗剂(如家用或工业用洗涤剂),而且设 备简陋,技术水平低下。此种作业方式操作效率极低,且容易刮花车漆,有时会 把汽车美容变成汽车毁容。随着刘家峡镇经济持续高速发展和人们消费观念的改 变,当人们拥有一辆自己的爱车时,无疑会关怀备至,汽车的平时清洁护理以及 定期美容,必然会成为私家车主日常的消费内容。所以高品质全方位的汽车美容 装饰服务行业的潜在市场十分巨大。 本文分析了针对刘家峡地区汽车服务行业水平普遍低下的情况,指出了针对 刘家峡地区开展中高端汽车美容服务的可行性进行深入分析。通过实证分析来提 出雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的市场竞争分析和营销策略以及财务和人力资源管理 控制方法。并在此基础之上制定出创业计划书。 制定此创业计划书,不但对雅洁公司的创业与发展具有重要意义,而且希望 能对中小型汽车美容业的发展运营提供一个模板。 关键词:汽车美容,创业,可行性,模板 I MBA学位报告作者:杨剑 雅洁汽车美容装饰会所商业计划书 ABSTRACT With China's rapid economic development, the automotive industry is constantly evolving. Tell the growth of social car ownership. Car beauty service industry in China is entering the era in the sun. With the development of China's automotive beauty shops, car decorative beauty services connotation is also expanding. In general, automotive beauty decorative requirements for the maintenance condition of the car parts required for different materials and different parts of the different nature of professional care products and decorative products, by the operator in accordance with the operating process for automotive rapid care and decoration to beautify the car, raise the grade of the purpose of people and vehicles. The Liujiaxia town automobile beauty all stores using the manual workshops, service items is limited to cleaning the appearance of the family car, and use non-professional cleaning agent (such as household or industrial detergents), and poorly equipped, low levels of technology. The operating efficiency of such practices is very low and easy to scratch the paint, the beauty would sometimes put the car into a car disfigurement. With the change of the the Liujiaxia town sustained rapid economic development and people's consumption concept, when people have a car, no doubt will be caring, the car's usual care and cleaning, as well as regular beauty, is bound to become a daily consumption of the content of private car owners. A full range of high quality car decorative beauty services industry is a huge potential market. This paper analyzes the for the Liujiaxia regional automotive service industry, the level of generally low, and pointed out that the for Liujiaxia region to carry out the feasibility of high-end car beauty services in-depth analysis. The elegant car decorative beauty club competition in the market analysis and marketing strategy as well as financial and human resource management control method by the empirical analysis. On this basis, develop a business plan. Development of this business plan, not only the significance of entrepreneurship and development of the elegant company, and hope to provide a template for the development of small and medium-sized automobile beauty operations. Key Words:Automotive beauty, Venture,Feasibility,Template II MBA学位报告作者:杨剑 雅沽汽车美容装饰会所商业计划书 目录 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论 1 1.1研究的背景与意义 1 2. 2研究的内容与方法 2 第二章相关理论综述 3 2.1创业理论 3 2. 2营销理论 5 2. 3战略管理理论 7 第三章雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的运营规划 9 3. 1雅洁汽车美容装饰会所简介 9 3. 2雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的战略选择 9 3. 3雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的业务类型 10 3. 4雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的组织结构与管理 10 第四章汽车美容装饰的市场与竞争分析 12 4. 1行业现状与前景预测 12 4. 2市场规模及增长趋势 13 4. 3市场需求与现有竞争格局 14 4. 4本项目的优势与不足 14 第五章雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的营销策略 16 5. 1汽车美容装饰服务的市场细分与营销定位 16 5. 2汽车美容装饰服务的理念与营销推广 16 5. 3价格策略 18 5. 4渠道策略 19 第六章雅洁汽车美容装饰会所运作的支撑条件 20 6. 1硬件条件 20 6. 2软件条件 20 6. 3财务管理与融资 24 6. 4风险分析与退出机制 25 i MBA学位报告作者:杨剑 雅洁汽车饰会所商业计划书 第七章实施日程计划 29 第八章结论 30