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中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销策略研究 当前,居民收入水平不断提高,如何给闲置资产安家,实现有效的资产配 置成为了客户的主要目标。因此,结构简单,门槛低的理财产品,越来越受到 广大群众的欢迎,理财市场也成为了商业银行乃至其他金融机构的必争之地。 自 2003 年中国银行理财产品发行以来,至今已有十余个年头,其产品质量 销量一直名列前茅。但是伴随我国经济发展进入新的阶段,经济增速换挡,政 府监管趋严,改革不断深化,银行业表现出和以往不同的新情况。从宏观环境 看,利率市场化不断推进,银行存贷款利率不断放开,尤其是中小银行不断提 高存款利率以吸引客户资金,降低贷款利率以促进贷款投放,降低了利息差。 2017 年上半年,银行收入构成中利息差收入占比明显下降;政府监管政策趋严, 银保监会陆续发布多个文件,防范金融风险,并对一系列银行业务进行专项整 治,造成银行相关业务规模逐渐压缩;网络金融迅速发展,对同质化较为严重 的银行理财产品造成了重大冲击,可以为客户个性化定做的产品,已经成为理 财产品市场的未来盈利增长点,网络金融在很大程度上冲击了传统银行业。 本文以中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销策略为研究目标,旨在充 分了解该分行营业部理财产品的营销现状并发现其在营销中存在的问题,并根 据发现的问题针对性地提出适合其发展的产品营销策略。本文运用两种营销理 论对中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品的经营现状进行分析,通过分析,了 解其在产品、价格、渠道、促销等方面存在的营销问题,为其营销策略的改进 提供依据。运用 SWOT 分析法分析中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品的优势、 劣势、机遇和威胁,并以此为根据对中国银行吉林省分行营业部的理财产品营 销策略进行优化。 本文在研究中将理论与实际相结合,全面地对营业部理财产品的营销策略 进行分析,找出了其存在的问题,并提出了相应的改进措施和确保营销策略有II 效实施的建议,这些策略和建议不仅对中国银行吉林省分行营业部的产品营销 有促进作用,对其他金融行业产品的营销也具有积极的参考意义。 关键词: 中国银行吉林省分行;理财产品;营销策略III Abstract Research on Marketing Strategy of Financial Products for Bank of China Jilin Branch Sales Department At present, the income level of residents is constantly improving. How to settle idle assets and achieve effective asset allocation has become the main goal of customers. Therefore, financial products with simple structure and low threshold are more and more popular among the masses, and the wealth management market has become a must for commercial banks and other financial institutions. Since the issuance of Bank of China financial products in 2003, it has been more than ten years old, and its product quality and sales have always been among the best. However, as Chinese economic development entered a new stage, the economic growth rate shifted, the government's supervision became stricter, and the reform continued to deepen. The banking industry showed new situations different from the past. From the perspective of the macro environment, interest rate liberalization has continued to advance, and bank deposit and loan interest rates have been continuously liberalized. In particular, small and medium-sized banks have continuously raised deposit interest rates to attract customers' funds, lower loan interest rates to promote loan placement, and reduce interest differentials. In the first half of 2017, the proportion of income from interest income of banks was significantly reduced; the government's regulatory policies were tightened, and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission issued multiple documents to prevent financial risks and to carry out special rectification of a series of banking businesses, resulting in the scale of bank-related businesses. Gradually compressed; network finance developed rapidly, which has caused a major impact on bank financial products with more homogenization. The products that can be customized forIV customers have become the future profit growth point of the financial products market. Shocked the traditional banking industry. This paper takes the marketing strategy of the financial products of the Bank of China Jilin Branch as the research objective, aiming to fully understand the marketing status of the financial products of the branch business department and find out the problems in the marketing, and propose appropriately according to the problems found. Its development of product marketing strategy. This paper uses two marketing theories to analyze the management status of the financial products of the Bank of China Jilin Branch, and analyzes the marketing problems in products, prices, channels, promotions, etc. and provides the basis for the improvement of its marketing strategy. The SWOT analysis method was used to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the financial products of the Bank of China Jilin Branch, and to optimize the marketing strategy of the financial products of the Bank of China Jilin Branch. In the research, this paper combines theory with practice, comprehensively analyzes the marketing strategy of the financial products of the sales department, finds out its existing problems, and proposes corresponding improvement measures and suggestions for ensuring the effective implementation of marketing strategies. And the proposal not only promotes the product marketing of the Bank of China Jilin Branch's sales department, but also has positive reference significance for the marketing of other financial industry products. Keywords: Bank of China Jilin Branch;financial products;marketing strategyV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论........................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.2 研究对象、内容和方法 ................................................................ 2 1.3 理论基础及文献综述 .................................................................... 4 第 2 章 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销环境分析.............. 7 2.1 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品宏观营销环境分析........ 7 2.2 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品微观营销环境分析...... 10 2.3 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销 SWOT 分析 ........ 16 2.4 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财业务营销存在的问题.......... 21 第 3 章 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销策略制定与实施 保障 ......................................................................................................... 25 3.1 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品 STP 选择..................... 25 3.2 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销组合策略的制定.. 27 3.3 中国银行吉林省分行营业部理财产品营销策略的实施保障.. 34 结论 ......................................................................................................... 39