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华南地区属高温高湿地区,对大米的储存非常不利,进入物流仓的大米水分 主要分布在 13.5%-14.5%区间,恶劣的气候环境对高水分大米的保管造成很不利 的影响。我库承担集团不同系列品牌大米的物流配送工作,成品大米由加工厂生 产出来后,立即送物流仓等待销售配送,不同品系的大米其流转量和流转速度都 不一样,在物流仓存储的时间期限也不一样。为保证物流仓成品大米在储藏期间, 品质新鲜,质量完好,提高我集团品牌大米的市场竞争力,我库物流仓经过一系 列的改造,建设成为空调控温仓,设计参数达到准低温技术要求。本文主要研究 了高温高湿地区物流仓空调控温储藏高水分大米的可行性。要达到准低温恒温恒 湿的要求,需要对进出仓、车辆配送、仓储管理、品质监控等各个流程进行梳理 与优化,同时空调仓控温储藏大米更需要探索最佳的储藏技术参数。 关键词 ,空调控温 ;准低温;高水分大米;物流配送ii Abstract I assume different library group series brand rice logistics work, refined rice by the production factory, immediately send logistics warehouse waiting for the sales and distribution, different strains of rice the transfer amount and flow velocity are not the same, in the logistics warehouse storage period of time is not the same. Southern China area belongs to high temperature and high humidity area, rice storage is very adverse, rice moisture into the logistics warehouse is mainly distributed in the range of 13.5%-14.5%, bad climate and environment of rice with high moisture storage caused bad effects. In order to ensure the logistics warehouse product of rice during storage, the quality of fresh, good quality, improve the market competitiveness of our group brand rice, I base logistics warehouse after a series of transformation, construction to become air-conditioning temperature control chamber, design parameters to achieve the quasi low temperature requirements. This paper mainly studies the feasibility of area logistics warehouse air-conditioned store high moisture content of rice of high temperature and high humidity. To achieve quasi low temperature constant temperature and humidityrequirements, the need for analysis and optimization of each storehouse , vehicle distribution , warehousing management, quality control process, at the same time, air conditioning storage temperature controlling stored rice need to explore the optimal parameters of the storage technology. Key words: Air conditioning temperature control; Quasi low temperature; high moisture content rice; logistics distributioniii 目 录 1 前言..…..…1 1.1 研究背景与目的..… 1 1.1.1 研究背景…..…....…1 1.1.2 研究目的..1 1.1.3 研究意义…....…..…2 1.2 国内外研究现状......3 1.3 研究主要内容….…. 4 2 高温高湿地区高水分大米的储藏特性.…......…..….…...........5 2.1 大米的储藏特性..….….6 2.1.1 储藏稳定性差....….6 2.1.2 容易陈化....….6 2.1.3 容易爆腰….....6 2.1.4 容易发热,吸湿、返潮..…...6 2.1.5 霉变....….6 2.1.6 虫害….....7 2.1.7 含水量高的大米人工难以降水….7 2.2 大米储藏过程中品质变化........... 7 2.2.1 异味................................................................ 7 2.2.2 出汗…............ 7 2.2.3 发软…............ 7 2.2.4 散落性降低….…........... 7 2.2.5 色泽鲜艳…............ 8 2.2.6 起毛…............ 8 2.2.7 起眼................................................................ 8 2.2.8 起筋…............ 8 3 华南地区大米储藏的必要性….................9 3.1 华南地区气候环境特点.…...9 3.2 广东省大米市场需求量大....9 3.2.1 广东省粮食市场及消费需求.........................9 3.2.2 广东省大米市场情况…........14 3.3 结论..….19 4 高温高湿地区物流仓空调控温储藏技术改造…..... .…20iv 4.1 物流仓的相关情况分析…..20 4.1.1 地理位置与配送资源分布...........................20 4.1.2 物流仓房介绍.............................................. 21 4.2 物流仓准低温改造技术探索…..23 4.2.1 整体改造情况.…..........23 4.2.2 空调制冷系统项目.…..........24 4.2.3 电气改造项目…...........27 4.2.4 物流仓门窗改造及机房安装…...........27 4.2.5 主要材料设备品牌…...........28 4.2.6 物流仓配套设施与器材.…..........28 4.3 物流仓准低温改造后运行及管理模式研究.….........30 4.3.1 物流仓的堆位设置.......30 4.3.2 准低温物流仓的运作模式...........31 4.3.3 进出仓运作模式...........................................32 4.4 小结…..34 5 物流仓准低温改造后市场效果分析…...35 5.1 物流仓准低温改造前后仓温的变化比较…......35 5.2 物流仓准低温改造后市场竞争力的分析..35 5.2.1 主要竞争对手分析.......................................35 5.2.2 销售渠道情况分析…...........37 5.2.3 大米市场竞争力优劣比较分析…...............42 5.2.4 物流仓改造后竞争策略调整…...........42 5.3 小结..…43 6 结论…..….............................................................................…44 7 讨论…..….............................................................................…45