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烟草是一种嗜好类的快速消费品,是上亿吸烟爱好者生活中不可缺少的一部 分。烟草行业在我国是一个纳税大户,也是国家的垄断行业。烟草制品的生产、 销售等一系列经济活动都受到国家的严格监控,从而形成烟草行业的独特性。烟 草行业一个很大的特点就是实行专卖专营,由于有专卖制度的保护和支持,再有 特定的财务税收制度,还加上计划生产和国有企业固有体制上的影响,在国内烟 草行业内部鲜有竞争,安于现状,缺乏忧患意识的现象较为普遍地存在,这一系 列问题的存在使得烟草企业的整体组织结构松散,组织效能低下,行业品牌集中 度不高,最终导致整个行业竞争力不够。 在人才国际化,经济全球化的当今社会,企业间的竞争已聚焦到人力竞 争上,企业在竞争中能否成功主要在于是否能充分开发人力资源,合理的使用人 力资源,取得人才上的竞争优势。这充分的说明了企业经营管理中人力资源管理 的必要性和重要性。企业要想做出卓越的成绩,不仅要选择好的战略方式,注重 创新技术的研发,突出自身核心竞争力,敏锐挖掘出适应企业生长的市场空间, 更为关键的是企业要能够有效的、有规划的进行人力资源管理,而作为人力资源 管理和优化配置关键手段的绩效管理将会愈发重要。 绩效从来都是管理工作的关键环节,也是企业文化理念在管理工作中的核 心体现,一个企业如果想在经济全球化愈发快速、竞争愈发激励的环境中获得竞 争优势,就必然要一直持续提高组织的运作效能和绩效。而大量的管理实践也表 明了,绩效管理能够驱动组织目标的实现,丌发个体和团队的潜能,不断提高员 工的绩效,使组织在激励竞争的市场中获得成功。这个研究中,本文通过文献阅 lit:、 M卷调查、L方谈凋研、内部资料查阅等多种方式对泰州市烟草公司的绩效管 ^现状进行分析,根&;^公司的实际情况,在绩效管理理论基础之上对其绩效管 理方案进行了改进和实施研究。全文共分五章,主要有以下内容:第一章,绪论。 第二草,绩效论概述。第三帘,泰州市烟草公司绩效管理中存在的问题及 其原闪分析。謂'、;'^州市烟草公司绩效理方案改进和实施。第」1章,研究 结论和^。 关键词:烟草W业;绩效ti标管理法;关键绩效指标法 Abstract Tobacco is a hobby type of fast-moving consumer goods, it is the indispensable part of life to the hundreds of millions of smoking amateurs. In China, the tobacco industry contributes much to tax and it's also the country's monopoly industry. All series of economic activities are monitored strictly by the State, such as tobacco production, tobacco sales.And thus it make the tobacco industry unique.The most obvious character of the tobacco industry is the implementation of monopoly franchises. Because of the monopoly system to protect and support, and having the specific financial tax system, and being affected by the natural system of planned production and State-owned enterprises, so the phenomena is more common which is little competition, complacency and also lacks of awareness in the domestic tobacco industry inside. This series of questions make the whole organizational structure of tobacco industry loosely, the organizational effectiveness and the industry brand concentration lowly. Finally, those will lead to the competitiveness not enough in the whole tobacco industry. Now, the society is characterized by talent international, economic globalization, the competition among enterprises has focused on human competition. For any enterprise, the success in the competition mainly depends on the full development of human resources. The rational use of human resources that can get talent advantage to compete. This fully describes the necessity and importance of human resource management in business management. If the enterprises want to make excellent business result, the enterprises not only choose a good strategic approach, focus on innovative technology research and development, highlight its core competitiveness, mine sharply for market space to adapt to business growth, but also make human resources management more effectively and planned. As the key to optimal allocation and human resources management, the performance management will be more and more important. The performance management has always been the key link, and also the core embodiment of corporate culture in business management. Any corporation which wants to develop more fast and gains competitive advantages in international environment, it must continue to improve operational efficiency and organizational performance. A large number of management practice has showed that the performance management can achieve fulfill organizational goals, develope individual and team potential, increase employee performance, and enable organizations to be successflil in the competitive market. During this study, we analyze the situation of TaiZhou city Tobacco Company's performance management by reading the literature, questionnaires, interviews, and internal data, etc. According to the TaiZhou city Tobacco Company's actual situation, based on the theory of performance management, we improve programme and research on its own performance management. The article is divided into five chapters, basically have the following content: The first chapter, introduction. The second chapter, Overview of the performance management theory. The third chapter, analysis of the TaiZhou city tobacco company's performance management problems and reasons. The fourth chapter improvment and implementation of performance management of this company. The fifth chapter, the research conclusion and prospect. Keywords: tobacco industry; performance management; target management method; key performance indication ill 目录 第一章绪论 1 一、 研究背景 1 二、 研究目的与意义 1 三、 国内外绩效管理研究现状 2 四、 研究思路与方法 6 五、 可能的创新点 7 第二章绩效管理理论概述 8 一、 绩效管理的概念 8 二、 绩效管理的流程 9 三、 绩效管理的主要方法 11 第三章泰州市烟草公司绩效管理中存在的问题及其原因分析 15 一、 公司简介 15 二、 公司绩效管理机构设置及绩效考核内容 16 三、 公司绩效管理存在的问题及原因分析 17 第四章泰州市烟草公司绩效管理方案改进与实施 28 一、 绩效管理设计原则 28 二、 绩效目标体系设计 29 三、 绩效管理过程设计 31 四、 绩效管理的实施 37 第五章研究结论与展望 43 -、研究结论 43 二、研究展3i 44