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无救济便无权利,权利与司法救济总是如影相随。公地悲剧证明了在制度设计上必 须由特定的主体和程序对公共利益进行保护。但是,在行政行为侵害公共利益之时,我 国相应司法救济机制缺席致使大量受损公共利益无法得到有效保护,这无不暴露出传统 诉讼理论之缺陷。法治之路漫漫而修远,唯有不断反思现有理论和制度之缺陷,在诉讼 理念上有所超越,对现有制度进行完善,解决侵害公共利益的行政行为所致之纠纷,才 能保证公共利益不受公权力损害,才能在法治的道路上走得更远。基于此种考量,选择 行政公益诉讼作为突破口展开可行性研究具有现实意义。 本文拟先对公共利益和行政公益诉讼作出界定,即公共利益是由国家宪法和法律规 定赋予全体公民的利益,行政公益诉讼则是指特定主体对侵害公共利益的行政行为提起 的诉讼。在界定了与本文讨论息息相关的概念之后,笔者进一步探讨行政公益诉讼的理 论基础和现实依据,其理论基础在于权利的社会化与诉讼法在新型权利保护上有所突 破、行政公益诉权具有宪法权利属性、对公共利益有进行司法救济的必要性和公平与效 益相适应的法治理念。现实依据则是存在大量侵犯公共利益而无法得到规制的行政行 为,只有诉诸行政公益诉讼才能改变这种现状。基于目前的法律制度可以有效保护公共 利益及诉累风险的存在来反对建立公共行政诉讼制度的观点和主张,根本不足以反驳在 我国践行该制度的必要性和可行性。文章在最后针对当前构建行政公益诉讼制度面临的 障碍提出若干设想,主要是原告资格范围突破传统的“诉之利益”原则,直接利害关系 人、检察机关和具有公益性质的社会团体具有原告资格,可以充当原告提起行政公益诉 讼。审判主体由行政审判庭指定专门的审判员承担审判之责,为了保障公共利益诉讼效 用的正常发挥应赋予原告实体请求权;在程序保障方面主要阐述了举证责任在原被告之 间做出合理的分配,不适用调解制度,行政诉讼公益诉讼费用的承担以及对奖励机制作 了简单的构想,以做抛砖之尝试,引有识之士之璞玉。 关键词,公共利益;行政公益诉讼;行政公益诉讼制度;原告资格;利害关系1 Abstract No relief means no rights. The rights and judicial relief are always like the shadow following the body. The requirement of the administrative lawsuit to procedural law is that the country under the law is avoided to be engulfed by the substantive law. However, when the administrative act encroaches on public interests, the corresponding judicial relief mechanism is absent so that a large quantities of damaged public interests can not be effectively protected, which exposes the disadvantages of the traditional lawsuit theory. Only to overstep the lawsuit idea, improve the existing system and solve the dispute caused by the people without direct interested relationship encroach on public interests in the administrative act, the public interest can be free from damage by public authority. From this point of view, it has practical significance to select administrative public welfare litigation as breakthrough to do research. This paper attempts to make a definition for public interests and administrative public welfare litigation. The public interests are endowed with the State Constitution and laws to all citizens. The administrative public welfare litigation is a lawsuit encroached on administrative acts of the public interests. After defining the closely related concepts discussed in this paper, the writer further explores to the theoretical basis and realistic basis for the administrative public welfare litigation. The theoretical basis depends on the socialization of rights and a new breakthrough in the new rights protection; also, the administrative public welfare litigation has attribute of constitutional rights, the necessity of judicial relief to the public interests and fair and benefit concept of rule of law as well as. Realistic basis is the existence of numerous administrative acts which violate of public interest and can not be regulated. Only appealing to the administrative public welfare litigation can the situation be changed. The opinion is that it is opposed to build public administrative litigation system based on the current legal system can effectively protect the public interest and litigation risks exist, which is insufficient to refute the necessity and feasibility to carry out this system in our country. At last this paper will put forward some presumes to overcome obstacles in the build of administrative commonweal litigation system, mainly the plaintiff qualification range breaks through a traditional principle “The Interest of Action”,such as direct interested person, the procuratorial organs, the social groups with public welfare, can serve as the plaintiff filed the administrative public welfare litigation. The adjudication was a special judge appointed by the2 administrative judicial court to assume the duty of the trial, in order to safeguard the public interests litigation to be given the substantive right of claim. In the aspect of the procedure guarantee, it mainly focuses on making a reasonable allocation to the burden of proof between the plaintiff and defendant. This paper has made simple conception in public interest litigation expenses and reward mechanism in order that the insightful man proposes better idea on this issue. Key words: public interest; administrative public interests litigation; administrative public interests ligigation system; plainstiff qualification; interested relationship1 目 录 引 言........................................................................................................................................1 一、公共利益与行政公益诉讼概念的界定............................................................................3 (一)公共利益的界定 ........................................................................................................3 (二)行政公益诉讼的界定 ................................................................................................4 二、行政公益诉讼的理论与实践依据....................................................................................6 (一)我国实现行政公益诉讼制度的法理基础 ................................................................6 (二)我国实现行政公益诉讼制度的现实依据 ..............................................................12 (三)对反对建立行政公益诉讼制度观点的辩驳 ..........................................................15 三、构建行政公益诉讼制度的基本设想..............................................................................16 (一)行政公益诉讼的诉讼主体建构 ..............................................................................16 (二)行政公益诉讼的程序保障 ......................................................................................20 结 语..................................................................................................................................25