首页 > 资料专栏 > 经营 > 运营治理 > 公司治理 > 我国建立知识产权法院的可行性研究报告DOC



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在知识经济快速发展的今天,知识产权作为鼓励科技创新,促进经济发展的 核心原动力,日益受到大家的关注。知识产权保护制度已经成为世界各个国家和 地区一项非常重要的制度。近年来,我国知识产权司法保护制度虽然有了一定发 展,但是与世界发达国家和地区相比较,仍处于起步阶段。我国现行司法审判制 度是由普通法院分散审理知识产权案件,这种分散审理的审判模式导致审判缺乏 专业性、案件管辖冲突、司法效率低下等诸多问题。建立集中统一审判权的知识 产权法院是确保对知识产权进行有效保护和改变普通法院分散审理缺陷的必由之 路,其具有非常重要的现实意义。建立知识产权法院,不仅顺应国际发展趋势, 而且提高知识产权案件的审判效率和质量,为提高我国知识产权保护水平提供了 捷径。本文在综合分析理论研究和实践经验的基础上,针对如何建立我国知识产 权法院提出了一些改革思路。文章共分为四个部分, 第一部分,“对我国知识产权审判体制的概述”。先介绍了国内现有的知识产 权审判制度和现有的审理知识产权案件的一些机构,然后阐述了我国知识产权审 判制度和审判机构存在的弊端并以待改革。 第二部分,“建立我国知识产权法院的必要性和可行性”。首先从国内外形势 和我国当前司法体制所存在的弊端,来论述形成专门保护知识产权法院的紧迫性, 再论述我国现有的有利于建立知识产权法院的理论基础和现实条件,说明我国有 条件来建立知识产权法院。 第三部分,“一些具有代表性的国家和地区的知识产权法院模式”。阐述了三 种主要的知识产权审判模式,并对有特色的国家和地区进行详细地分析。 第四部分,“对建立我国知识产权法院的设想”。本文首先对理论界提出的三 种设立知识产权法院的模式进行阐述和分析,并提出我国应从我国国情出发,建 立符合我国国情的知识产权法院。接着从法院模式设置、立法保障、审级制度与 管辖制度、审判程序、法庭审判机制、培养技术型审判人员等多角度进行论述, 为建立符合我国国情的知识产权法院提出具体构想。 关键词,知识产权法院 三审合一 知识产权审判体制知识产权审判模式 Abstract In the 21st century,knowledge economy is rapidly developing.As the central power to encourage technology innovationand promote the economic development, intellectual property is held in great honor.Intellectual property protection system has become extremely importantin all countries and regions.In recent years,though our intellectual property protection system has some development, our intellectual property protection system is still in the primary stage compared with other developed countries in the world.According to our present trial system, the intellectual property protection system has still some problems. For example, intellectual property cases are tried by the ordinary court dispersedly. The model causes some problems of lack of professionalism, trial jurisdiction conflict, and low efficiency,and influences on the further improving the judicial protection level of intellectual property rights directly. Through the integration of judicial resources, establishing the intellectual property court to exercise unified civil, administrative and criminal jurisdiction has the important practical significanceto the improving the judicial protection level of intellectual property rights.Establishing the intellectual property court not only meets the actual needs and improves the efficiency and quality of the trial of intellectual property cases, but also complies with the international situation and provides the best way to improve our level of intellectual property protection.Based on comprehensive analysis and judicial practice, the thesis gives some advice on how to build our intellectual property court. The thesis includes four chapters: The first chapter is “a summary of our trial system of intellectual property”. The part mainly states the current situation on the trial systemand trial organizationofintellectual propertyand points out the problems of the intellectual property trial system and reforms it. The second chapter is “the necessity and the feasibility of building intellectual property court”. At first, the part states the necessity of building intellectual property court from the current situation at home and abroad and the problem of our juridical practice, then states the feasibility of building intellectual property court from our strong theoretical basis and realistic conditions. The third chapter is “a review of intellectual property systems in other countries”. The part states four intellectual property trial models and analyses some characteristic trial models in other countries and regions in detail. The last chapter is “an imagination of building an intellectual property court”.At first, the part analyses the three models given by the theoretical circles and points out that building intellectual property court should be in accordance with Chinese conditions. Then, the part gives some advice on the trial model, legislative protection, the trial level system, jurisdictional system, judicial procedure, the trial system and so on from different perspectives. Keywords: intellectual property court the three one trial the trial system of intellectual property the trial model of intellectual property 目录 摘要 ................................................................3 Abstract .............................................................4 序论 ................................................................1 一、对我国知识产权审判体制的概述.....................................2 (一)我国现行知识产权审判体制................................... 2 (二)我国知识产权案件审判机构................................... 3 (三)我国现行审判体制之弊端..................................... 3 1、知识产权民刑交叉案件处理机制不合理 ........................ 3 2、知识产权行政程序与民事审判程序存在交叉和冲突 .............. 4 3、知识产权审判人员的专业化水平有待提高 ...................... 4 4、技术法官制度的缺失 ........................................ 4 5、“三审合一”模式的混乱局面 ................................. 4 二、建立我国知识产权法院的必要性和可行性.............................6 (一)建立我国知识产权法院的必要性............................... 6 1、有利于统一审判标准 ........................................ 6 2、有利于提高我国知识产权保护的国际形象 ...................... 6 3、有利于解决确权机制问题 .................................... 6 4、有利于解决知识产权上诉案件的复杂性、专业性强问题 .......... 7 (二)建立我国知识产权法院的可行性............................... 7 1、进一步深化《战略纲要》,以十八届三中全会精神为指引 ......... 7 2、案源充足 .................................................. 7 3、财务支持充足 .............................................. 7 4、国外建立知识产权法院的经验 ................................ 8 三、一些具有代表性的国家和地区的知识产权法院模式.....................9 (一)知识产权上诉法院模式....................................... 9 1、美国联邦巡回上诉法院 ...................................... 9 2、德国联邦专利法院 ......................................... 10 (二)日本知识产权高等法院模式.................................. 10 (三)独立的知识产权法院模式.................................... 12 1、泰国中央知识产权和国际贸易法院 ........................... 12 2、台湾智慧财产法院 ......................................... 13 四、对建立我国知识产权法院的设想....................................15 (一)对知识产权法院现有建构方案的评析.......................... 15 1、独立知识产权法院模式 ..................................... 15 2、统一的知识产权上诉法院模式 ............................... 16 3、设立知识产权分院模式 ..................................... 16 (二)对构建我国知识产权法院的构想.............................. 17 1、立法保障 ................................................. 17 2、审级制度 ................................................. 17 3、管辖制度 ................................................. 17 4、审判程序 ................................................. 18 5、法庭审理机制 ............................................. 19 6、培养技术型审判人员 ....................................... 19 结论 ...............................................................21