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当前浙江省“最多跑一次”改革正在全国复制和推广,影响日益扩大。研究 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿的影响,对于厘清政府与市场边界、加快国 家治理现代化进程和优化营商环境都具有重要的意义。 本文回顾了杭州“最多跑一次”改革前的行政改革探索。剖析了改革前存在 的单中心科层管理、重审批轻服务、管理部门效率不高和人为设置审批壁垒等问 题。总结了杭州降低企业获取政务服务成本、再造服务企业流程机制、打造“移 动办事之城”和推动跨部门协作的改革进展。从企业层面,对“最多跑一次”改 革的实施进行了评价,归纳了杭州改革的基本经验,反思了改革的不足。采用 Logit 模型,实证分析“最多跑一次”改革中投资改革、商事改革、人社改革、 检测改革、税费改革和外向改革对企业投资意愿的影响。 杭州“最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿的影响具有显著差异。商事改革对 投资意愿具有显著作用,而其他改革却不显著。大型企业、工业企业、国有企业 和注册时间短的企业对投资意愿具有显著影响。下一步“最多跑一次”改革重点 应该放在除商事改革外的改革项目上,加大税费改革、投资改革、人社改革、外 向改革和检测改革的力度,利用城市大脑提升“最多跑一次”改革效率,推进多 项配套改革。 关键词,“最多跑一次”改革,政府创新,投资意愿,Logit 模型 论文类型,应用/专题研究浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿影响研究 III THE IMPACT OF NO MORE THAN ONE VISIT FOR ONE ITEM REFORM ON INVESTMENT INTENTION ABSTRACT At present, the reform of No more than One Visit for One Item in Zhejiang Province is being replicated and popularized throughout the country, and its influence is expanding day by day. Studying the impact of running at most once reform on enterprise development is of great significance for clarifying the boundary between government and market, speeding up the modernization process of national governance and optimizing the business environment. This paper reviews the exploration of administrative reform before Hangzhou's No more than one visit for one item reform. This paper analyses the problems existing before the reform, such as single-center bureaucratic management, emphasizing examination and approval over service, inefficiency of management departments and artificially setting up examination and approval barriers. This paper summarizes the reform progress of Hangzhou in reducing the cost of enterprises'access to government services, reengineering the process mechanism of service enterprises, building a mobile city and promoting cross-sectoral collaboration. From the enterprise level, this paper evaluates the implementation of the reform of No more than One Visit for One Item, sums up the basic experience of the reform in Hangzhou, and reflects on the shortcomings of the reform. Logit model is used to empirically analyze the impact of investment reform, commercial reform, social reform, testing reform, tax and fee reform and outward reform on the investment intention of enterprises in the No more than One Visit for One Item reform. The impact of Hangzhou's No more than One Visit for One Item reform on enterprises'investment intention is significantly different. Commercial reform has a significant effect on investment intention, while other reforms are not significant. Large enterprises, industrial enterprises, state-owned enterprises and enterprises with short registration time have significant influence on investment intention. The next浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿影响研究 IV step should focus on reform projects other than commercial reform, intensify tax and fee reform, investment reform, social reform, outward-looking reform and inspection reform, and use the urban brain to improve the efficiency of the “No more than One Visit for One Item” reform and promote a number of supporting reforms. KEY WORDS: No more than one visit for one item reform;Government innovation;Invest willingness;Logit model TYPE OF THESIS: Application Research浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿影响研究 V 目 录 1 引言 ................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ................................................... 1 1.2 研究目的与意义 .............................................3 1.3 研究内容与框架 .............................................3 2 文献综述.............................................. 5 2.1 国外相关研究综述 ...........................................5 2.1.1 国外相关理论研究综述 ................................5 2.1.2 国外相关实证研究综述 ................................6 2.2 国内关于“最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿的研究综述 .........6 2.2.1 国内相关理论研究综述 ................................6 2.2.2 国内相关实证研究综述 ................................7 3 “最多跑一次”改革的缘起与进展 ......................... 9 3.1 改革的缘起 .................................................9 3.1.1 改革前扎实的工作基础 ................................9 3.1.2 改革前行政审批管理存在的短板 .......................10 3.2 改革的进展 ................................................12 3.2.1 以“一件事”为导向,降低企业获取政务服务成本 .......12 3.2.2 推进政府自我改革,再造服务企业流程机制 .............12 3.2.3 借助互联网技术创新,打造“移动办事之城” ...........14 3.2.4 实施主要领导负责制,推动跨部门协作 .................14 4 改革实施的评价、经验与反思——基于企业层面视角 ....... 17 4.1 企业对“最多跑一次”改革的评价 ............................17 4.1.1 企业对“最多跑一次”改革的总体评价 .................17 4.1.2 企业对“最多跑一次”改革的专项评价 .................18 4.1.3 企业对“最多跑一次”改革的政策评价 .................21 4.2 “最多跑一次”改革的基本经验...............................22 4.2.1 赋权以民,企业倒逼改革 .............................22 4.2.2 服务重点要转向企业事中事后管理 .....................23 4.2.3 要构建多元主体治理机制 .............................23 4.2.4 大胆创新,敢于突破 .................................24 4.3 对“最多跑一次”改革的反思.................................24 4.3.1 “一网办理”需提速...................................24 4.3.2 “一件事情”需整合...................................26浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿影响研究 VI 4.3.3 “一窗受理”需改进 ...................................27 4.3.4 部分办理事项改革的评价差异大 .......................28 5 “最多跑一次”改革对企业投资意愿影响的实证分析 ........ 30 5.1 计量模型 ..................................................30 5.1.1 基本假设 ...........................................30 5.1.2 Logit 模型与计量方程设定............................30 5.2 实证结果 ..................................................33 5.2.1 数据检验 ...........................................33 5.2.2 实证结果 ...........................................34 5.2.3 实证结果分析 .......................................40 6 结论与建议 ........................................... 43 6.1 结论.......................................................43 6.2 建议.......................................................44