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沈阳市交警绩效考核方案的设计与实施 摘要 随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济的不断发展,人民生活水平不断提高, 汽车已经成为家庭的日常生活用品。然而,汽车量的剧增使得沈阳城市道路的交通 压力越来越大,随之而来的,公安交通管理机关担负的责任也越来越重,社会各界 对公安交通管理机关的工作效率、执法艺术也提出了更高的要求。因此,为了适应 新形势、新任务的发展变化,不断提高交警队伍的整体素质和战斗力,需要将绩效 考核应用到对交警的日常管理中来,设计科学的绩效考核方案,在交警队伍中形成 竞争、择优的环境和氛围。同时,科学的绩效考核在公安交通管理中的运用也是新 时期警务运行模式发展的必然趋势。 本文主要依据绩效考核理论,在深入剖析现行的考核制度并查找问题的基础上, 设计了沈阳市交警绩效考核方案,包括沈阳市交警绩效考核的目标、原则、方法、 步骤以及主要内容等,并对方案的实施提出了相应的保障措施,其目的是要建立交 通民警的考核标准,建立健全基于绩效考核的沈阳市交警激励机制,既要对交警的 德、能、勤、绩、廉等基本考核指标方面进行全方位的综合考核,又要将不同岗位 的交警的业务绩效作为重点,以实现不同岗位交警绩效的可比性,增强考核效果, 提高考核制度的实用性及可操作性。 关键词:人力资源管理;绩效管理;绩效考核 东北大学硕士学位报告 Abstract Design and Implementation on Performance Appraisal Plan of Shenyang Traffic Police Abstract With the deepening of reform and opening-up and the socialist market economy continues to develop, people living standard rises ceaselessly, the car has become the family daily necessities. However, the car explosion makes Shenyang city road traffic pressure more and more big, the attendant, public security traffic management authority responsibility becomes increasingly heavy, society from all walks of life to public security traffic management office work efficiency, law enforcement has also put forward higher requirements. Therefore, in order to adapt to the new situation, the new tasks of development, and continuously improve the overall quality of the traffic police team and fighting capacity, needs to be applied to the performance evaluation of the traffic police in the daily management, design of scientific performance assessment scheme, in the traffic police ranks in the formation of competitive selection, environment and atmosphere. At the same time, the scientific performance assessment in public security traffic management is also the new time police operation mode is the inevitable trend of development of. This paper on the basis of the theory of performance evaluation, in the deep analysis of the current evaluation system and find the problems on the basis of design, Shenyang city traffic police performance appraisal program, including the Shenyang city traffic police performance appraisal goals, principles, methods, steps and main contents, and the implementation of the related guarantee measures, its purpose is to to set up the traffic police assessment standards, establish a sound based on performance evaluation of Shenyang city traffic police incentive mechanism, both to the police moral, can, diligence, performance, cost and the basic assessment indicators for comprehensive examination, and different positions of the traffic police business performance as the focus, in order to achieve the different positions of traffic police performance of comparability, strengthen the evaluation effect, improve the appraisal system of practicality and operability. Key words: human resource management ; performance management ; performance appraisal n 东北大学硕士学位报告 目录 目录 m m i Abstract II S HI 第1章绪论 -1 “ 1.1选题背景与研究意义 -1 - 1.2 __研究现状 -2- 1.3本文的研究思路 -5- 1.4本文的研究方法 -6- 第2章绩效考M论観 —8- 2. 1绩效考核的内涵 -8- 2. 2绩效考核的作用 -8- 2. 3绩效考核的方法 -9- 第3章沈阳市交警及其绩效考核现状分析 -11 - 3.1沈阳市交警概况 -11- 3. 2沈阳市交通概况 -12- 3. 3沈阳市交警绩效考核现状 -13 - 第4章沈阳市交警绩效考核方案的设计 -17 - 4.1沈阳市交警绩效考核方案设计的指导思想 -17- 4.2沈阳市交警绩效考核方案设计的目标 -17- 4.3沈阳市交警绩效考核方案设计的原则 -18 - 4.4沈阳市交警绩效考核指标的设计 -19 - 4.5沈阳市交警绩效考核的评分办法 -50 - 4.6沈阳市交警绩效考核的组织与考核方式的确定 -50 - 4.7沈阳市交警绩效考核的工作要求与考核周期 -51 - 4.8沈阳市交警绩效考核结果的应用 -51 - 4.9沈阳市交警绩效考核结果的沟通 -52 - 第5章沈阳市交警绩效考核方案实施的保障措施 -54 - 5.1力争获得主管领导的支持 -54 - 5. 2建立体系支持型的组织文化 -55 - 5. 3建立健全基于绩效考核的沈阳市交警激励机制 -55 - 5. 4完善日常的绩效考核管理 -56- 第6章结束语 -58 -