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根据中烹协数据,2018 年第一季度,我国创造了大于 9000 亿元的餐饮营 业额,这一数值较 2017 年同期相比,增加了 10.8%。按照这一趋势发展,2018 年全年将会创造大于 5 万亿元的营业额 。也就是说,相比去年,今年还有 1 万 多亿元的增长,另一方面,餐饮业的月倒闭率高达 10%,年复合倒闭率超 100%, 仅北上广深线城市,半年时间就有 16 万家餐厅成了炮灰。餐饮业在这轮大浪 淘沙的“关店潮”中迎 来了“消费升级”拐点,一边是一些新兴的的餐饮品牌、 网红店人满为患,迅速扩张,一边是一些老牌的的餐饮企业、夫妻店门可罗雀, 关门歇业。餐饮行业已然过了一本万利的年代,每一位餐饮的经营者或者拟入 行者都 应该认识到经营环境的变化。本文以郑州的逅汉里餐饮项目作为研究的 切入点,同时结合相关的战略管理理论、管理学理论详细的分析了整体项目的 各个细节,在此基础上完善了整体的规划。本文以商业计划书作为表述的 主要 形式,在商业企划书里绘画了项目发展的雄伟蓝图,使得自身的创业信心有所增 强。此外还将实际的情况介绍给了风险投资者,希望可以为创业项目筹集到更多 的资金,也希望能对中小型餐饮企业的发展运营提供一个模 板。 首先,文中介绍了研究的背景与意义以及报告的思路与框架。其次,详细 介绍了逅汉里餐饮项目的概况、发展规划以及组织结构同时运用了 PEST 分析、 波特的五力分析模型以及 SWOT 分析法等分析了该项目所面临的 内部环境和外 部环境,阐述了该企业当前参与竞争所具备的优势和劣势,进而得出该项目发 展环境广阔且投资基础良好的结论。最后运用的了财务分析方法对项目进行了 财务预算跟收益分析,对存在的风险作出了预测以及 定性、定量分析,得出结 果该项目的净现值为 226.1 万元,内部报酬率为 98% 静态回收期为六个月,该 项目具有良好的投资前景,所以该项目的实施具备盈利性和可行性。 关键词,可行性分析; 快餐;餐饮行业;商业计 划书;连锁 II Abstract According to the data of the Chinese Cooking Association, in the first quarter of 2018, China created more than 900 billion yuan of catering turnover, which increased by 10.8% compared with the same period in 2017. According to this trend, more than 5 trillion yuan will be generated in 2018. That is to say, compared with last year, this year has a growth of more than 100 billion yuan. On the other hand, the monthly closure rate of catering industry is as high as 10%, and the annual compound closure rate is over 100%. In the northern Guangzhou-Shenzhen line cities alone, 160,000 restaurants have become cannon fodder in half a year. Food and beverage industry has ushered in the inflection point of consumption upgrading in this wave of closing shop tide. On the one hand, some new catering brands and online Red shops are overcrowded and expanding rapidly. On the other hand, some old catering enterprises and couples'shops are closing down and closing down. Food and beverage industry has passed a profit-making era. Every restaurant operator or prospective entrant should be aware of the changes in the business environment. In this paper, Zhengzhou's Erhanli catering project as the starting point of the study, and combined with the relevant strategic management theory, management theory, detailed analysis of the details of the overall project, on this basis, improve the overall planning. In this paper, the business plan as the main form of expression, in the business plan to draw a grand blueprint for project development, so that their entrepreneurial confidence has been enhanced. In addition, the actual situation will be introduced to venture investors, hoping to raise more funds for entrepreneurship projects, but also hope to provide a template for the development and operation of small and medium-sized catering enterprises. First, it introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the train of thought and framework. Secondly, the general situation, development planning and organizational structure of Yuehanli catering project are introduced in detail. Meanwhile, the internal and external environments faced by the project are analyzed by PEST analysis, Porter's five-force analysis model and SWOT analysis method. The advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise's current participation III in competition are expounded, and the results are obtained. The conclusion is that the project has broad development environment and good investment foundation. Finally, the financial analysis method is used to analyze the financial budget and income of the project. The existing risks are forecasted and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The result shows that the net present value of the project is 2261,000 yuan, the internal rate of return is 98% and the static payback period is six months. The project has a good investment prospect, so the project has a good investment prospect. The implementation is profitable and feasible. Key words, innovation; fast food; catering industry ;business plan IV 目 录 第一 章 引言............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景 ...............................................1 第二节 研究意义 ...............................................2 第三节 研究 思路与框架 .........................................3 第二章 项目简介......................................... 4 第一节 公司简介 ...............................................4 第二节 逅汉里餐饮连 锁项目介绍 .................................5 一 产品及服务 ..................................................... 5 二 项目选址 ....................................................... 6 三 项目规划 ....................................................... 8 第三节 本章小节 ...............................................8 第三章 项目的组织与管理................................. 9 第一节 项目团队 的组成和组织机构的设置 .........................9 一 组织架构 ....................................................... 9 二 管理团队 ...................................................... 10 三 人员 的配置与职责 .............................................. 10 第二节 人力资源管理 ..........................................18 一 招聘 .......................................................... 18 二 薪酬福利 ...................................................... 19 三 员工激励 ...................................................... 19 四 培训与发展 .................................................... 22 第三节 本章小节 ..............................................23 第四章 逅汉里餐饮连锁项目市场分析...................... 24 第一节 宏观环境分 析 ..........................................24 一 政策环境 ...................................................... 24 V 二 经济环境 ...................................................... 25 三 文化 环境 ...................................................... 28 四 技术环境 ...................................................... 28 第二节 竞争结构分析 ..........................................30 一 直接竞争者——传统的同品类的街边店,快餐店 .................... 30 二 替代品的替代能力 .............................................. 31 三 潜在竞争者进入的能力 .......................................... 32 四 供应商的讨价还价能力 .......................................... 33 五 购买者的讨价还价能力 .......................................... 33 第三节 SWOT 分析..............................................34 一 优势 .......................................................... 34 二 劣势 .......................................................... 35 三 机会 .......................................................... 35 四 威胁 .......................................................... 36 五 组合分析 ...................................................... 37 第四节 SWOT 分析..............................................37 第五章 市场营销........................................ 38 第一节 市场细分 与目标市场选择 ................................38 第二节 市场定位和差异化 ......................................39 第三节 本章小节 ..............................................40 第六章 财务分析与 融资计划.............................. 41 第一节 财务投资预测与评估 ....................................41 一 投资计划与估算明细 ............................................ 41 二 项目收入预测 .................................................. 42 三 成本及费用估算 ................................................ 43 四 财务分析 ...................................................... 44 五 项目效益评价 .................................................. 45 VI 第二节 融资计划与退出方式 ....................................46 一 融资方案设计 .................................................. 46 二 融资方案评价与实施保障 ........................................ 46 三 退出方式 ...................................................... 48 第 三节 本章小结 ..............................................48 第七章 项目风险分析与对策.............................. 49 第一节 风险定量分析 ..........................................49 一 单因素 敏感性分析 .............................................. 49 二 多因素敏感性分析 .............................................. 50 第二节 风险定性分析 ..........................................51 一 政策风险 ...................................................... 51 二 管理风险 ...................................................... 51 三 金融风险 ...................................................... 53 四 竞争风险 ...................................................... 53 五 不可抗力等其他风险 ............................................ 54 第三节 本章总结 ..............................................54 第八章 总结............................................ 55