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In this context, a large number of coal import trade enterprises emerged, China's coal import trade industry has become a fully competitive market. In recent years, with the deepening of China's economic restructuring, it is difficult for enterprises engaged in coal imports to change the difficult situation. From the upstream side, the concentration of foreign mines is relatively high, so it is difficult for importers to gain a voice in the negotiation price; From the downstream users, the state's achievements in adjusting the economic development structure are emerging. Traditional manufacturing enterprises are facing problems of elimination, including large steel and power plants. Moreover, they have a tendencytoincreasetheproportionofdomesticcoalprocurementinrecent years,which makes the imported coal market space will be squeezed again. CompanyAis a whollyownedsubsidiaryof alocal state-ownedinvestment group. Theybegin toinvolvein coaltradingbusinessin2016.Althoughthecompanyhasmade great effort in business volume in more than two years of development, but they also exposed some problems such as loss of customers, business disputes, difficulties in repayment and so on. Therefore, it is of great significance for the sustainable development of CompanyAto studythe strategies for improving customer relationship management. Guided by the theory of CRM, this paper takes the imported coal business of Company A as a case study, and explores the solution of customer relationship management applicable to the CompanyA.Inaddition, through the describe of company A's currentcoalimportbusiness,foundthattherearesomeproblemsrelatedtocustomer relationship management. In fact, the core of CRM focus on how to create value for customers. The more value enterprises create for customers, the higher customer satisfaction and loyalty; accordingly, customers can create more benefits for enterprises. Based on this, according to the theory of Customer Value, the author classifies the existing customers of Company A, and puts forward the strategy of differentiation on the basis of the classification results. In addition, this paper also proposes that the implementation of the improvement strategyshould be guaranteed from four aspects: organization, system, talent, technology. Therelevantmethods andconclusionsinthispapercanbeappliedtothemarketing practice of coal trade industry, especially for coal importers. KEYWORD: Coal;Import Trade;CRM;目 录 第 1 章 绪 论 ...................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ................................................1 1.2 研究目的和方法 ................................................2 1.2.1 研究目的 ..................................................2 1.2.1 研究方法...................................................2 1.3 研究内容与框架 ................................................3 1.3.1 主要内容...................................................3 1.3.2 研究框架...................................................3 1.4 主要特色与不足 ................................................5 第 2 章 客户关系管理的内涵与相关理论 ............................... 6 2.1 客户关系管理的演变与内涵 ......................................6 2.2 客户价值的内涵与驱动因素 ......................................8 2.3 客户类型与客户满意度 .........................................10 2.5 基于 4R 理论的客户关系管理策略 ................................13 2.5 相关理论启示 .................................................15 第 3 章 中国煤炭业进口贸易环境 .................................... 17 3.1 中国煤炭市场概述 .............................................17 3.1.1 煤炭基本概念 .............................................17 3.1.2 中国煤炭市场供需形势......................................18 3.2 中国进口煤贸易概况 ...........................................20 3.2.1 主要来源国 ...............................................21 3.2.2 消费特征 .................................................22 3.2.3 价格影响因素及其定价机制 .................................24 3.2.4 市场总体趋势 .............................................26 3.3 本章小结 .....................................................27 第 4 章 A 进口煤炭公司下游客户关系管理现状 ......................... 28 4.1 A 进口煤炭公司背景 ...........................................28 4.1.1 公司简介..................................................28 4.1.2 组织架构..................................................28 4.2 A 公司进口煤业务现状 .........................................29 4.2.1 上游采购..................................................30 4.2.2 下游客户销售及客户关系管理现状............................32 4.3 客户关系管理的主要问题 .......................................36 4.4 本章小结 .....................................................39 第 5 章 A 公司进口煤下游客户关系管理改进 ........................... 40 5.1 总体思路 .....................................................40 5.2 基于客户价值的客户分类 .......................................41 5.2.1 当前价值的计算 ...........................................42 5.2.2 潜在价值的计算............................................435.2.3 客户价值综合评价..........................................45 5.3 基于客户分类的差异化管理 .....................................46 5.3.1 关联策略..................................................46 5.3.2 反应策略..................................................48 5.3.3 关系策略..................................................49 5.3.4 回报策略..................................................49 5.4 开发潜在目标客户 .............................................50 5.4.1 潜在客户的识别............................................50 5.4.2 潜在客户的开发建议........................................53 5.5 本章小结 .....................................................55 第 6 章 A 公司进口煤下游客户关系管理实施的保障 ..................... 56 6.1 组织保障 .....................................................56 6.2 制度保障 .....................................................58 6.3 人才保障 .....................................................59 6.4 技术保障 .....................................................60 6.5 本章小结 .....................................................62 第 7 章 总结与展望 ................................................ 63 7.1 研究结论 .....................................................63 7.2 展望 .........................................................64